Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Spanner Sword
Plushie 2013년 4월 21일 오전 11시 07분
Creator please read this (we just got an amazing idea for this sword :D)
If you saw and read the discussion on the spanner sword you were able to see that we had a lot of ideas about this having a different sentry kind of like the gunslinger so if you could make (if you find the time) a sentry for this melle and maybe look at the stats and you will see our idea on the sentry stats and use those ideas on the design :)
Plushie 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 4월 21일 오전 11시 07분
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invisibleStuff  [개발자] 2013년 4월 21일 오전 11시 38분 
I will consider this, but I'm not quite sure what the sentry would look like. I've been trying to create functioning and original sentries for a while without much success.
Also, I already have some concepts in the works, so this wont be my top priority.
Plushie 2013년 4월 21일 오후 12시 02분 
appreciate your interest :)
Hungry Senata 2013년 4월 21일 오후 7시 18분 
How about a super tuff sentry with more helth than outher sentrys, like a tank kind of sentry purhaps.
MagicalMonkey100 2013년 4월 22일 오전 6시 20분 
how about the wrench does heaps of damage but all of the building can level up to lvl 2
Vel 2013년 4월 22일 오후 12시 44분 
The sentry should be avalible in midevil mode, so I sugest that the sentry be primarily made of wood and stone, fire arrows(as in shot, not fire as in pyro.), and be tougher then a normal lv2 sentry, but not a lv3, None upgradable, and slow building and slow firing( this would balence out the game mode aforementioned as to NOT make it unfathiblely hard on the attackers, but make it harder for them to win then it is now.)

And those are all my ideas.
Plushie 2013년 4월 23일 오전 12시 09분 
it should totaly be a crossbow sentry with like wooden wheels and slow forong but a ton of damage with headshots
ThatOneOwl 2013년 4월 23일 오후 4시 17분 
The Caretaker 2013년 4월 23일 오후 5시 54분 
alot of people seem to be leaning towards the crossbow sentry. lets spitball ideas about that around. my idea is that it has a large range (but obviously cant target behind walls and shoot over it) and it sends a small barrage of arrows with a couple of degrees projectile deviation it can still only taret one person and since it fires arrows and not bullets it cant insta hit which is why it has a barrage. so the stats could be like this:

+20% damage
+10% sentry health
-15% swing speed
--replaces sentry with a crossbow sentry made of wood (vulnerable to fire) that can fire over long distances in a barrage of arrows

again just spitballing, everyone else can probably come up with something better.
emerald 2013년 4월 23일 오후 7시 23분 
I really like the idea of a new sentry. And maybe that would stop all those Gunslinger engies too, giving them a new toy to play with. I'll give my stats in the stats section, so will keep this strictly about the sentry (gentlementle had a great idea that I'll use to put my two cents in).

The sentry should be a crossbow made of wood and be vulnerable to fire. It should build slower and fire slower, but have more health and cause more damage, maybe by certain percentages (-30% build and fire rate, +30% health and damage or whatever). I also like the idea of it having more range. As for the upgrades:

Level 1: Small crossbow that shoots once per second.
Level 2: Large crossbow that shoots thrice per second with more damage.
Level 3: Adds bucket of fire in front and makes fire arrows; thrice per second and lights target on fire.

If this is the sentry, do you think every engineer should be able to upgrade it? Or only engies with this wrench?
Storm 2013년 4월 23일 오후 8시 09분 
I guess I'm gonna work on the crossbow sentry idea.
Alright, the sentry should be slightly bigger than mini sentry but not as big as the regular sentry. It should be made of wood at level 1, and slowly progress up. The gun part would be a crossbow, of course. I could draw it out on paper and show the design I have in mind, if you want. Anyways, onto stats.

All Levels: Sapping it takes 50% more time, but when being sapped, the sentry loses all its ammo (like, the ammo is melted from the sapper or something). It takes about 20% longer to build than a normal sentry. The sentry does not get a shield from the Wrangler.

Level 1: Small crossbow shooting one arrow per second. The sentry is made of wood and is 50% more vulnerable to fire. It only has 80 health.

Level 2: Sentry now has stone supports, and the crossbow now fires 2 bolts every 1.5. It is only 30% more vulnerable to fire. It only has 150 health.

Level 3: Sentry has a metal crossbow and has stone supports. Crossbow fires 3 bolts every 1.7 seconds. It has 180 health. It also has a bucket with burning wood in it that gives an arrow a 50% chance of lighting on fire.
Storm 2013년 4월 23일 오후 8시 12분 
To balance the stats, the arrows do 20% less damage than bullets. The sentry can be built in Medieval Mode.
invisibleStuff  [개발자] 2013년 4월 23일 오후 8시 27분 
nexrok/blazeultimo님이 먼저 게시:
My imagination is far too vivid for this concept. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the thought of a scout being decapitated by this sentrygator :P

In all seriouslyness, I really like the idea of a crossbow-sentry. I don't think it would be for the Spanner Sword itself, but i think I may have a concept or two to go with this sentry. I'm gonna go ahead and delay what I was working on to try and make this happen c:
emerald 2013년 4월 23일 오후 8시 29분 
Thank you, developer, for being magical and awesome like lucky charms.
invisibleStuff  [개발자] 2013년 4월 23일 오후 8시 46분 
Captain Emerald님이 먼저 게시:
Thank you, developer, for being magical and awesome like lucky charms.
Does this mean I am delicious part of balanced breakfast? :D
Plushie 2013년 4월 23일 오후 11시 21분 
finnaly some people that take ♥♥♥♥ seriously not write stupid comments and i like all of the ideas you guys have said maybe we should kind of combine the stats ?
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