Dota 2
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Containing item: "Luna - Deception of Kayelinth - Mount"
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Luna - Deception of Kayelinth
Collection by Boop
Disillusioned from her meagre last battle, Luna excuses herself from Selemene's presence. Though the battle was won the glory was hollow. Her lust for the fight was undermined by the lack of worthy opponents She walked aimlessly to clear her clouded mind,
Сета на героев Доты 2
Collection by Bendi
Сеты на героеДоты 2 которые мне понравились
Коллекция героев
Collection by Eq[uali]zer
Продукты в наборе полный комплект:)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff APPROVAL
Collection by b e l l
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Dota skins
Collection by Kaitax
Just a collection of Dota skins I'd love to see in the game.
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