Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

[DST] Legion
ALiu 2024년 4월 25일 오후 3시 55분
专用服务器单开棱镜mod时报错无法启动 日志如下
System Memory:
Memory Load: 38%
Available Physical Memory: 7544m/12244m
Available Page File: 12771m/20436m
Available Virtual Memory: 134213507m/134217727m
Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
Peak Working Set Size: 12m
Working Set Size: 12m
Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 187k
Quota Page Pool Usage: 187k
Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:13k
Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 12k
Page File Usage: 3m
Peak Page File Usage: 3m
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/Master/
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 601983
[00:00:00]: Current time: Fri Apr 26 06:52:07 2024

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 601983 WIN32
[00:00:00]: Build Date: 2562
[00:00:00]: Mode: 64-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -cluster NEW_gezi006 -console -shard Master -ugc_directory ../gzmod
[00:00:00]: [WARNING] -console has been deprecated: Use the [MISC] / console_enabled setting instead.
[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
[00:00:00]: ...Done
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (11608)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:3.41
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(10999, 27016)
[00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
[00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:00]: Platform: 1
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Klei\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server\bin64\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer_x64.exe is enabled in the firewall.
[00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (13628)
[00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/cluster_token.txt
[00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/cluster_token.txt
[00:00:00]: HardwareStats:
name Microsoft Windows 10 专业版
version 10.0.19045
platformSpecific SP 0.0
architecture 64 位
clockSpeed 3600
name Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-9100F CPU @ 3.60GHz
manufacturer GenuineIntel
numCores 4
features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
megsOfRam 12288
megsOfRam 4095
videoModeDescription 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 种颜色
name NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
driverDate 20240312000000.000000-000
refreshRate 60

[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:00]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:00]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:00]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉
[00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食
[00:00:02]: Running main.lua

[00:00:02]: loaded modindex
[00:00:02]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.

[00:00:02]: [Workshop] Item query page 0, size: 1, total size: 1
[00:00:02]: [Workshop] Item query queued IDs: 1392778117
[00:00:02]: [Workshop] Item query sent
[00:00:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 1, matching: 1
[00:00:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:00:03]: [Workshop] ModQuery already have IDs: {7.4.2,1392778117}
[00:00:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:03]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:00:03]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua
[00:00:03]: modoverrides.lua enabling workshop-1392778117
[00:00:03]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting forcedmoddir, workshop-1392778117
[00:00:03]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1392778117_CLIENT
[00:00:03]: Loading mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Version:7.4.2
[00:00:03]: applying configuration_options from modoverrides.lua to mod workshop-1392778117
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option RevolvedUpdateTimes with value 10
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option PhoenixRebirthCycle with value 7200
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option BetterCookBook with value true
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option FestivalRecipes with value false
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option SivFeaDamage with value 26
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option FoliageathChance with value 0.01
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option X_pestRisk with value 0.007
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option X_growthTime with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option TechUnlock with value prototyper
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option HiddenUpdateTimes with value 20
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option SivingRootTex with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option AutoStackedLoot with value false
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option SivSolToMedal with value true
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option TissueBerriesChance with value 0.01
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option RoseBushSpacing with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option TissueCactusChance with value 0.05
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option DressUp with value true
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option SivFeaThrowedNum with value 5
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option Language with value chinese
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option TransTimeSpec with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option FlowerWeaponsChance with value 0.03
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option SivFeaHealthCost with value 1.5
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option ShieldRechargeTime with value 0
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option BackCubChance with value 0.7
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option RefractedUpdateTimes with value 14
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option TransTimeCrop with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option X_overripeTime with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option DigestedItemMsg with value true
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option AgronRechargeTime with value 0
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option OrchidBushSpacing with value 2
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option PhoenixBattleDifficulty with value 2
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option LilyBushSpacing with value 1
[00:00:03]: Overriding mod workshop-1392778117's option MouseInfo with value 1
[00:00:03]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:03]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/languages/strings_chinese.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/datafix_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/postinit_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/sgactions_legoin.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/techtrees_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/recipes_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/containers_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/fengl_userdatahook.lua
[00:00:03]: UserDataHookLoad 3 ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/fengl_userdatahook.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/dressup_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1392778117/scripts/niks_legion.lua
[00:00:03]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs
[00:00:04]: Registering Server mod namespace "legionmsg"
[00:00:04]: Registering Server mod namespace "legionskin"
[00:00:04]: Registering Client mod namespace "legionmsg"
[00:00:04]: Registering Client mod namespace "legionskin"
[00:00:04]: Registering Shard mod namespace "legionskin"
[00:00:04]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
[00:00:04]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
[00:00:04]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences
[00:00:04]: ConsoleScreenSettings could not load consolescreen
[00:00:04]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:04]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:04]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:04]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:04]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefabs
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/bush_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) rosebush
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) lilybush
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) orchidbush
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) neverfadebush
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/items_legion
[00:00:06]: error calling LoadPrefabFile in mod workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜):
[string "scripts/util.lua"]:624: Could not find an asset matching anim/ in any of the search paths.
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C] in function 'assert'
scripts/util.lua(624,1) in function 'resolvefilepath'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(121,1) in function 'resolve_fn'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(109,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabsImpl'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(140,1) in function 'RegisterSinglePrefab'
=(tail call) ?
=[C] in function 'xpcall'
scripts/mods.lua(663,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabs'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(248,1) in function 'LoadAssets'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/saveindex.lua(285,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1323,1) in function 'callback'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1747,1) in function 'Set'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1585,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1322,1) in main chunk
=[C] in function 'require'
[00:00:06]: Disabling workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) because it had an error.
[00:00:06]: [string "scripts/util.lua"]:624: Could not find an asset matching anim/ in any of the search paths.
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C] in function 'assert'
scripts/util.lua(624,1) in function 'resolvefilepath'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(121,1) in function 'resolve_fn'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(109,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabsImpl'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(140,1) in function 'RegisterSinglePrefab'
=(tail call) ?
=[C] in function 'xpcall'
scripts/mods.lua(663,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabs'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(248,1) in function 'LoadAssets'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/saveindex.lua(285,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1323,1) in function 'callback'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1747,1) in function 'Set'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1585,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1322,1) in main chunk
=[C] in function 'require'
[00:00:06]: [string "scripts/util.lua"]:624: Could not find an asset matching anim/ in any of the search paths.
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C] in function 'assert'
scripts/util.lua(624,1) in function 'resolvefilepath'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(121,1) in function 'resolve_fn'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(109,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabsImpl'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(140,1) in function 'RegisterSinglePrefab'
=(tail call) ?
=[C] in function 'xpcall'
scripts/mods.lua(663,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabs'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(248,1) in function 'LoadAssets'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/saveindex.lua(285,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1323,1) in function 'callback'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1747,1) in function 'Set'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1585,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1322,1) in main chunk
=[C] in function 'require'
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/euip_head_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) hat_lichen
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) lichenhatlight
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) hat_cowboy
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) hat_elepheetle
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_mask
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_mask_gold
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/euip_hand_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) neverfade
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) rosorns
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) lileaves
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) orchitwigs
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) book_weather
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) pinkstaff
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_axe
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dualwrench
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) tripleshovelaxe
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) triplegoldenshovelaxe
< >
4개 댓글 중 1-4개 표시
ALiu 2024년 4월 25일 오후 3시 56분 
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) lance_carrot_l
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_tomahawksteak
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_tomahawksteak_spice_garlic
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_tomahawksteak_spice_sugar
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_tomahawksteak_spice_chili
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_tomahawksteak_spice_salt
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/euip_body_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) backcub
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sachet
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) armor_elepheetle
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) boltwingout_shuck
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) boltwingout
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_suit
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_suit_gold
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/fx_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shield_attack_l_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_lovingrosecake1_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_lovingrosecake2_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dish_lovingrosecake_s2_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) impact_orchid_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) impact_orchid_fx_disguiser
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) impact_orchid_fx_marble
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) neverfade_shield
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) rosorns_collector_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) rosorns_marble_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) agronssword_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) agronssword_fx_taste
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) refracted_l_wave_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) refracted_l_skylight_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) refracted_l_light_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) refracted_l_spark_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) refracted_l_spark_taste_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) revolvedmoonlight_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) escapinggerms_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) residualspores_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_cracklebase_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_axe_collector_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_axe_collector2_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_axe_collector3_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_teleport_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) fimbul_explode_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) guitar_miguel_float_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) explode_fruitcake
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) icire_rock_fx_day
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) eleccore_spark_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) eleccore_spark_fx_tale
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) icire_rock_fx_collector
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) guitar_whitewood_doing_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) pinkstaff_fx_tvplay
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) boltwingout_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) boltwingout_fx_disguiser
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) life_trans_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_boss_flower_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_boss_taunt_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_boss_caw_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_boss_thorns_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_thetree_unlock_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_egg_hatched_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_turn_unlock_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_turn_collector_unlock_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_turn_future_unlock_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_turn_future2_unlock_fx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_feather_real_collector_flyfx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_feather_fake_collector_flyfx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sivfea_real_collector_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sivfea_fake_collector_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sivmask_era_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sivmask_era2_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_forest_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_savanna_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_deciduous_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_marsh_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_grass_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_rocky_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_desert_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_moon_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) kitcoon_yot_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) crow_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) robin_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) robin_winter_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) canary_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) quagmire_pigeon_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) puffin_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) bird_mutant_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) bird_mutant_spitter_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buzzard_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) smallbird_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) poop_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) guano_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) spoiled_food_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) tallbirdegg1_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) tallbirdegg2_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) tallbirdegg3_l_fofx
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/buffs_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_batdisguise
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_bestappetite
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_butterflysblessing
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_healthstorage
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_sporeresistance
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_strengthenhancer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_attackreduce
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) debuff_panicvolcano
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_oilflow
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_hungerretarder
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) debuff_magicwarble
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_treehalo
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_radiantskin
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_l_fireproof
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) buff_l_sivbloodreduce
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/shield_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shield_l_sand
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shield_l_log
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shieldterror_fire
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) agronssword
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/carpet_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_whitewood
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_whitewood_big
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_plush
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_plush_big
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/placer_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cutted_rosebush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cutted_lilybush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cutted_orchidbush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dug_rosebush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dug_lilybush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dug_orchidbush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) neverfade_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_derivant_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_soil_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_turn_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cutted_lumpyevergreen_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_log_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_plantmeat_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_garlic_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_tomato_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_dragonfruit_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_pumpkin_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_pepper_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_pineananas_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_eggplant_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_durian_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_corn_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_onion_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_pomegranate_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_watermelon_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_berries_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_cactus_meat_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_carrot_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_mandrake_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_asparagus_l_placer
ALiu 2024년 4월 25일 오후 3시 56분 
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_potato_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) seeds_gourd_l_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_ctlwater_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_ctldirt_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) siving_ctlall_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) dug_monstrain_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) web_hump_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_whitewood_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_whitewood_big_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_plush_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) carpet_plush_big_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerry_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) mat_whitewood_item_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) chest_whitewood_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) chest_whitewood_big_placer
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/worldbox_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cloudpine_box_l1
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cloudpine_box_l2
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cloudpine_box_l3
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) cloudpine_box_l4
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/neverfade_butterfly
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) neverfade_butterfly
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/shyerries
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrymanager
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrytree1
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrytree2
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrytree3
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrytree4
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerryflower
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrytree1_planted
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) shyerrytree3_planted
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/sand_spike_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sandspike_short_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sandspike_med_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sandspike_tall_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) sandspike_legion
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/whitewoods
[00:00:06]: error calling LoadPrefabFile in mod workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜):
[string "scripts/util.lua"]:624: Could not find an asset matching anim/ in any of the search paths.
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C] in function 'assert'
scripts/util.lua(624,1) in function 'resolvefilepath'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(121,1) in function 'resolve_fn'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(109,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabsImpl'
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(140,1) in function 'RegisterSinglePrefab'
=(tail call) ?
=[C] in function 'xpcall'
scripts/mods.lua(663,1) in function 'RegisterPrefabs'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(248,1) in function 'LoadAssets'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/saveindex.lua(285,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1323,1) in function 'callback'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1747,1) in function 'Set'
=[C] in function 'GetPersistentString'
scripts/playerprofile.lua(1585,1) in function 'Load'
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1322,1) in main chunk
=[C] in function 'require'
[00:00:06]: Disabling workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) because it had an error.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1392778117 ([DST] 棱镜) Registering prefab file: prefabs/siving_base_legion
[00:00:06]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:06]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:06]: Available disk space for save files: 54656 MB
[00:00:06]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:06]: Reset() returning
[00:00:07]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:00:07]: Cached userid (null) saved to APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/NEW_gezi006/Master/save/cached_userid
[00:00:07]: Received (KU_H7WELQOp) from TokenPurpose
[00:00:07]: Starting Dedicated Server Game
[00:00:07]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:07]: About to start a server with the following settings:
[00:00:07]: Dedicated: true
[00:00:07]: Online: true
[00:00:07]: Passworded: false
[00:00:07]: ServerPort: 10999
[00:00:07]: SteamAuthPort: 8766
[00:00:07]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27016
[00:00:07]: ClanID: false
[00:00:07]: ClanOnly: false
[00:00:07]: ClanAdmin: false
[00:00:07]: LanOnly: false
[00:00:07]: FriendsOnly: false
[00:00:07]: EnableAutosaver: true
[00:00:07]: EncodeUserPath: true
[00:00:07]: PVP: false
[00:00:07]: MaxPlayers: 6
[00:00:07]: GameMode: survival
[00:00:07]: OverridenDNS:
[00:00:07]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
[00:00:07]: IdleTimeout: 1800s
[00:00:07]: VoteEnabled: true
[00:00:07]: InternetBroadcasting: true
[00:00:07]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall.
[00:00:07]: Online Server Started on port: 10999
[00:00:07]: ERROR: Failed to load modoverrides.lua
[00:00:07]: ERROR: Failed to load ../leveldataoverride.lua
[00:00:07]: Not applying level data overrides.
[00:00:07]: Not applying world gen overrides.
[00:00:08]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:08]: lua_gc took 0.07 seconds
[00:00:08]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:00:08]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:00:08]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:00:08]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:00:08]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:00:08]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:08]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted.
[00:00:08]: lua_close took 0.12 seconds
[00:00:08]: ReleaseAll
[00:00:08]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:00:08]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:08]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:08]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:08]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:08]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:08]: DoLuaFile Error running lua file scripts/main.lua:
[00:00:08]: Error loading main.lua
[00:00:08]: Failed mSimulation->Reset()
[00:00:08]: Error during game restart!
[00:00:47]: [Shard] Stopping shard mode
[00:00:47]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for ''
[00:00:47]: Collecting garbage...
[00:00:47]: lua_gc took 0.00 seconds
[00:00:47]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:00:47]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:00:47]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:00:47]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:00:47]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:00:47]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:00:47]: lua_close took 0.00 seconds
[00:00:47]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
[00:00:47]: HttpClient2 discarded 0 callbacks.
[00:00:47]: Shutting down
龙猫不吃肉 2024년 4월 27일 오후 10시 50분 
咬一口星星奶酪 2024년 5월 31일 오전 4시 54분 
< >
4개 댓글 중 1-4개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50