Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,099 人が評価
123.971 MB
2018年12月22日 8時55分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


The last theme of a series.

Relight Natural
Ultimate Eyecandy

Díky, že jste byli po celou dobu trvání série shovívaví k mým pokusům.
Nejsem grafik. Témata mě bavilo dělat a i má ješitnost byla uspokojena. Byla to zábava, ale je čas to ukončit.
Thanks for forgiveness throughout the series. It was fun, but it's time to end it.

*Ještě jednou bych chtěl poděkovat Ronyxovi za jeho skvélé nálepky, které mi pomohli vytvořit texturu betonu.
Once again, I would like to thank Ronyx for his great decals that helped me to create a concrete texture.
42 件のコメント
luigi 2023年6月13日 22時14分 
i love this just because of the thumbnail photos
Romarus Ⅰ 2022年8月21日 5時35分 
Which Lut and Render it setting would you advice for this theme ?
paradigm 2022年8月16日 13時28分 
hello may I use this in my custom map? I will link it in the steam page when uploaded with yourself credited.
Bad Sergeant James 2022年6月26日 7時26分 
ty kokos čech?
Clover 2022年6月7日 19時05分 
Hello Raffa!, could you please tell me how did you manage to change the "fertile" and the "field" textures please? I am trying to create my own theme but, the In-game theme editor does not include the option to edit those textures.
RayXorn 2022年6月6日 9時29分 
It looks pretty... but i cant get the same look in my game! :zagcry:
Anybody knows what settings of Eyecandy and Relight to use? I cant figure it out
Is there another mod you should use?
Otherwise awesome map theme with great textures
Ocean_Man 2022年3月20日 6時17分 
What settings am i supposed to use for ultimate eyecandy?
joe-frosch 2021年8月31日 6時18分 
geiler Map Therme endlich gefunden was ich sucht Habe sieht erst recht nach Natur aus als das mist Basic Danke
Daneilek 2021年8月23日 7時59分 
Ja jí teda zkusim Raffo :P:)
TestDriver 2021年6月12日 12時38分 
Nice. Really nice.