Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Relative Top Speed
Gauge  [dév.] 22 janv. 2020 à 10h49
Config Help
Please post a copy of your config and any questions you may have and I will do my best to answer.
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Would you happen to know how to edit config of a dedicated server? I don't seem to have access to an %appdata% folder.
Gauge  [dév.] 23 mars 2020 à 10h26 
For dedicated servers it will be in the save folder where your world files are. so something like this if you are using Torch.

"torch-server\Instance\Saves\(Game Save)\Storage\999999_rts\RelativeTopSpeed.cfg"
I have configured the RTS file and am not seeing any difference in-game. The location of the file is not where the mod-page says it would be, it is instead located at AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Storage\1359618037.sbm_RTS\RelativeTopSpeed.cfg. There is no "Storage" file in any of my save game folders, both old and new saves.

Edit: I should note that in-game when using the chat commands they display the correct configuration I set up in the file. It is just that the ships still do not travel any fast than 120 m/s.

Edit: Apparently using the "/rts load" command solve the problem. Does this mod not automatically load its settings into a new world? Do the settings have to be loaded every time a save is opened and played?
Dernière modification de Vatruvius; 26 mars 2020 à 10h47
Gauge  [dév.] 26 mars 2020 à 14h36 
Setting a higher Speed/Boost limit will not change the over all performance of the grid. It will allow grids with more thrust to go faster up to the cap. If you want to change how much boost an average ship gets you need to decrease the "Resistance Multiplier". If you set it to 0.5 you will notice a significant difference.
Gauge a écrit :
Setting a higher Speed/Boost limit will not change the over all performance of the grid. It will allow grids with more thrust to go faster up to the cap. If you want to change how much boost an average ship gets you need to decrease the "Resistance Multiplier". If you set it to 0.5 you will notice a significant difference.
This makes sense and can help with an new problem I have encountered. However, my original question was not answered so I will try to explain it better.

The default world ship speed settings for the mod have been saved higher than is default. When creating a new world those settings are not loaded until the "/rts load" command is used then ships will have the new speed limits applied. When experimenting with this I found that if the settings for the mod are changed after a world has been created that world is using the old settings and will not update to the new settings. Am I missing something or is this a limitation to what the mod can do and adjustments to the config file should be tested and finalized before an investment into a world is committed?
Gauge  [dév.] 26 mars 2020 à 16h52 
Ah, sorry about that. I have an answer for you.

1. There was a bug that kept the world storage config file from saving i pushed an update that fixes it.
2. It seems that SE no longer allows realtime editing of the speed limit. Simply restarting the session after the speed limit has been changed.

NOTE: There are now two config the global one you have been editing and the world config file:
Gauge a écrit :
Ah, sorry about that. I have an answer for you.

1. There was a bug that kept the world storage config file from saving i pushed an update that fixes it.
2. It seems that SE no longer allows realtime editing of the speed limit. Simply restarting the session after the speed limit has been changed.

NOTE: There are now two config the global one you have been editing and the world config file:
Oh, I see the file now. So when you start a new ave the settings are not loaded until you use the "/rts load" command at which point the mod loads the global config file into the specific save file. I can edit this local config file and see the changes while the global config file provides the building block for any new save.

Thanks for the help, cleared things up.
Gauge  [dév.] 26 mars 2020 à 18h53 
Think of it as the default settings they will be copied over if a world config does not already exist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

So what I'm looking to do is make the top speed pretty fast, but make ships take a longer time to reach it. Ideally, the more thrust a ship has, the faster it can get closer to the top speed, that this would enable me to make ships that focus on speed or sacrifice that acceleration for more weight or a larger design. I would want to make it so that most ships cannot get close to reaching the top speed unless they have a lot of thrusters.
Gauge  [dév.] 20 avr. 2020 à 21h17 
try decreasing the resistance mult to something like 0.3 or so. That will have a much softer boost fall off.
Dernière modification de Gauge; 20 avr. 2020 à 21h18
Gauge a écrit :
try decreasing the resistance mult to something like 0.3 or so. That will have a much softer boost fall off.
What would you recommend putting the speed to on small and large ships with what I am trying to do?

Also, I'm confused, wouldn't decreasing the resistance multiplier make the ships just slow down slower or accelerate faster? I'm not sure what it does, but you have the resistance multiplayer at a larger figure for larger ships so I assume it's to make things feel more weighty? What I am mainly trying to do is make vehicles not accelerate so quickly, so wouldn't increasing the resistance mult work better?
Dernière modification de Nox Tenebris; 21 avr. 2020 à 5h31
Gauge  [dév.] 21 avr. 2020 à 10h35 
The resistance multiplier is the rate resistance builds up. Its all based around ship acceleration.

Lets say you have a light ship with the following specs.

Cruise speed: 113
Accel: 10m/s/s

Setting the multiplier to 1 will allow the ship to up to:

113 + (Accel / 1) = 123m/s maximum possible speed

setting the multiplier to something smaller will increase the maximum speed:

113 + (Accel / 0.5) = 133m/s maximum possible speed

Be aware that the max boost speed setting in the config acts as a hard limit for all ships even if their acceleration should let them boost more.

I think what you are asking for is a curve that defines how sharp the resistance ramps up for the same maximum boost. Currently the build up is linear. Ill see what i can do.
Dernière modification de Gauge; 21 avr. 2020 à 10h36
Gauge a écrit :
The resistance multiplier is the rate resistance builds up. Its all based around ship acceleration.

Lets say you have a light ship with the following specs.

Cruise speed: 113
Accel: 10m/s/s

Setting the multiplier to 1 will allow the ship to up to:

113 + (Accel / 1) = 123m/s maximum possible speed

setting the multiplier to something smaller will increase the maximum speed:

113 + (Accel / 0.5) = 133m/s maximum possible speed

Be aware that the max boost speed setting in the config acts as a hard limit for all ships even if their acceleration should let them boost more.

I think what you are asking for is a curve that defines how sharp the resistance ramps up for the same maximum boost. Currently the build up is linear. Ill see what i can do.
Hm, I might not understand. So, if I set the accel or the resistance multiplier (that is the option you are referring to by "Accel", right?) to 2 instead of 1, it will have less maximum speed? So, if I want large grid ships to go slower, for example, I would raise the resistance multiplier, not lower it?
Gauge  [dév.] 21 avr. 2020 à 14h02 
When you add blocks to your ship your ship gains mass. Mass effects cruise speed.

When you add thrusters to a ship, the ship accelerates faster.

Acceleration is just a force being applied to a ship in a direction.

The boost mechanic is simply ramping up a force in the opposite direction until you no longer accelerate. it applies no force when the ships speed is equal to or less than the cruise speed and grows over time till the resistance force equals the acceleration force.

the resistance multiplier changes how fast the resistance force grows. So a big number will result in a small boost and a small number will result in a larger boost.

What you want is a way to lengthen the amount of time it takes to reach the maximum boost. I have some ideas but it currently wont do what you want currently.
Dernière modification de Gauge; 21 avr. 2020 à 14h03
Gauge a écrit :
When you add blocks to your ship your ship gains mass. Mass effects cruise speed.

When you add thrusters to a ship, the ship accelerates faster.

Acceleration is just a force being applied to a ship in a direction.

The boost mechanic is simply ramping up a force in the opposite direction until you no longer accelerate. it applies no force when the ships speed is equal to or less than the cruise speed and grows over time till the resistance force equals the acceleration force.

the resistance multiplier changes how fast the resistance force grows. So a big number will result in a small boost and a small number will result in a larger boost.

What you want is a way to lengthen the amount of time it takes to reach the maximum boost. I have some ideas but it currently wont do what you want currently.
Okay thank you for explaining. So what I'm getting is that what I could do is make the cruise speed for both small grid and large grid a very small number, and then figure out a good config for the resistance multiplier. This would make ships not accelerate super quickly as they will always be getting resistance.
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