

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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600+ Firefly/Fallout/CB themed, auto-sort friendly [1.3]
Collection by Hahkethomemah
This list is the result of a careful look at all 8 000 mods available for 1.3. GOAL The goal was to preserve the original idea of a sci-fi survival sim game and add the high eśt possible variety of items, events, biomes, animals, backstories, factions and
Developed by me
Collection by Mlie
Just a collection of mods Ive created. https://i.imgur.com/kTkpTOE.png https://i.imgur.com/NBs971x.png https://i.imgur.com/Ds0rBAD.png Since modding is just a hobby for me I expect no donations to keep modding. If you still want to show your support you ca
Collection by 冷峻诗人
玩着玩着又想加点mod,就新增了一些mod 还是无红字带排序文件 包含皇权dlc 和文化dlc的相关mod 都是从其他优秀合集中收集的,比较符合个人口味 另外,几乎所有的mod都是被汉化大佬们汉化过的,可以放心食用 如果觉得模组太多,可以拖到最下面链接 有我之前弄的158模组的合集 如果觉得模组太少,可以自行添加一些 一次少加一点,备份好config文件后,测试是否有报错即可 非常感谢汉化组大佬和个人汉化大佬 以及非常感谢社区辛勤整理合集的大佬 最后,附上排序文件: 之前199个模组的蓝奏云 http请s:
Collection by swarm维护子个体
新版本通过链接下载 合集介绍: 额,mod有点多,总之就是原版拓展,卫生温控,核能,石油,无线电,飞船,机甲,龙,航天(不是sos2),据点拓展,远行大冒险等等一些比较有名的大型mod,一些种族mod,rjw,一些让小人更真实有趣的mod,还有一大堆优化美化汉化,无ce,使用rimpy排序。 注意!!! 本合集是我一年前的合集不断增减而来的,可能有过时的,多余的,被覆盖的mod,且并未经过完整测试,目前我的档也就过了1年(电都没解锁,呜呜呜)而且有几个mod是刚刚加的,所以你玩的时候可能会遇到我没发现的问题
Collection by 红色的海星
Collection by Da熊
目前只有ce会报10条左右的红 其余有黄无红 完美运行不卡顿 多种优化mod保驾护航 内含多达100+枪械【各种时代 满足你的各种时代要求】10+近战武器【100多种近战武器 满足你的近战梦!】和 近战动画Melee Animation近战动画等等.. 飞行器框架对你的殖民地保驾护航 【载具框架 目前对内存负荷太大 暂时不考虑!】 还有多种族【鼠鼠,猫猫。莫约,珉巧.....支持ce的种族】 更有奇幻动物【奇幻生物龙,阿尔法动物,奇幻动物.....】 美化类mod更是多达100+ 让你的殖民地成为环世界最好
Collection by Equinox
本合集为个人向所整理的大型CE合集,内容:功能机制降血压 美化优化提高体验 大型综合拓展原版 且排序内做过简单分类,导入排序以后自定义此合集效果更佳 含XML文件与存档文件辅助排序 链接没有病毒,请复制到浏览器再打开 夸克网盘:https://pan.quark.cn/s/263224b3da19 提取码:dj1P 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RqLkfsP-P6qDwFN4hmZGQA?pwd=Equi 提取码:Equi 若使用需要指导可加群询问管理 以下为自行斟酌是否移除
Rimworld Canal do Void 01/08/2022 [CE]
Collection by VoiD
Collection by 絵空事卡卡
Mega Mod List >750 Mods 1.3
Collection by Actiaeon
The huge mod list I am using in my current game, I try to maintain the general feel of Rimworld while adding things like aliens and new objects. It is auto-sort friendly, just activate harmony and mod manager first. You will need to move What The Hack: Gua
RimWorld War 2 (RWW2) Let's Play | Mod List
Collection by Krazy4Games
Here is a list of the mods used in my RimWorld War 2 Let's Play! Playlist link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbNvCcoTnQMR1vM08yhpwUbFidvsFx-5q
Collection by 捞琴手
没有你找不到,只有你找不到 这可能是家人们能找到的最大能用的中文mod包之一了 食用方法:开袋即食 订阅后下载安装,游戏内直接一键排序即可游玩简单粗暴 (不过好像有几个冲突的mod,冲突里头二选一即可) 我的电脑四倍全速大概在20帧左右 1.2.3倍速大概在30-50帧左右 (小声bb:CPU:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz) 虽然会爆红字但是对游戏几乎无影响,放心游玩 有啥改进建议欢迎在评论区留言!!!
Collection by B站 元气老可乐
元气老可乐的【环世界中世纪合集】 环世界·中世纪 - 老家村的故事: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14u4y117R8 Up主B站主页: 点击直达 求关注! 我不是mod大佬,不懂那么多,都是自己摸索,所以有问题大家可以自行搜索,我真不了解…… 打完记得用Rimpy调顺序,教程可以自己找,我也是按教程来。 打完记得用Rimpy调顺序,教程可以自己找,我也是按教程来。 打完记得用Rimpy调顺序,教程可以自己找,我也是按教程来。 【数量太多,极度不稳定,极度容易崩!!!】
Biotech Semi-Vanilla no Canal do Void 21/11/2022
Collection by VoiD
Collection by 絵空事卡卡
RimWorld 1.4 Medieval Multiplayer
Collection by James009
This is a collection of mods for a stable medieval multiplayer playthrough. Added: 01/10 - Removal of medieval persona weapons and additional outposts - Added throne mods 01/09 - Added Alpha Mythology animals, Hospitality, Set up Camps, Windows, and Show h
Collection by 絵空事卡卡
JoeOwnage Medieval Fantasy 1.4
Collection by JoeOwnage
1.4 version of my medieval fantasy modlist. The mods I use for my medieval fantasy runs that are based on a DnD 5e Campaign. For a detailed install guide see my 1.3 Medieval Fantasy Collection https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28494286
JoeOwnage Medieval Fantasy 1.3
Collection by JoeOwnage
- The mods I use for my medieval fantasy runs that are based on a DnD 5e Campaign. If you like this, you can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/joeownage Installation Guide 1) Intro: - I would highly recommend unsubscribing from all current mods and then going to
RimWorld Reloaded [v1.4] (1000+)
Collection by CheeseWaffle69
The RimWorld Reloaded modpack offers an enriched gameplay experience by expanding upon the core mechanics of RimWorld while introducing a range of quality-of-life features. This carefully curated collection of mods enhances every aspect of the game.ㅤㅤㅤ NEW
Skele's Vanilla Modding Collection (1.3)
Collection by Skele₊
An absolute shitshow thar doesn't work out the gate. These are the mods I use to run my game, just subscribe to all or select which ones you want. :mhwgood: Use Rimpy to sort mod list, read on the page how to use it properly. Saves you many possible headac
Beeple Inc.
Collection by The Master Chef
We're the Beeple People!
Neufusion's Ultimate Vanilla-ish Mod Collection
Collection by Neufusion
A set of mods I've collected and vetted for the Ultimate Vanilla-ish experience without overdoing it with too many added items and functionality. Includes many graphics enhancements and textures. Lots of new Animals, Plants, Items, Weapons, Armor, Tools. N
Collection by 密麻麻石蜡
报黄貌似是因为Pawnmorpher这个mod汉化的问题 总体来说还是比较正义的 mod排序:链接:https://pan删.baidu.com/s/1掉Cr7JWq4udKt-i9pLmU我kjVg 提取码:6666
Collection by YiRen
合集顺序就是mod排序顺序 —————————————————— 我会在斗鱼直播游戏,感兴趣可以来斗鱼看我直播哦!(房间号7453300) 也可以来我的q群(651537224)一起聊天 群内也有提供排序用的存档与文件 —————————————————— 在每次环世界结档之后,我就会提供一套那个档的mod排序合集 你也可以在这之上进行添加,前提是你知道要把mod放在什么位置 ---2022/02/13 14:57:33
Vaguely Vanilla
Collection by eth0net
A collection of mods I use for Vanilla-like games, tweaking things without overhauling the entire game with major features. This list is maintained in the load order I use in-game, so please keep that in mind when enabling mods. Logo from TextStudio
NevikTheStoryteller's Rimworld 1.3 Mod Repository
Collection by Apple Juice for the Merry
Rimworld 1.4
Collection by Yuudoku
Collection by 951629295
Communist Catgirls & Adorable Atrocities (1.3)
Collection by arachnidsGrip
Nyaaaaaaaa~ *Shoots you with a coil revolver at point blank range in the sternum for being a mime* Use Rimpy and sort, ignore issues. Tweak your configs to your liking, it kind of sucks if you leave it base. Fair warning, this modlist takes a real long tim
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