More Insults
Hong Meiling  [desarrollador] 5 MAY 2018 a las 10:24 a. m.
Update 1.2
Added 17 new insults from general ones to machines vs machines.

"If looks could kill, your face would be a weapons of mass destruction."
"Any [Root.GetSpeciesName] technology, however sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from garbage."

"I don't need to insult you. Your race's existence is an insult enough."

Mil vs Pac
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"Aggression is not rewarding, but we have nothing better to say to you."
"I would love to have a civilized conversation with you, but I'm afraid that's impossible."

Spi vs Mat
"Our most recent study has concluded with a 102% possibility that you're all a brainless pack of superstitious space [Root.GetSpeciesNamePluralInsult], with a 2% margin of error."
"So, did you do something useful today? No, praying is not productive"

Ega vs Auth
"What's it like to live in a society where everyone is equally worthless?"
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government yet. Looking at the state of the [Root.GetName], I'm inclined to agree."
"A wise man once said the best argument against democracy is a five minute chat with the average voter. He was wrong. The best argument is just five seconds with you, [Root.GetRulerTitle] [Root.GetRulerName]."
"In the [From.GetName], that which is useless or detrimental to the survival of the state is abandoned. In the [Root.GetName] however, it is instead apparently elected to the legislature."
"Freedom is an illusion, it is better to ignore falsivities."
"I'm sorry, but we don't negotiate with tyrants."

Machines to Machines
"Need anything? I have a few old-model processors you may be compatible with in a few centuries."
"01101001 01101110 01110011 01110101 01101100 01110100"

Phile vs Phobe
"Your sense of prespective has proven to be somehow narrower than your species reproductive organs."

Plus, an easter egg added in an Empire responding to an insult. See if you can find it!
Última edición por Hong Meiling; 11 AGO 2018 a las 6:31 a. m.
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Sunvaulter82 10 AGO 2018 a las 5:21 p. m. 
Was the easter egg the navy seals copy pasta? Because I just got it as a response.
Peter34 11 AGO 2018 a las 12:44 a. m. 
“existence” is with an “e”. I’m not convinced that “falsivities” is a word in the English langage. But thank you for including the Asimov quote!
Hong Meiling  [desarrollador] 11 AGO 2018 a las 6:32 a. m. 
Yeah that was a typo when writing the changelog, the actual ingame line is correctly spelled though.
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