Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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American Railroad Signal Replacer
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21 SEP 2018 a las 16:58
24 SEP 2018 a las 22:45
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American Railroad Signal Replacer

En 1 colección creada por ol' rdtg
Some Props and Assets
970 artículos
This mod replaces the vanilla railroad crossing signals with an American style crossing signal.

Currently the lights are non-functioning, but I am in the process of fixing that and will be adding an animated barrier soon too.

Upcoming soon:
Reworked small crossing cross bucks; will be adding cross bucks/small signal to the gravel road.
Animated barriers for railroad crossings
An options menu with the following settings:

1.) Enable cross buck on gravel road**
2.) Enable or disable barrier for small crossing/cross buck
3.) Enable or disable barrier for mediu
m crossing
4.) Enable or disable barrier for large crossing

** If I can swing it I will add the cross bucks to anything else that they would fit on like tiny NeXT roads or ped paths.


Verision 1.04:
Reworked meshes & textures completely for the medium & large crossings.
Added barriers to the medium & large crossings (Not functioning yet; in the process of learning the animation system)

Version 1.01:
All dependencies are now included in this mod. You can unsub from the old dependency.
Added a small railroad crossing sign with lights for small roads
Added a long railroad crossing signal gantry for large roads

Version 1.0:
Initial release

Animate signal lights
Add barricades ** Need to animate barricades
American style semaphore signals and other track signals & signs
Add small signal/cross buck to gravel road and any other fitting rodads/paths.
Options menu with options for barriers etc
Getting the red lights to flash back and forth like rteal American signals instead of just lighting up like the vanilla crossing
Add more railroad crossings, semaphores etc from around the world & rebrand as 'Universal Railroad Crossing Replacer'

Add larger crossing signal gantry for larger roads
Add small railroad crossing sign only for small roads

If you have issues with the mod, please upload your output_log.txt to a site like pastebin and put the link in a comment with a description of your problem, I will try to help out as soon as I can.


Q: What does this do??

A: Like it says above, it replaces the vanilla railroad crossing signals with American styled crossing signals.

Q: What's the point?

A: Well, I made this for myself, trying to build an American style city with custom road signs and road textures looks great until you see a railroad crossing that looks completely foreign.

Q: Does it work like the vanilla crossing?

A: Not yet, but I am working on that! Within the next few updates I will include a fully functional crossing (flashing lights & working barrier)

Q: It looks kinda dinky on large roads.

A: Not really a question, but sure. I am working on making different sized signal gantries based off Conno's original prop, along with a single RR Crossing sign for tiny roads. They should be coming in the next few updates as well.

Possible incompatibilities:

Road Prop Remover (Not really incompatible, the option would probably just hide the new signals)

Medium railroad crossing gantry asset by Conno

Special thanks to BloodyPenguin for his American Traffic Lights source which helped shape this mod.

And thanks to Tim The Terrrible for helping me figure out some texture problems I was having early in development. :)
73 comentarios
Sean Diaz 13 ABR a las 1:53 
cries this must have uodates.
EMD DDA40X 31 AGO 2023 a las 17:51 
I wonder when this mod'll be functional
ol' rdtg  [autor] 5 JUL 2023 a las 13:38 
@Descubre - Not currently :( Between my job and personal life I just haven't had the time to mod CS. I hope to return to it soon, with everything I've learned during work and make some new better versions of this stuff, but I can't say when I'll be able to :\
Descubre 5 JUL 2023 a las 7:02 
is this still being worked on?
nerdygothgeek420 16 OCT 2022 a las 8:12 
[h1] FYI for everyone[/h1]
If you are experiencing any issues with traffic lights appearing at grade crossings , that is not due to this or any other mod.

CO has broken lane prop placements which has caused every network, including the vanilla ones to become broken.

Use BOB or Adaptive Networks to fix. Tedious, yes, but hopefully there will be another update that fixes this (and does not break other stuff)
Þēros 30 JUL 2021 a las 0:27 
@ol' rdtg railway*
bnsf4715 15 MAR 2021 a las 10:02 
the railway replacer is hard to use
bnsf4715 15 MAR 2021 a las 10:01 
i got the signals and they would not function when a train is near
Katie1888 3 MAY 2020 a las 17:50 
i cant wait for the lights!
Project_Amberly 12 ABR 2020 a las 12:47 
Just a question: When you rework this mod, can you also try to add in realistic crossing bell sounds?