

122 ratings
Stellarian Seasons
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25 Oct, 2023 @ 10:31am
5 Dec, 2023 @ 10:54am
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Stellarian Seasons

Stellarian Seasons adds seasons to planets and other habitable structures. I know this isnt how seasons works but I just wanted to flesh out the game and add a new mechanic. This is also an idea I have had in my head for over a year now.

To quickly sum it up without going into all the detail, Seasons are deposits on colonized planets that effect your species in various ways depending on your habitability via new traits added on gamestart.

Your pops will get production, growth, food upkeep reduction and some happiness modifiers based on their prefered seasons for the traits:
Liked seasons give them +20%
Loved seasons give them +40%
Disliked seasons give them -20%
Hated seasons give them -40%

No Vanilla files overwritten!
Stellarian Seasons Patches is now available for enhanced compatibility with other mods.
Currently supported mods:
Planetary Diversity Collection
Real Space - New Frontiers
Without it, I believe any colonized planet should wind up with a natural season. Which is not ideal for things like the Eco-Ecu from PD.

Trait Interactions
There are certain traits or traditions that give a boost to the traits. If you check your pop and see a duplicate of the trait name then this is the reason. Just how the game works.
Phototropic - Reduced energy upkeep during Spring/Summer, increased energy upkeep during Autumn/Winter.
Adaptive - 2.5% increase to standard stats increased by the preference traits.
Survivor/Extremely Adaptive/Cyborg Durable/Robot Durable/Adaptability Tradition finished - 5% increase
Non-Adaptive/Cyborg High Maintenance/Robot High Maintenance - 20% decrease in the stats.
Nerve Stapled/Zombies - No boost from anything. Might remove Nerve Stapled not getting the boost. Zombies get a 20% boost if using the patch mod and they are on a Necroworld from Planetary Diversity

On game start, there will be an event that asks if you want seasons to be random or linked and after that another event to determine how long seasons are.

If you choose random, then all currently colonized planets are granted a random season. Normal worlds (including relic worlds) get one of the 4 Natural while any colonized Gaia/Machine/Hive/City/Habitat/Ringworlds just gets a single artificial season.
If you choose linked, then all currently colonized normal planets start in Spring and the special worlds get their related single season.

Duration Available:
3 months
1 year
5 years
10 years

Linked Warning
Linked works by scoping to every planet in the galaxy and triggering only on colonized planets. But it still has to scope to all planets in the galaxy so it is likely to cause performance issues during seasonal changes. I personally prefer it from a gameplay perspective and I have not tested it long term on large maps. It may make for some interesting gameplay moments on smaller maps and the performance might not be so bad on larger maps, again I have not really tested it.

On game start, all species in the galaxy are given a trait based on their habitability preference:
Desert/Arid/Savannah = Hot Preference
Jungle/Continental/Ocean = Temperate Preference
Arctic/Tundra/Alpine = Cold Preference
Gaia/Rings/Habitats/Ecu/Hive = Artificial Preference
Machine Pops = Machine Preference

Stats will be in discussions so as to not clutter up the description here but to sum it up I will list what is effected:
Job Production
Food/Mineral Upkeep
Pop Growth/Assembly Speeds

Seasonal "Manipulation"
Researching the vanilla tech "Weather Control" gives you access to a short new technology chain that grants you access to 4 new buildings. The last 2 require an Ascension Perk to unlock the technology.
Mastery of Nature or one of the ones that unlock a Planet Class.

First slightly reduces the negative effects of a bad season.
Second halves the negative effects of a bad season.
Third nullifies the negative effects of a bad season.
Fourth applies a basic boost no matter the season.

Trait Application
1-All existing pops on game start gain their related traits. This includes Primitives/Pre-Saphients/Fallen/Multi-Species Origins

2-When a pops habitability is changed via gene modding they gain the related trait if applicable

3-After building a robot pop they gain Machine Preference

4-Species created via the Omnicodex (after either accepting the event or after up to 870 days for the event selection to play out automatically)

5-Species created after game start via other events should have their trait applied on pop growth.

If there is something else let me know or if you come across a pop who doesnt gain the trait correctly let me know.

Future Plans
Season length variety
Special seasons unrelated to normal seasons (monsoons/seasonal blooms ect)
Extra effects depending on the planet (ex: Desert planet having harsher Summers)
Galactic "Seasons" (Might be its own mod)

None that I am aware of at the moment.
Actually I am unsure if this counts as a bug or not and I am not entirely sure if related to the mod or just a vanilla behavior that I never noticed. During testing I did see an increase in crime by 22% when the planet changed to Autumn for my Heat Preference test but that reverted back to 0% the month after. Nothing in the mod touches crime so idk if that was just because of the drop in happiness or how the game decided that.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
25 Oct, 2023 @ 11:20am
Trait Stats
Cephalon Sithalo
Cephalon Sithalo  [author] 7 Jul @ 10:52am 
As far as I am aware it works and is not broken in any way outside of maybe balance lol
羊驼 7 Jul @ 4:27am 
Is it works now?
Cephalon Sithalo  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 11:51am 
Thanks :LotusFlower:
卡尔文迪斯梅特 23 Dec, 2023 @ 7:31am 
Cephalon Sithalo  [author] 6 Dec, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Its alright, it worked out in the end. It makes those 2 harder to deal with but you also get bonuses too from other traits dont forget. Wouldnt be right to only give negatives so I tried to include things that make sense.

Adaptive/Extremely/Survivor/Durable gain bonuses at all times of the year.
If your species is Phototropic then they consume less energy during Spring/Summer and more energy during Autumn/Winter.

Finishing the Adaptable Tradition tree also gains you bonuses.

Nerve Stapled and Zombies gain no bonuses no matter the season with the exception of Zombies gaining a slight bonus on Necro worlds from Planetary Diversity.
Grey Star, The Rival Defender 5 Dec, 2023 @ 11:04pm 
I do apologize for not mentioning it. I did have non-adoptive. And yeah, that would explain the malus not being as bad as it should've been for perfect preference. Certainly makes it so some traits are a lot harder to deal with, duly noted.
Cephalon Sithalo  [author] 5 Dec, 2023 @ 2:28pm 
I know where the malus came from! At least I am pretty sure. See the trait doesnt just check for deposits entirely. I forgot about its vanilla trait interactions.

If you were having a malus listed as Perfection Preference then you either had a species with the High-Maintenance/Non-Adaptive traits

Those effects dont actually check for the deposits. Just if the species that has the modded trait has any of the specific other traits.

So that was actually working as intended I just completely forgot about it. But on the upside, if it wasnt for that its likely that neither of us would have noticed anything was wrong with Random 5 & 10 years so it worked out :LotusFlower:
Grey Star, The Rival Defender 5 Dec, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
Thanks, guess we may not get to the bottom of the unexplained malus for VD, but at least this way there's no issues.
Cephalon Sithalo  [author] 5 Dec, 2023 @ 10:56am 
Wish I knew about the event selection earlier lol.
I still dont know why you would get a malus because you shouldnt but I found the issue.
5 and 10 in random were missing an S (year instead of years)

Updated and fixed it :LotusFlower:
Grey Star, The Rival Defender 5 Dec, 2023 @ 12:49am 
Weird, but I'm just happy to have it working.