Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Have you got what it takes?
Create and submit new items (such as hats, weapons, badges, boots, and more) for consideration to be incorporated into the actual game. Click here to learn more.
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Iron Gauntlet - Maps, Cosmetics, Weapons, Taunts, Unusuals
Collection by Woozlez
This is the collection for the new community project “Iron Gauntlet”, ran by Woozlez, SedimentarySocks, and CoBalt. We aim to create and collect together as many robotic items as possible, then present them all together to Valve as a potential community up
The Best Items You'll (Probably) Never See in Team Fortress 2
Collection by TheGhostThatWas
As the quality and quantity of items in the Steam Workshop has gone up over the years, the amount of items that have been added to the game have gone down. With the current developers struggling to push out updates regularly, it's likely that the workshop
I Understood That Reference - Collection v1
Collection by josc #FixTF2
FEEL THE POWER OF REFERENCE! A small collection with references to pop culture, memes, games, etc. • I Understood That Reference - Collection v2 • I Understood That Reference - Collection v3
Box Gloves
Collection by Maxgrid
En: Several types of box gloves in this collection There are some bizzarre and others more serious FR:Plusieurs types de gants de box dans cette collection il y en n'as des bizzarre et d'autres plus sérieux
TF2 Collection
Collection by Subscribe to Hunter Yap
Stuff I wish were in the GAME BOI
Fatscout Fashion & Firearms
Collection by Something rather absurd.
This is a list of items on the steam community workshop that seem to fit the fatscout subclass. These items include various shotguns, melee weapons, hats and miscs. Art done by agentscarlet on DeviantArt.
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