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Heroes of Legend: Leopard of Luccini Update
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2023 年 2 月 9 日 下午 10:14
8 月 23 日 下午 8:00
24 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Heroes of Legend: Leopard of Luccini Update

This mod adds 21 new characters to various factions and 4 playable factions (1 in IE and 4 in TOW). Most characters are recruited through landmarks added in my other mod, Landmarks of Legend (I elaborate a bit more on this in the FAQ section), which is why it's a requirement. If you do encounter any bugs, please leave them in the comment section below!

These characters can also be recruited by the AI and it's implemented through a neat system scripted by scehr. The AI can recruit these characters under the following condition: the Player must play as a faction that CANNOT recruit the character in question. This means, that when the Player is playing as a faction that can recruit the LL/LH, the AI will not be able to recruit them even if the landmark is built. However, If the Player isn't playing as a faction that can recruit the LL/LH then, whichever AI faction constructs the landmarks first will recruit the character.

List of Playable Factions, Mechanics and Characters can be found here, along with how to recruit them.

Playable Factions:
- Principality of Luccini (led by Lorenzo Lupo) starts in control of Luccini and has access to unique and thematic mechanics including a custom tech tree, bribery, landmarks and characters.

- Clan Durazgrund (led by Prince Ulther Stonehammer) starts in the Kislev Foothills with its champion, Borri Forkbeard, and the Dragon Company, ready to seize Karak Ungor from the filthy Gobbos. (ONLY in TOW)

- High Realm of Arranoc (led by Amadri Ironbark) starts in Tal Esth with a mixed host of tree spirits and elves, defending against the expansionist and tyrannical Viscount Augustine de Chegney. (ONLY in TOW)

- High Realm of Atylwyth (led by Sceolan of the Hooked Blade) starts in Tal Amere with a legion of Eternal Guard cleansing the nearby mountains of Greenskins. (ONLY in TOW)

Recruitable Legendary Lords & Heroes:
LL: [Emperor Wilhelm I, Be'la'krothrogor]
LH: [Hermit Knight of Malmont, Simeargul, Bannaga, Helmut von Carstein, Gorgivich Krakvald, Gunther von Grecht, Viscount d'Alembençon, Agravain de Beau Quest, Balkrag Grimgorson, Brunner the Bounty Hunter, Shi-Hong, The Black Crowe]

- Missions/Quests for some characters
- Adding planned characters
- Add in Clan Durazgrund as a playable faction in IE
- Add tech trees and mechanics for playable factions

List of Planned Characters can be found here.

Known Issues
- No campaign animations for Brunner when his other weapons are equipped
- Brunner does not take damage when using the Fell Fang ability
- Azhag's model can sometimes change to Ulther's model when using large modlists (still looking into it but it's likely a mod conflict)

No issues so far.

Why is Landmarks of Legend required?
- Originally, these characters were going to be added to Landmarks of Legend, during the early period of both this mod and LoL, but I decided against it for two main reasons: 1) This is out of the scope of that mod 2) The whole packfile would be very messy.
So I split this into its own submod and kept the mod dependent on LoL because all the landmarks required for these characters are already in that mod.

Is this compatible with SFO?
- Don't Know, I don't use SFO.

Is this compatible with Cataph's Southern Realms and his version of Lorenzo Lupo?
- Yes, but my version will replace him in TOW and his recruitment in the Plutocracy menu in IE is replaced by the Guild Assassin generic hero added by this mod.

Do I need to start a new game?
- Yes

Is this compatible with the Immortal Empire Expanded mod?
- Yes

Is this compatible with the Old World mod?
- Yes

- If Cataph's Southern Realms is not enabled, there will be an empty faction select slot for where Luccini should be (Doesn't actually cause any issues, only that visual bug on the faction select)

If you have any bug reports, suggestions, or balance changes, leave them in the comment section below.

PL Translation by wojtekb

FR Translation by ShadDoUrden

RU Translation by Gosudar

Full list can be found here

Check out my other mods here.

If you want to support my work or drop a donation, go here for my BuymeaCoffee[] or here for my PayPal[]. Thank you for checking out my mods!
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7 月 19 日 上午 4:29
List of Planned Characters
2023 年 11 月 8 日 下午 3:20
List of Characters
747 条留言
Grenando 11 小时以前 
hi just want to know if its normal for black crowe to not be immortal?
DarkenRal10 14 小时以前 
I also have been having crashes. Script debugger spits out variations of: Failed to load mod: [script\campaign\mod\scehr_hol_characters_ancillaries_entries.lua] which I'm pretty sure is related to this mod
Tovarish Malun 9 月 13 日 上午 10:06 
game crashes at start
888Umer 9 月 12 日 下午 12:55 
Info on their victory objectives would be nice
Amtomus "the devil" 9 月 10 日 下午 12:19 
@Ironjack do you have cataph's Southern realms mod downloaded?
IronJack 9 月 7 日 下午 3:14 
not shure whats going on but there doesn't seem to be a leopard company in this or the other mod
Bubblegum 9 月 4 日 下午 9:40 
Hi Inquisitor!
Thank you for the clarification! Much appreciated! Cheers!
The_Inquisitor  [作者] 9 月 4 日 上午 6:56 
Those three are only available in TOW map mod. I will make a small note to clarify that in the description.
Bubblegum 9 月 4 日 上午 6:31 
Hi Inquisitor!

I am using both LoL and HoL with Mixus and just got Cataphs Southern realms to unlock Luccini. But the other 3 playable factions are not showing up at all in the selection screen =(
The_Inquisitor  [作者] 9 月 3 日 下午 7:04 
Which playable factions in particular?
Also, are you using TOW or just the vanilla map/IEE?