Garry's Mod
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Partly Adequate Mapvote
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Fun
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25.553 KB
3 січ. 2022 о 4:47
5 лют. 2023 о 12:08

Підпишіться, аби завантажити
Partly Adequate Mapvote

PAM doesn't come with any gui. Make sure to also subscribe to an addon that provides ui. (e.g.: Dark Votescreen or Mapvote-Like Map Voting)

This Garry's Mod addon adds a comfortable way to democratically vote on maps. An older version is still available here.
This addon already works for terrortown. The PAM Compatibility Pack provides support for some more gamemodes. There is an easy to use api[] to make this work for even more gamemodes as well.

The code is available here [].
In case you encounter any problems, feel free to open a new issue here [].

For more information please visit the wiki [].

Easy to configure
PAM is configured via Pacoman.
Proper instructions and a list with examples can be found here[].

Different Vote Types
  • Lottery Voting (All votes are equally important)
  • Plurality Voting (The option with the highest number of votes wins)

Extensions are addons which can extend PAM's functionality.

Powerful Map filtering
It's possible to specify prefixes which maps must have at least one of. There is a whitelist and a blacklist to allow/remove specific maps.

PAM saves how often each map was played on a server.

  • The command "pam_toggle_menu" toggles visibility of the votescreen.

  • Adds ULX commands for starting/canceling a vote.
  • Supports the TTT2 bind system for all its console commands.

Коментарів: 47
⦓⡷⠂NEONSY⠐⢾⦔ годину тому 
When using TTT2, it does not automatically filter the maps. Is that because TTT2 isn't supported along side TTT, or do I need to filter maps, regardless of the mode?
Reispfannenfresser  [автор] 28 берез. 2023 о 12:59 
@Lamentis ッ
Can you open an issue for this on the github and provide screenshots of the values of the settings.
Please also mention any errors in the console there and also mention which collection you are using.

I don't have the time to fix it at the moment, but this way I won't lose track.
Reispfannenfresser  [автор] 28 берез. 2023 о 12:55 
I have no idea what libk is.
None of the scripts in the error you are getting are pam scripts.

Can you open an issue for this on the github repository and provide all the requested information there?

This way I won't lose track and will know how to try fixing it when I have the time again.
Reispfannenfresser  [автор] 28 берез. 2023 о 12:47 
@Ker Blam
That is intentional.
Setting a prefix with pacoman is the intended way to adjust these settings.

If you want a less setup heavy mapvoting addon, you might want to check out the legacy version.
Ker Blam 27 берез. 2023 о 21:55 
this seems to show all maps regardless of gamemode unless you set a prefix with pacoman. Is this intentional? Is there any way to change this?
dofaminovy 10 берез. 2023 о 3:29 
this addon adds errors like

[libk] addons/libk/lua/libk/client/cl_libk_client.lua:3: Tried to resolve an already rejected deferred!
1. error - [C]:-1
2. Resolve - addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/1_sh_promises.lua:179
3. fn - addons/libk/lua/libk/client/cl_libk_client.lua:3
4. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109

GetSpriteAxes: Bad sprite type 1886608499 (x485)
Lamentis ッ 9 лют. 2023 о 6:19 
ich habe alle addons aufm server und leider will es nicht laufen kannst du mir helfen?
Reispfannenfresser  [автор] 5 лют. 2023 о 12:04 
Oh, I think I see the issue already. My bad.
The vote screen you are using is disabled by default to avoid interference with other votescreens.
Enabling it with pacoman should do the trick.

I'll update it to be enabled by default.

Thanks a lot for reporting the issue!
Reispfannenfresser  [автор] 5 лют. 2023 о 12:00 
Thank you
kitrod 5 лют. 2023 о 11:56