

[B19] Androids
Trying to mod the mod.
So I've been fiddling with the XML to make the androids (what I feel to be) more realistic, namely that they don't eat and instead rely soley on power (same as regular droids). So far it works just fine but with one serious hiccup: Whenever a new droid is printed, they start with cryptosleep sickeness. This wouldn't be an issue except that, due to a glitch that arises from having "none" as their food type, they quickly end up stuck in a loop for the vomiting animation until they either pass out from lack of power/sleep or I have someone knock them out with a tranquilizer gun.

I've gone through all the XMLs and can't find any reference to cryptosleep sickness, so I'm wondering if anyone knows a less drastic way that I can solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
Last edited by nephilimnexus; 15 May, 2018 @ 3:53am