Tobe's Realistic Farming [TRF]
tobe  [developer] 15 out. 2017 às 7:51
Old update Log
@ 9/ 17/ 2017
First update! Honey add.
Add flower to harvest honey.
You can make honey tea and other food that used honey. :)
fix error watering field sorry...

@ 9/ 17/2017 second
Update compost and fertilizer.
From now, You need to give compost for maintain your fields.

@ 9/18/2017
Change comsume of fertilizer in rain. -> sorry for that. last version is too much...
Change food think logic -> now pawns dont take all of fruit in their pocket.

@ 9/20/2017
Fix recipe bugs
Change food preference. Now pawns eat harvest things later than meals
Add Hanwoo which can gain "Kobe Beef" when butching.
The foods that made of Kobe Beef are give you a mood buff.
And dont care about Hanwoo wound red error. It is not matter to play and it's vanilla error when added new race.

@ 9/23/2017
Rebalanced consume of water for maintain field.
Change farming system more stablely.
Change how to make fertilizer and reduce ingridient to for making compost.
Add Alcohol drink's Manufacture!
You can make Mead, Makkori. Soju. I have a plan to add Liqueur!

Fix ingredients bug.

Delete poor Hanwoo... <- You can meet hanwoo TRF Animal addon!
Add electric water pump! <- So effect!

Add Salt system! Detail is in picture and update log.