Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Support Company Expansion 1.10 - OLD
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
SacredRebirth  [developer] 23 Oct, 2021 @ 5:28am

"Will you make a _____ compatible version?"
No, I don't use any total conversion mods. My time is spent on my own personal mods that I release for others to enjoy. However, there is a R56 submod.

"Can you add _____ support company?"
-If it is already a unit in the game, at my discretion I would be willing to. This is totally dependent on my availability.
-If it is a new unit you're asking my to create, at my discretion I might be willing to. It depends on on how historical it is and if the game allows the abilities it would add. I can not make a unit that can walk on water or teleport or boost research speed.
-If it is already in another mod, at my and the original mod's creator's discretion I might be willing to.

"This mod isn't compatible!!!!"
Yep. Anything that changes land doctrines, support companies, division designer, and maybe more won't work.
-Will you fix this???
The maybe more part, I may see if I can't fix that in the future, but no promises.

"This mod is broken!!!!!!!!"
THE MOD IS NOT BROKEN. On the off chance it is, I'm currently working on fixing it. The more likely scenario is that either, the PDX launcher (which is garbage) didn't implement it correctly, or you're using an incompatible mod that is wreaking havoc on your game.

"I don't like this stat."
Make your case and I might update it.

"Can I use your mod in my mod?"
personal unpublished mod - what you do personally on your computer is between you and God, but if you need my permission, yes. If you're editing someone else's mod that you aren't going to publish, same answer.
implementation in a published mod - If you link my mod in the description, yes.
R56, Kaisereich, etc. - DM me.
My mod, but with your own personal stats (published) - no, do not take my mod and re-stat it and publish it.

Localisation help.
I only speak English, so if you want me to put it in your language, I can, but only with your help.
Last edited by SacredRebirth; 24 Oct, 2021 @ 4:28am