Tobe's Realistic Farming [TRF]
tobe  [pengembang] 18 Sep 2017 @ 4:09am
I need Idea for food!
I hope many user feedback or give some idea for me.
I will accept all of them as possible as I can. If that are not unbalanced and keep form.
Here is the the form. Food idea.

Food name : congee
Food ingredient : choose among under ingredient.

grainflour : 4
dry fruit : 0
fruit pickle: 0
fruit juice : 0
cuttingvegetable : 2
spicepowder : 1
honey : 0
meat : 0
egg : 0
milk : 0

like this. no other things plz as possible.

Food nutriention : 0.6
Food eating effect : choose among under effect

Consciousness : 0
Moving : 0
Manipulation : 0
Talking : 0
Eating : 0
Sight : 0
Hearing : 0
Breathing : 0
BloodFiltration : 0.05
BloodPumping : 0.05
Metabolism : 0.10

like this.
and if you can teach me where the food image is, it is great help for modding!!
< >
Menampilkan 1-11 dari 11 komentar
I kinda don't want to put the american diet in here and make my colonist fat
Terakhir diedit oleh Esports Ready; 21 Sep 2017 @ 5:22pm
Beef Liver Roast
tobe  [pengembang] 25 Sep 2017 @ 2:40am 
I accept it. But Liver food is not common menu, so I change roasted meat.
BearBearQ 1 Okt 2017 @ 7:44pm 
감기나 독감 예방 기능이 있는 생강차, 유자차 같은 종류가 있었으면 좋겠어요.
그리고 조각 케이크 종류도 좋을 거 같습니다.
당근케이크나 당근 주스같은 걸 먹으면 조련 확률이 소폭 올라가는 이런 류의 음식버프도 있으면 재미있을 거 같긴 합니다.
tobe  [pengembang] 4 Okt 2017 @ 5:13am 
ㄴ 음식 체계가 정해지면 그런 종류의 버프나 장비도 구현해보겠습니다 ^^;
pee ness 7 Okt 2017 @ 9:33am 
add wiskey, pretty much the same thing as beer, but much more unheathy for you (casue they put dyes in wiskey)
tobe  [pengembang] 15 Okt 2017 @ 7:49am 
I added whisky for you^^ Plz enjoy it!
BoxingBud 13 Jan 2019 @ 9:20am 
I'd love to see more pastries! Cakes, pies, desserts.
< >
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