

Tomb World Start Systems
cbshing  [developer] 17 Aug, 2017 @ 6:45pm
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  • Nuked Earth textures does not work right for starts with non-continental planet preference species.


Version 2.0

*****MAJOR UPDATE*****
In this update the code was completely rewritten from the ground up. Homeworld Restoration event was optimized for late game lag and Species Ledger bug was fixed. This is compatible with CURRENT SAVE games. For NEW GAMES using the Nuked Sol Start, the start system may need to be changed to get the same benefits.

  1. Code overhauled to follow 1.8.3 code structure. Mod now uses proper on_action events to trigger game_start setup (including adding buildings, mutating species, and adding unique techs). Almost every file was rewritten.
  2. Mutant start is now called Mutated start. Changed due to investigating an x-men type game start mod.
  3. 3 new Sol System based system initializers were added, including Vault Earth, Wasteland Earth, and Mutated Earth.
  4. Nuked Sol Start's bonuses were depreciated. Now Vault Earth and Mutated Earth will contain these features.
  5. Changed Homeworld Restoration event's trigger to on_action on_terraforming_complete for optimization.
  6. Changed event chain for Homeworld Restoration for MTTH in days to years.
  7. Added @io's Spanish translation for majority of mod. Mutated Start and tomb world Earth starts are new text, still in English.

Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed species ledger issue.

Known Bugs
  1. Unique texture for Earth sometimes appears upside down. Known to happen when using a non-continental game start.
Last edited by cbshing; 12 Nov, 2017 @ 7:23pm
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Jango Bun Bun 26 Aug, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
Here's a fun bug: When you have syncratic evolution, and start with the wastelander start, your main species keeps its preferred planet type (as it should), but the slave species starts with tomb world pref. However, when you select the mutant start, you have the tomb world pref (again, as you should), but the slave species does not. I don't know if it was intentional, but I believe it should be the opposite (mutant start slave species has tomb world pref like your main species)
cbshing  [developer] 26 Aug, 2017 @ 9:11pm 
@Jango Bun Bun, the Mutant Start with a non-tomb world preference slave species is intentional. I wanted the syncretic Mutants to have evolved by working together/enslaving the original dominant species of the planet ala Planet of the Apes style (note that the slave species does not have a the "proles" trait). That being said, when 1.8 comes out it will change how the syncretic slave species will work so we could revist the slave species preference then.
cbshing  [developer] 11 Oct, 2017 @ 5:26pm 
Originally posted by Jango Bun Bun:
Here's a fun bug: When you have syncratic evolution, and start with the wastelander start, your main species keeps its preferred planet type (as it should), but the slave species starts with tomb world pref. However, when you select the mutant start, you have the tomb world pref (again, as you should), but the slave species does not. I don't know if it was intentional, but I believe it should be the opposite (mutant start slave species has tomb world pref like your main species)

Hi @Jango Bun Bun, I don't know if you've revisited this mod since Capek came out, but now the bug you've found has been fixed. Syncretic Evolution Mutants now have a tomb world pref. secondary species. I made another mod Codominant Evolution that now lets you play with a secondary, non-servile species.
buffalo_pete 6 Dec, 2017 @ 9:36pm 
Possible bug: It seems that every AI empire in my current game (except Fallen Empires) spawned with a tomb world capital, although they kept their pre-scripted habitability traits. I am playing the Nuked Sol System start, with a Driven Assimilator empire. Please let me know if there is any more info I can provide that would be helpful.
cbshing  [developer] 7 Dec, 2017 @ 6:41pm 
Hi @buffalo_pete, thanks for pointing out the bug. I will take a look. The issue seems to be with the Nuked Sol System start since I've seen this bug also pointed out on the Cockroaches of Earth mod (which uses the same files). For now, I would recommend using one of the Tomb Earth starts (such as Wasteland Earth), since for machine empires it provides the same bonuses (no bonus) as the Nuked Sol Start and try to figure out what's wrong. Thanks again!
cbshing  [developer] 7 Dec, 2017 @ 6:57pm 
Hi @buffalo_pete, one question I have: were you running the Cockroaches of Earth mod at the same time you were using this mod? I definitely had this issue when running both mods. I updated this mod 12/3 last to fix this bug. If you are not, can you provide a list of other mods you are running at the same time? Sorry for the inconvenience while we try to figure out what's wrong.
buffalo_pete 8 Dec, 2017 @ 11:37am 
@cbshing: Now that you ask, I'm pretty sure I did have Cockroaches of Earth loaded, yes, and I think I started the game prior to 12/3. I will start a new game tonight and let you know if I run into the same issue. Thanks a ton for the prompt response, and keep up the awesome work!
cbshing  [developer] 8 Dec, 2017 @ 7:03pm 
Hi @buffalo_pete, I hope that's the cause of your issue. Let me know. If the problem still persists send me a list of your enabled mods and I'll narrow down what the cause is. Thanks!
jpness 15 Dec, 2017 @ 11:21am 
First off, Awesome mod. However, I seem to be experiencing a bug. I started a new game with Wastelander Earth option selected with continental preference. When the game starts, the habitability of Earth is 50% and everyone is mad. Not a great way to start the game. From what I can tell, the Tomb world adaptation tech or trait (not sure which) isn't activated. Any help is appreciated!
cbshing  [developer] 15 Dec, 2017 @ 7:12pm 
hi @johnpaulsaylor, you're welcome! That's actually the correct settings for the tomb world game start and not a bug. In vanilla, tomb worlds have 0% habitability at game start. By researching Tomb World Adaptation you gain a +20% habitability bonus to tomb worlds. You get another +30% habitability for being on your homeworld. And the base happiness is directly related to habitability. Therefore, without any additional bonuses max habitability on your tombed homeworld is 50% and therefore happiness is about 50%. I tried to depict in the description images in the workshop how the Wastelander Start works. See the "Alari Legion" in the mod's description (its the last few images). You can check if the tech is enabled by going to the "Researched" tab for society and seeing if the rare Tomb World Adaptation is there.

My take on it is your species is unhappy living in a nuclear wasteland. Therefore, the only option is to continue to live unhappily on your homeworld (until you restore it for a nice happiness and unity boost) or to travel to the stars to build a new home. Hopefully this makes sense and I'm sorry I do not have a plan to tweak the current starts to bump up habitability (Vault Dweller is a harder start with the possibility of revolts or your species dying if you pick the non-adaptive trait). That being said, I can look into making an addon mod that boost habitability so everyone is a little happier. Let me know if you'd like me to look into that and thanks for trying out the mod!
jpness 15 Dec, 2017 @ 9:26pm 
@cbshing Thanks for the quick response! I didn't know that was the way homeworlds and tomb worlds worked. It makes sense when you break it down, so it looks like I was coloring my expectations with my own role playing. In my head, I figured with a wasteland Earth that the nuking happed long ago. Like when Fallout 4 takes place versus when the bombs fell. The people on the planet, if unified would all be living in places akin to the Brotherhood, Institute, or even the NCR and there wouldn't be rampant radiation except in a few clustered areas. The only thing that made life unhappy in the Fallout universe were people trying to kill everyone and lack of clean water and food. Otherwise everyone would be happy!

Or kinda like in Star Trek after WWIII. The planet was in bad shape but not on the verge of extinction. And it wasn't completely better until after the Vulcans helped. But I digress. Again, this was all in my head so when I opened up Earth and everyone was unhappy- I just didn't get it!

If you have the time, I would love an add on mod that maybe increases habitability just enough to the point where they aren't unhappy, but also not 100% habitability. Like a 'Troubled Past' mod or something. So it's been so long since the bombs dropped, the people on the planet have adapted. It'd almost be like having the adaptive trait, raising it 10%(I think thats the amount) except not actually having that trait activated. I appreciate your time and I know how difficult it can be modding since I've crashed and burned a few ideas I've had myself, so if you don't get around to it, I can get by with just having the adaptive trait activated and call it a day. Either way, awesome mod and keep up the great work.
cbshing  [developer] 17 Dec, 2017 @ 6:07pm 
hi @johnpaulsaylor, its ok to color your expectations with your own roleplaying! That's my main reason for coming back to this game.

I kind of envisioned a Tomb World start is like living in the Fallout world, where most people are in a wasteland where they have adapted to living with the persistent effects of fallout, such as radioactive rain and polluted air and water. While they get by they are not necessarily the happiest about it since at almost any moment they can die. I also thought of Planet of the Apes, Terminator, and Mad Max as kind of the post-apocalyse world a tomb world start is.

That being said, I did not think of post-WWIII Star Trek like you've thought of. I could definitely see there are post-apocalypitc worlds where people are happier.

I'll definitely look into making the mod to boost habitability to the point they are not unhappy. I'll have to think about the best way to make it, but I will make it similar to the adaptive trait for the Tomb World starts (probably a planet modifier, maybe something else). I'm thinking about the 'Troubled Past' name...I like the name, but if it's alright may I keep it for another mod idea? I'm a little busy these days, so it'll be sometime later this week or next week.

In terms of modding, if you're interested I'm open to trying to help people out with their ideas. When I get enough time I'd like to continue my modding guide series so check there soon. Thanks again @johnpaulsalyor!
jpness 18 Dec, 2017 @ 2:42pm 
@cbshing By all means- use that name for whatever! And yeah I'd love to check out any modding guides you have. All the ones I see online seem to be very old and don't apply for most things. Namely species creation.
cbshing  [developer] 18 Dec, 2017 @ 7:29pm 
Hi @johnpaulsalyor, thanks. I'll let you know when I make that mod to boost habitatbility. I have a single guide out right now for creating an empire mod. I'm hoping to do some more advanced ones soon, such as customizing your empire/species, unique traits, starting systems, etc. But my work-life schedule has made it difficult so currently I'm just tuning my mods, answering modding questions, and slowly working on my next big mod. Hope you can find the guide useful for your mod ideas.
jpness 20 Dec, 2017 @ 11:01pm 
@cbshing Ah so that was you! lol I have that guide favorited in my Stellaris Modding folder. lol thanks! I've been on and off working on creating a species/race and it just seems there isn't as much info on creating species mods. If you ever wanted to collab and getting a guide together I'd be happy to help. I don't really know jack about doing it, but that usually doesnt stop me.
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