Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Equestria at War [OLD]
MrScroup  [developer] 31 Jul, 2017 @ 2:30am
Suggestions for advisors, generals, names are welcome.
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Showing 1-15 of 473 comments
HSmasher 31 Jul, 2017 @ 5:28pm 
I'm liking the mod so far; I don't care in the slightest about ponies, but so few mods on the workshop have an actual custom map for some reason, so that alone has me more than interested.

I'll try and list any errors or necessary changes I see over the hour or two I'll be playing it (from the perspective of the Chrysalis Empire):

The 'Death or Dishonor' national focus has a typo, the main title has 'of' instead of 'or'.

The Queensislands and Eggiceland need crossings onto the mainland, otherwise two of Chrysallis' starting divisions are trapped there until you build some naval bases. (In fact mine died of attrition before I was even able to build said bases.)

The 'Royal Guard' division needs something to set them apart from the Death Squad and Garrison, even if it's just defaulting them to being Elites. As is they're just renamed militia for all intents and purposes.

Polar Star needs actual victory point provinces; conquering them is a pain because you have to take every single one of their provinces to do it.

Lastly, I won the war against Equestria by April 28th, 1012. By early 1011, Equestria had disbanded their entire army altogether, because at no point in the war did they have above 0 manpower with which to reinforce their divisions. Now I've not played as Equestria and I do see that they have national focuses to raise their manpower significantly, but the fact remains that the AI had no clue how to actually defeat 20 divisions of basic motorized infantry that steamrolled through their entire country in a single year, while a player would have at least handled the situation better, the AI needs something to get itself in gear faster. At the very least, I'd say give them a few early war events that provide a minimal amount of, say border volunteers, or something, that will bolster their manpower so they don't end up just disbanding their entire army the moment they start to lose. Also, it probably wouldn't hurt to add a handful of land forts here and there to all their major states, to further emphasize how little of the rest of the continent's states are actually developed at all, and that even if their army does start to crumble, they have solid hard points to fall back to, since nearly all of the states are Plains it's far too easy for attackers to simply keep pushing relentlessly straight for the victory provinces.

Actual Suggestions:
Up the infrastructure of the 0 Infrastructure provinces to at least 1 or 2, even the most inhospitable places in the base game have at least that much.

The non-main countries all have far too few factories/resources to actually be able to compete. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but in a game with only 10 countries, it's far too imbalanced. (Unless the intent is for the main 3 to absorb all the others, in which case it's fine.)


Overall though, good job, mechanically speaking there isn't a whole lot I'd say needs changed. Just a few touches here and there, alongside the actual development of the mod.

Hope that helps a bit. :praisesun:
Last edited by HSmasher; 31 Jul, 2017 @ 5:31pm
MrScroup  [developer] 1 Aug, 2017 @ 12:08am 
Thanks a lot. I will be coming back to your post, when I get to fixing this.
Diamonikon 2 Aug, 2017 @ 6:31am 
There should be some events happenign that could make Equestria split up, currently in a palythrough and I just barely defeated the Changeling armies which was really fun and all!
Ostermann 2 Aug, 2017 @ 9:43am 
There is a suggested fix for your problem with "replace_path"
It will bloat the mod, but should work. You can simply add blank files to replace those in the game.
rat a la mode 2 Aug, 2017 @ 8:21pm 
Naval research is impossible, since it says "1922" as starting units...
Fishytails 3 Aug, 2017 @ 4:46am 
You can build a naval base in the middle of chrysalis empire, one of the divisions starts in the middle of the ocean and two are isolated on islands with no ports.
Kreebs 3 Aug, 2017 @ 10:29am 
Advisor: Pinkamena Diane Pie or Pinky Pie, Element of Laughter: 8% morale. Party cannon expert: 10-20% artillery soft attack
Imptrooper 4 Aug, 2017 @ 10:38am 
The crystal empire should have Shining Armor as a field marshel with the defensive skill, and the changelings should have either an expanded focus tree or incressed time on their current ones so if a player is playing say The Crystal Empire or Stalliongrag they have a bit more time to prepare.
Gustl 8 Aug, 2017 @ 12:25am 
since the game is ww2 based i think it would be a good idea to have a major nation let by aryanne
Nitrate Dioxide 9 Aug, 2017 @ 3:07pm 
I understand that this is still early in development but right now, the mod gets stale after the third/fourth playthrough for Me, this is mainly just due to a lack of alternate events and reasoning
for any conflict besides from a few lines explaining that "Stalliongrad has cores in equestria" or "Changelings failed a coup a little while ago" an idea i had when perusing all the national focuses was to have a few national focuses in the Changelings (or quite possibly even the Crystal Empire's) tree to sort of "Sponsor" Stalliongrads cession from the Equestrian Nation as a whole
As well, theres also the idea that Salliongrad could become a nation via a Spanish Civil War esq event, where at a specified date in game an event pops up stating Stalliongrad has Ceded giving the ability to invade to take back or leave them be
HerlockJohann 21 Aug, 2017 @ 12:54am 
I can't play
MrScroup  [developer] 21 Aug, 2017 @ 12:56am 
Originally posted by HeRLockJoHAnN:
I can't play
What's the problem?
rat a la mode 22 Aug, 2017 @ 4:23pm 
Originally posted by HeRLockJoHAnN:
I can't play
Use the manual download link provided.
If you need further help, go to the Discord server.
Shilo 30 Aug, 2017 @ 3:20pm 
I'd like to make a few suggestions for factions. Saddle Arabia, the second one should be Starlight's Village and should be put under the Communist factions.
Lil Penpusher 6 Sep, 2017 @ 8:51am 
Loving the mod so far. Though I, too, would have some suggestions for better playability.

First of, and probably the biggest issue and "please end my suffering" moment is that most states in Equestria, especially outside of the Equestrian nation itself, have quite literally no infrastructure. While this may be logical from a plot standpoint (why would Changelings with wings even build roads), it really does drag out the game and becomes an enormous nuissance when I lose 50% organization along the entire frontline due to attrition from no infrastructure.
And yes, I have most certainly tried building up infrastructure, but that is not only a nuissance in itself, but it also consumes factories which should much rather be used for civilian or military factory construction, as well as the fact that it takes a long, long time to build roads all the way from the capital of a large empire to the frontline.

My second suggestion would be simple cosmetic and name changes (which, in fact, I'm sure most of which you are aware of and plan on changing, but I'll present them to you anyway).
First of, Thorax should be leading the Democratic/Harmony ideology for the Changelings, with the possible addition of an event or focus (or rather a small line of focuses) to plant discontent amongst changelings and cause a civil war between Thorax and Chrysalis, so long as the two nations are at war.
Second, the Changeling nation's name seems odd. I'd much rather have it changed to something more basic and simple, like "Changeling Empire" or "Land of the Changelings", whichever you prefer.

That's all for now after spending about 5+ hours playing the mod. Again, I'm loving the work you've put into it, and I'm looking forward to any updates you can provide.
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