Expanded Roster - Dark Elves - 8th Edition and more
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Whysofurious  [developer] 20 Oct, 2017 @ 1:03am
Units Balance Thread
You can write here every balance-related suggestion ;)
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Metal Izanagi 28 Dec, 2017 @ 2:10pm 
Whoops, forgot to mention it here.

The Lords of Oblivion are pretty awesome, but their HP seems a bit low for eight dragon riders. They do quite a bit of damage, but end up getting torn apart almost instantly once a unit starts fighting back, because of how many enemy models can hit the rather large dragons at once. Perhaps giving them more HP and increasing their cost a bit might balance that out?
I think this would be a good thing to do for the Lords of Oblivion. I've been trying out all of the new units that your mod offers, and these guys seem to just get torn apart far to easily.

ps I might also do the same with the tier 5 Masters of the tower halberdier unit, with only 15 units in their group they just get shredded.
Whysofurious  [developer] 4 Jan, 2018 @ 3:37am 
Thanks for the feeback guys :) i will update the mod with some HP tweaks later this day :)
Whysofurious  [developer] 5 Jan, 2018 @ 3:32pm 
Didn't manage to, launcher is a bit buggy today, hopefully i'll do that tomorrow ^^
cool to hear, the cult of pleasure will be pleased
Sollet 8 Mar, 2019 @ 2:13am 
Hey, I love the mod awesome work! However the Lords of Oblivion are in my opinion very weak in battles where as they are extremely OP in auto-resolve getting 500kills per unit. I was thinking maybe buff them in battles and make them weaker in auto-resolve.
Metal Izanagi 8 Mar, 2019 @ 8:15am 
Originally posted by Sollet:
Hey, I love the mod awesome work! However the Lords of Oblivion are in my opinion very weak in battles where as they are extremely OP in auto-resolve getting 500kills per unit. I was thinking maybe buff them in battles and make them weaker in auto-resolve.

The trick with the Lords of Oblivion is to not use them against anything but single-model units. They don't have the stats to survive when fighting infantry, cavalry, or monstrous infantry, but if you send them after a dragon or another monster, they'll tear it to pieces and barely be hurt. They shred artillery as well.
Last edited by Metal Izanagi; 8 Mar, 2019 @ 8:17am
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