Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Blueprint: Small Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tags: Blueprint
File Size
872.672 KB
9 May @ 1:54pm
9 May @ 2:06pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Note: Must be created in RE2!!!

Introduction: This spacecraft is an upgraded version of MERLANDO-MK7-demons.
MERLANDO-MK7-V2-Deaths remains a top-tier spaceship that is relatively expensive, and without cheating, it can only be created in the mid to late stages of the game. I have already provided an overview of its interface in the MERLANDO-MK7-demons section, so I will not elaborate further here.

Advantages of MERLANDO-MK7-V2-Deaths over its predecessor:
It now has 50% enhanced horizontal and vertical translation capabilities.
The generator has undergone a comprehensive upgrade.
The space long jump engine has been upgraded.
Combat power has been enhanced.
The shield has been upgraded.
PIOᑎᕮᕮᖇ  [author] 14 May @ 6:57am 
I would like to add that enhancing combat effectiveness refers to giving up as much CPU as possible to the weapon system. You can place the highest level RE2 weapons, but that doesn't mean you can use a small airplane to individually eliminate any enemy in the universe like in no man's sky! In the universe, you still need a huge investment to create those super carriers in order to defeat the terrifying enemies in RE2!