Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Your own custom apocalypse
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Left 4 Dead 2 Christmas Collection 2024
Collection by inc
0 conflicts, so just subscribe to all and enjoy! https://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg
The xdReanimsBase Collection
Collection by eri
xdReanimsBase Animation Collection Enhance your Left 4 Dead 2 experience with this comprehensive collection of community-made animations built on the xdReanimsBase framework. Dive into a world of immersive re-animations for survivors and infected, crafted
Muh Immersion
Collection by CarcinoGene♱icis♱
Does who are addicted to MUH IMMERSION! like me just install the one of the muzzleflashes first then the fixes or 600+ sounds first then enhanced audios then weapons sound and lastly the HD retex.
Addons Favoritos
Collection by МаЯоLа® (✌゚∀゚)☞
Aqui tem uma lista de Mods que gosto e uso. Alguns Mods muito bons não pude adicionar nesta lista pois seus autores os removeram.
Collection by 水银灯
Dying 4 Light
Collection by s6o6t
Dying Light mods collection
Tactical & Cursed Mods
Collection by Fraze彡
"These things take violence and timing, I can do both." - Cpt. Price I know, I sucked at organizing this stuffs.
Collection by 风真彩羽
xdR全部动作合集 ps:必须订阅第一个前置mod才能生效 别忘了点赞和收藏哦
Left 4 Dead 2 The ultimate Weeb, freak, gamer gold edition
Collection by 💖 KinkyPlayer 💖
Collection by 冰凉小手
大量二次元以及整活玩梗的mod可全部直接订阅,无视冲突mod实测不造成游玩影响,接下来有几处重要需要说明一下 1:本合集mod较多显存底容易闪退,建议游戏内设置把电池页面优化调成底,也可自行去除部分mod 2:本合集中加了三个武器脚本,一个是全地图都能捡到任何枪械和近战,第二个是武器更强击飞,第三个是武器可连发且无后坐力 3:本合集中有两个管理员mod,一个是需要自行编辑按键的,设置里打开开发者模式按~打开开发者菜单,输入这串代码 bind v"show_menu Menu" 游戏内按v就可以了,另一个是
My Completely Insane L4D2 Crossover(Left 4 Signals)
Collection by ROBERT KYLE
This is my L4D2 Crossover collection. Everything here has been based on my L4D2 crossover ideas. Often or not, the ideas are originally from mods I enjoy, so they can quickly change, but because there is only one more commission left, the lore is quickly c
Collection by 流歌Ruka
自用 基本都是经过本人精挑细选的mod 基本涵盖了求生中的每一样物品 不定期会更新 部分物品存在两个或以上的mod 请凭个人喜好订阅 2022.1.25更新 将最近使用的mod都加进了合集 手感还都是可以的(只能说cod16yyds) 小刀需要击退的话需要订阅麻辣香锅大佬的m9刺刀hud 顺便说一句本人使用的角色mod不仅仅是符合自己xp的角色 而且手模也至少能看的过去 以及第三人称蹲下不是腰射而是一个瞄准的姿势 以后也会不定期更新 毕竟不能一成不变嘛 用腻了就换 目前有自己学做mod的打算 无奈最近有点忙
Collection by 「    」
PID:87394555 UID:1281893(侵删,绝不做任何形式盈利) 我一共创建了9个类别的合集,专为那些想订阅一整套模组却苦于在创意工坊一个一 个找或在其他玩家的合集中翻找需要的模组. (其实说的就是我自己= =一个个找,整的我难受的要死) 由于收藏了上千个模组,不方便排序.还请见谅!!!最新搬运的模组都在最底层 合集总览 下面为其他类型的模组合集,可以直接点击文字跳转 人物 武器 医疗 特感 音效 主题 载具 喷漆 杂项 注意!个别模组是需要手动安装!!! 注意!个别模组是需要手动安装!!! 注
Collection by 秋之柱
逛了200小时的创意工坊总结出的合集,风格写实无二次元,大幅增强了血腥程度,武器手感,添加更出色的粒子效果,以及全新的hud,音效,大部分道具都有对应的优化mod,也有可以自行断控,向游戏中添加了全新武器的mod,不过合集里没有任何地图与特感mod,需要的可以自行下载 合集内mod虽可以全部一键订阅,但由于我为了尽量满足每个人的爱好,在合集内提供了一把枪械的不同mod,实际订阅过后需要订阅者们进游戏自己取舍一下用哪个mod 注意:如果电脑不是很好的或者玩第三方地图时闪退的玩家请关闭所有高清贴图以及super
尸特律2:联合军纪元 (Law of the Dead 2: The Age of the United Armies)
Collection by 韦子能
稳定: 一键订阅所有无冲突可联机 风格: 主打“科幻、写实”的游戏风格。我们如同阴沟里的虫子,但总还是得有人仰望星空,沉重的现实枷锁时刻将身体牢牢禁锢,而如蝼蚁般生存的我们,但凡有任何超凡脱俗的想象,也都因拗不过地心引力而坠地消亡。但所幸总有人打破常规,也感谢他们痛恨按部就班,才得以让天马行空的思维无边地发散开来,编织出了超越现实之美的艺术国度,用尽可能地想象去具象尚未到来的未来,这大概就是科幻的魅力所在吧 视频: 更新中 剧情: 据预言所说,白霜与白光的时代即将来临,疯狂与耻辱的时代即将来临,世界将会在霜
[R18] Bocchi's Hentai Crusade
Collection by Bocchi
My personal Collection of Hand-Picked Mods. Includes everything related to Anime, Hololive, Nekopara, Hentai & Crappy Memes that you could ever want. A lot of Custom Campaigns DO NOT like this Collection. Do not be surprised if your Custom Levels do not wo
L4D2 Old Horror
Collection by RJD
I tried to turn Vanilla L4D2 into 2000's Zombie Horror.
Other Mods I Love
Collection by 스나오
These are mods that I think are great and enjoy (* >ω<)
Left 4 Dead 2 Realism Horror
Collection by Camel
600 Mods Complete Remaster of The Game Now works on all official and custom campaigns. There are no mods conflicting with each other. No population mods included. Little amount of RNG mods for better performance. Changes Almost all the models and textures
Postal Collection (In-Progress) [Private]
Collection by filmtoaster
"Yeah baby, I am the lizard king!" This is a set to replace every character, music, weapon, and infected to fit with Running with Scissors' flagship franchise, featuring everyone's favorite homicidal every-man, the Postal dude. Uses assets from every game
Collection by ray71739
xdR Animation mods
Furry Runner 2049 - A vingança da Horny Police
Collection by Carinha
"Furry Runner 2049 - A vingança da Horny Police" é uma coleção de mods para o game Left 4 Dead 2 (2009) com o intuito de criar uma historinha nova que parodia Blade Runner 2049, tudo para você se divertir. Historia. 2049. Há anos atrás, "Os caçadores de Fu
Collection by 剁椒炒丁丁
Halo Overhaul: Dead Sorrows (HD Edition)
Collection by cHiCkeNHaTeR
-FULL CONVERSION MOD COLLECTION- This is a collection of Halo themed mods that will aesthetically change the weapons, infected, survivors, and environment to immerse yourself in the Halo universe with a few extra mods that enhance the gaming experience. in
Halo Overhaul: Dead Sorrows (Non HD Edition)
Collection by cHiCkeNHaTeR
-FULL CONVERSION MOD COLLECTION- This is a collection of Halo themed mods that will aesthetically change the weapons, infected, survivors, and environment to immerse yourself in the Halo universe with a few extra mods that enhance the gaming experience. in
God has left us
Collection by Kiryu Gaming
Tired of playing a perfectly fine game ? Tired of playing a realistic game that make total sense ? Want something a bit more ... unique ? Oh boy do I have the mods just for you ! This collection of mod contain a bunch of cursed mods (with some real good mo
Collection by 应到的未到
没有安装DXVK插件就订阅此合集,必须把可用页池内存调低,否则游戏会闪退!!! 没有安装DXVK插件就订阅此合集,必须把可用页池内存调低,否则游戏会闪退!!! 没有安装DXVK插件就订阅此合集,必须把可用页池内存调低,否则游戏会闪退!!! bind v noclip bind i show_menu Menu (游戏秘籍) cl_crosshair_alpha 0 (准星) 单独复制到控制台或者写入autoexec.cfg文件,自行百度一下这个文件。 务必下载DXVK插件,然后放到游戏目录,可以去B站搜求生
Fallout overhaul for LFD2
Collection by Grizz
This is a collection of mods for you fallout fans NOT ALL THESE ARE COMPATIBLE SO YOU HAVE TO PICK AND CHOOSE Also give the proper respect the the original owners as I did not make these mods Enjoy, if you have questions or statements leave a comment letti
Mi Colección de mods que utilizo 2024
Collection by Julioc2005
Español: Acá les comparto mis mods que los utilizo desde del 2021, algunos mods que están mi colección los conocí a Lalo HLZ como ejemplo: - The Parish Retexture - Cinematic Lighting Effects - Blood - Informal Skyboxes - Realistic Weapons Sounds Mod - 3PS
Прикольные моды
Collection by Nell
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