Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

Kolonienamen in der Neuen Welt
bug report
Hi I’m on my phone and I couldn’t comment so I started this thread, maybe others can use it in the future 🙂
I have a bug, almost all of the map, including the sea zones and new world provinces get discovered by everyone in April 1462.
I reckon it’s a bug because I’m also running extended timeline, even though I’ve the compatibility thing you showed in your video. This has never happened before while running only extended timeline. I think it’s worth mentioning that I also have a bug with extended time, where at least one province in both continents in new world and one in Australia (Wudjari) is discovered by everyone at the beginning of the game (1444)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Benito; 5. Juli 2018 um 23:42
< >
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Benito 5. Juli 2018 um 23:41 sorry for bad quality :p
Cwrwi  [Entwickler] 6. Juli 2018 um 11:33 
Thank you for bug report. Can I ask what your checksum is? Could you also please make a save now in case I need the file later. I will add you to discuss through chat :)
checksum is 39a3, I have a save file on the date that the "Discovery" happened. where would you like me to upload it to ?
Cwrwi  [Entwickler] 7. Juli 2018 um 8:11 
Checksum 39a3 means the mod is not enabled- did you read that from the launcher or the main menu of the game? The launcher one is always calculated without mods.
Benito 8. Juli 2018 um 22:50 
It’s 9d8d :)
Cwrwi  [Entwickler] 10. Juli 2018 um 11:28 
I've tried to recreate this issue and I just can't. I'm 98.5% sure that it's not a bug with New World Colony Names, because none of the files that affect discovery are changed. Are you sure you've followed the video exactly, especially the bit about deleting the colonial_regions folder? That can make ET go haywire if left in and might explain it, but given the very specific nature of your bug report and the fact that other tell-tale signs (colonial regions appearing almost randomly all over the world) don't feature I am assuming you have.

To be sure, is the only folder in aanwdpn/common called province_names?
Benito 11. Juli 2018 um 2:23 
Yes, its the only folder. I also assumed that its a bug within ET. I've reported it to them, hopfully they'll fix it soon :)
(its doesn't bother me that much anyway) thanks :D
Cwrwi  [Entwickler] 11. Juli 2018 um 4:29 
That's probably the best course of action- as I say, I can't think of any way that NWCN could cause this bug and I've not been able to recreate it here. Sorry not to have been of more help and I hope it's resolved for you soon!
Benito 16. Juli 2018 um 8:10 
Just out of curiosity, will you be adding names for non European cultures too ? I often play as Japan and colonise Australia New Zealand and east America. I know it’s hard but it’d be cool :)
Cwrwi  [Entwickler] 16. Juli 2018 um 12:06 
No culture is off limits- in a perfect world every old world culture, from Norwegian to Kongolese to Japanese would be added. However, new cultures can only be added either with help from other users (which has already produced much of the mod you see today) or very, very slowly. If you have any knowledge of any language that doesn't currently have a list, let me know!
Getting a couple of names like this in the new version:
Cwrwi  [Entwickler] 16. Nov. 2019 um 12:51 
@Bradeurs thank you for the report. Which other mods are you running?
@Cwrwi A number of other mods, though I dont think thats the cause since I managed to fix it locally by just removing the "_nwcn" from the localisation in the files.
Sven 27. Juni 2020 um 16:10 
Having the issue of, the mod keeps stating its "missing descriptor file"
< >
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