Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included Workshop!
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Oni - Qol List
Collection by Sp!ts
Collection by troublesome
Just quality of life mods Use Mod Updater / Mod Manager!
Mods "O Verão está chegando"
Collection by Estratégia em Choque
Collection by Claye
Mods by @Ony 👾
Collection by Ony
All mods made by me for game Oxygen Not Included Improve your game experience by adding extra usability elements and new actions! * DGSM - Control your Duplicants * WGSM - Control your Worlds Generation * Mod Manager - Keep the Mods up to Date * Mods Prese
Collection by 小米米沙
Quality Of Life Mods
Collection by Brothgar
Mods that don't change the game, they just make the game more enjoyable to play by removing some of the pain points in the game.
Ronivan's Mods
Collection by Ronivan
All the mods I have created.
ONI Strict QOL Mods
Collection by Aze
QOL mods for Oxygen Not Included that have no, or negligible, impact on the gameplay. These mods improve how you interact with the game without changing the game itself.
Collection by 毕春
Collection by _奶咖君_
一只热爱缺氧的子丶弹 的缺氧游戏实况与直播中经常使用到的mod的合集。 Steam ID:子丶弹 Q群:124593720 网易云ID:一只热爱缺氧的子丶弹 B站:一只热爱缺氧的子丶弹 直播:https://live.bilibili.com/5647684
Collection by 乌鸦先生
简介 给新人玩家的mod合集,更直观的获取信息,增加小人的智商,简化或避免繁琐的操作,提高体验且不破坏本体难度和谐mod合集。 mod初略介绍 Research Queue (按住 Shift键 科技树研究多选) Better Automation Overlay(增加自动化线路信息) Better Info Cards 和 select last care package(卡片上的优化和信息获取) Bigger Camera Zoom Out (解锁地图缩放限制) Build Over Plants(植物
Brothgar's Super Modded Playthrough List
Collection by Brothgar
These are the modes I am using in my super modded series of ONI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D71RUamk0KM&list=PL2gmcIorFri8EikbDpNRtD1RJ_JpfQu0T
Sanchozz's mods
Collection by Sanchozz
My mods, which I created in my free time as a hobby, so that my brains would not rust and for you guys to have better game experience and more fun! Мои моды, которые я создавал в качестве хобби в свободное от работы время, чтобы мои мозги не заржавели, а в
Cairath's Mods
Collection by Cairath
Collection of Oxygen Not Included mods created by me. Patreon Want to say thanks and support the development? Please consider supporting me on Patreon Other Check my GitHub or the forum thread
Mods with my art
Collection by Aki
Mods that have at least one sprite by me. Very tiny list for now but more is on the way! ^^ - This is a reference collection; these mods may not be related at all and aren't sorted by game-play compatibility.
Echo Ridge Gaming's ONI Mods
Collection by Echo Ridge Gaming
These are the mods I use playing ONI. Some of them have not been updated since the last patch. https://www.youtube.com/EchoRidgeGaming
Collection by 小米米沙
2020.2.15 合集里的模组是小米直播的时候娱乐找的~有一些比较影响平衡~请小伙伴根据自己的情况酌情使用。 地图模组不要和筛选地图特质的模组同时使用,容易崩溃。筛选地图特质的模组有点儿bug,选晶洞特质有概率全屏黑曜石开局。。 全部模组同时开启对电脑要求比较高,不建议轻易尝试 总而言之~娱乐而已~开心就好!
QOL + Expanded + Sensible Additions For Oni
Collection by Shrglwyddes
This list is meant to be a comprehensive offering of what the modding community has achieved to make the game better. This collection represents a collection of mods that are included because they either fill in a gap in gameplay, mechanics, UI, or some ot
Mods made by Sgt_Imalas
Collection by Sgt_Imalas
산소미포함 사용모드
Collection by Jamesbread
Collection by 吐泡泡的小鱼
吐泡泡的小鱼 缺氧游戏模组合集
Collection by 素月
Davkas Mods
Collection by Davkas
Collection by lonely
Nathan's Sandbox Ultimate Base mods
Collection by isochronous
This contains all of the mods Nathan uses in his "Building the Ultimate Base" series on youtube, gathered here for your convenience.
SlyfoX seine Mods
Collection by SlyfoX
Diese Mods benutzt der Sly für sein Oni
Collection by tyrian
我做的mod,包含 (已发布)温度控制器:降温器,加热器 (已发布)元素抓取胶囊:液体胶囊,气体胶囊,真空胶囊,挖矿胶囊 (已发布)传送方块:固体传送方块、液体传送方块、气体传送方块 (已发布)赌机:可以通过消耗基本材料进行抽奖的方式获取高级元素与材料 (已发布)传送网:全新的液固气三个传送方块、可以让小人瞬间移动的任意门、可以让小人跨星球传送的跨星球传送器 (已发布)春节套:使用全新的粒子特效的装饰性mod,祝大家2024年龙年大吉吧! (未发布)温度控制器2.0:温度控制器的升级版 (95%) (已发布
Collection by ✨Twinkling
[DEPRECATED] 20220420 ONI - compatible mods for Oxygen Not Included base game
Collection by sterling.foiles
*** The Mega Mod Collection *** aka The 20220420 ONI Challenge hundreds of fun, useful, compatible Oxygen Not Included base game mods tl;dr: You can pick and choose or simply subscribe to all these mods and then successfully create, save and load a new ONI
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