170 人が評価
Ni'Hal 1.0-1.4
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
5.329 MB
2018年10月17日 16時42分
2023年2月16日 12時19分
18 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Ni'Hal 1.0-1.4

Adds the xenophobic Ni'Hal, their equipment and faction, and their signature animal, the drake.

A race of spacefaring catfish nazis, flying under the banner of suffering not a xeno to live and handing out free power armor to every colony on the Rim.
They favor warm environments, can mine and build relatively quickly, and can produce insect jelly through some serious biological acrobatics, but have a tendency to naturally hate just about everyone and fare extremely poorly in the cold.
In addition, the Ni'Hal do not require their own rooms, and are completely fine sleeping in a barracks (and as long as they are in a barracks, they don't care about the room's quality, something something sleeping with other fishes), and neither can their sleep be disturbed and incur a negative moodlet.

Ni'Hal have their own color fine carpet and can make fine flooring out of humanoid leathers! If there are any races you particularly want to skin and turn into a rug please tell me.

Due to their extreme xenophobia, they clash often with the Orassans. Ni'Hal were originally created as an enemy for those cats to fight.

These guys are from Stellaris, Paradox's space-empire 4X game - if the portrait didn't give it away.

There's some patches for the mod which are a fair bit out of date; might still be useful if you're using the older RW builds:
EPOE patch.
UltraLite Version
And some patches for the drakes, also out of date:
ADS Patch
Drake Armor
I am working on updating the drake armor, but that's coming with new art and will be included in the base mod.

If you have any ideas regarding names, balancing, or anything else regarding the mod, go ahead and post in the comments. I have a few projects going on and I've no desire to be an all-out modder but changes to existing mods will be rather swift.

Maintained with permission from the original author, Diana (Kitty).
137 件のコメント
Ollie-Raven 4月20日 13時31分 
no worries at all. Thankyou for letting us know :)
Zeri  [作成者] 4月18日 15時18分 
I'm not playing Rimworld or working on any of the mods for it right now. Got hired to do pixel art for something else and I'm not very interested in the newer DLCs... so, no updates.
If someone wants to take over then they can message Diana about it.
Macaquetus 4月18日 14時21分 
Hey Zeri,

Any chance this will get updated?
Ollie-Raven 4月12日 13時09分 
i hope this gets updated its one of my favourite races <3 (no worries if not)
Alkpaz 2023年4月28日 14時35分 
This mod made me think once again about playing Stellaris, then I remember the late-game 1 day tick per second+ slowdown.
Zeri  [作成者] 2023年4月20日 14時13分 
None of the patches are up to date, and they are 100% optional. I'll adjust the desc.
Angrysquirrel 2023年4月20日 8時10分 
Cool man! They're back. Do I need to download the above patches (with exception of lite patch). Are the patches 1.4 compatible?
Ollie-Raven 2023年4月20日 7時21分 
No worries at all. Just wanted to pass it on here. I will see what I can find out in my logs. thankyou <3
Zeri  [作成者] 2023年4月19日 22時47分 
Heavy Jaw isn't a thing referenced within the mod. Biotech, maybe? In any case, I think that's a soft incompatibility with something else, can't do much unless you can track down what it's with, and not sure I'd want to make a patch for it on my own time.
Ollie-Raven 2023年4月19日 12時19分 
Failed to find any textures at Things/Nihal/Heads/HeavyJaw_Normal while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Nihal/Heads/HeavyJaw_Normal, color=RGBA(0.341, 0.322, 0.298, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000))

Had this error