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Abyssal armory - Reinforcements
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2020년 12월 2일 오전 5시 46분
2024년 6월 29일 오전 5시 54분
변경 사항 22개 ( 보기 )

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Abyssal armory - Reinforcements

TL;DR Section provided as always

Weapon breakdown: The A.R.C. Assault rifle
The A.R.C. is the main focus for the wardens at MarineCorps. This fast shooter rifle kills its victim when it just barely realized it was being attacked. It holds an advanced 50 round-mag, but it's not really noticeable since it shoots 20 rounds/s, making it a really ammo hungry gun. Trigger dicipline is key to master this war tool. The recoil might surprise untrained personnel, but with some use to it becomes the most accurate weapon in the sea.

Weapon breakdown: The A.H.C. Pistol
The A.H.C. is the backup of the wardens. Though it doesn't match the fire-rate of the rifle, it still is faster than any other gun in coalition arsenal. It holds a more noticeable 25 round-mag compared to the rifle due to it's lower fire-rate. other than that, it has become quite popular by dual-wielder maniacs; apparently when paired one in each hand it has more dps than the rifle if you can stand the tedious reload

Weapon breakdown: 6-N4D3 Launcher
Staff had a hell of a time trying to get a genius name for a 6 slot grenade launcher. It has nothing too fancy, it just holds 6 grenades and fires them at a very reasonable rate. Deadly piece of gear

Anything that fits in the regular grenade launcher fits in this one, approved (vanilla) or not; so don't be afraid to call it a direct upgrade.

Weapon breakdown: Firepower Shotgun
Definitely ran out of names with this one. Auto shotty, 8 bullet chamber, up from the previous 6, and fires a hell of a lot quicker. What? We like the fire-rate of our guns as high as our scientists are... Don't tell them I said that.

Utilizes the same caliber as the riot shotgun, allowing it to be more modular and removing us the pain of making a custom shell just for it. Might be extremely deadly, I don't feel sorry for the creatures though.

Ammo breakdown
Surplus: Awful, cheap, I don't even know why we designed it. I guess it's good in a pickle but it deals very low damage; doesn't even make the target bleed. High fire-rate, headshots, and it's wild availability can reach to compensate this I guess.
Regular: Standard quality, designed to face pretty much anything without feeling useless. It's less common and requires a bit more skill to make than the surplus version.
AP: Higher quality, designed to eat through armor and reach targets with ease. It's much less common and probably only available at military specialized outposts unless you got a fabricator at hand.

  • 4 New guns craftable('easy' recipe). They are direct upgrades but require decent weapons' skill to craft. Probably too easy still.
  • 3 New ammo types for the guns, craftable. Deconstruct filled mags with 0% durability to reclaim an empty mag and refill it with ammo. Don't waste plastic, let the mayhem continue!
  • 3 New portable containers for ammunition
  • 1 New container for ammo (added only on the sub editor)

Known Issues
  • Due to an update, broken guns could no longer be repaired using the screwdriver, so the idea got scrapped. It's in here because I really wanted them to break on use and give them maintenance after missions. RIP my idea

Now with Polish translation! Thanks to Kaofan . Go check them out!
And a Russian translation made by iErr0r32 . Thank you very much, it is appreciated.

Please, report any bugs or feedback, as it's always welcome. Have fun crew!
인기 토론 모두 보기(5)
2022년 12월 6일 오전 10시 41분
Bug reports
2021년 6월 11일 오후 3시 41분
Legacy descriptions
2021년 4월 12일 오전 7시 13분
What have I been up to?
댓글 31
Havel L. Krik 2024년 6월 22일 오전 10시 58분 
For the MC ammo, there's a typo for the standard ammo (standard is missing the last D).
For the AP ammo, MC is spelled M.C. while the standard is spelled MC without the periods.
Nothing big, just wanted you to know.
Enigma 2023년 6월 7일 오전 9시 13분 
Greetings! iErr0r32's translation is now included in Total Russian Translation. Please, change a link!
AGrimmlock 2023년 1월 16일 오후 1시 13분 
also for me the mod works with the warden job mod
AGrimmlock 2023년 1월 16일 오후 12시 42분 
the guns need a slot for a flashlight cause i cannot use them in caves without going basically blind
BallzDeep420 2022년 12월 5일 오후 11시 25분 
This mod isn't working because of the Warden Job mod, despite this being a requirement of it. Pls fix
beast902 2022년 4월 30일 오후 9시 25분 
update pz
Gordon Freeman 2022년 4월 22일 오후 12시 10분 
I feel like these items should spawn far less commonly in ship armory chests, since it overshadows every other type of weapon, with the current setup. Spawning with about 30 random slots replaced with AHC mags, with only 1 or 2 pistols to use them, and almost no vanilla weapons, truly is annoying.
Tequila Sunset 2021년 12월 23일 오후 1시 12분 
sprayer effect doesnt work
Forgus 2021년 12월 23일 오후 12시 24분 
Does this mod work with the EK sets?
Mad_Mike 2021년 12월 1일 오후 3시 39분 