

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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边缘汉化组 中文Mod合集
Collection by leafzxg
所有支持简&繁中文的Mod都可以在此找到 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 合集内容说明: 由于一个合集限制最多只能收入1000个Mod,所本合集不再能囊括所有已知中文Mod; 本合集精心挑选最适合大众口味的精品中文Mod收入,你能想到的所有知名Mod均已收录,如果大家还想探索更多小
边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 功能机制
Collection by leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「功能机制」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「功能机制」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 运行库; UI优化; AI优化; 指令工具; 逻辑优化; 分析清理; 地图编辑; 游戏机制调整; 创新游戏机制; 您
Mlie's resurrected mods
Collection by Mlie
https://i.imgur.com/buuPQel.png Started as a collection of mods that I used and that had not been updated by their respective owners. After the release of RimWorld 1.1 with the need for many mods to update both framework and xml, I took it upon myself to u
Collection by Diamond.J
QQ群: 1群:786428265 (被人举报了还有一些众所周知的原因建议别加) 2群:773179016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 使用步骤 (如果看不懂或者有问题请再结合后面的说明使用) 1:点击订阅所有mod(如果你觉得mod太多,或者有不喜欢的mod,可以选择取消订阅相应mod,不会影响游戏,只要不取消订阅前置mod就好,如harmony)
Collection by Diamond.J
注意,这个合集是1.2版本,1.3版本的合集请看链接:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2566439344 关于:不想白嫖的好兄弟怎么支持我 Mod交流群已经建立,群号:786428265 欢迎各位小伙伴们加入 如果有好兄弟不想白嫖的话可以到我的个人界面为我的工坊内容进行点赞,分享等,万分感谢!因为我做这个又不是为了盈利,所以就不要给我发红包或者赞助啥的了!我是真心喜欢这个游戏才做的合集! 合集里面魅狐没有脸的问题已经解决了,然后我多加
[1.4 神州作者力荐 3.05更新修复bug]钻石1.4无红字合集 1.4 stable Mods collection
Collection by Diamond.J
Introduction: Do you have the following worries? 1: I spent several hours sorting the mods I subscribed to, but I still couldn't enter the game or the game just exploded the file or exploded the red letter indefinitely 2: There are too many mods in the wor
The Masterlist (Empire + SoS2) for 1.2
Collection by Raptor
The Masterlist Please VOTE for this collection! Only so it rise in the steam preview - there are to much lazy collections on top. I builded this collection for me because i tried out several others which had nearly all big flaws and bugs. I tried to addres
600+ Firefly/Fallout/CB themed, auto-sort friendly [1.3]
Collection by Hahkethomemah
This list is the result of a careful look at all 8 000 mods available for 1.3. GOAL The goal was to preserve the original idea of a sci-fi survival sim game and add the high eśt possible variety of items, events, biomes, animals, backstories, factions and
5-year rimworld veteran's mod list
Collection by PARSA TV
Compatible with 08.01.2022 1.3 update. I've played Rimworld for about 5 years by discussing with rimworld players and taking their advice, and I've shared my experiences below to help you as well. These modes are modes that do not change the course of the
Dwelling in the Wastes - A Rimworld Experience(21/9)
Collection by Arcanant
A feature rich and optimized modpack for 1.3 Rimworld with hundreds of QoL mods and a rusty wasteland theme atmosphere with potential though to expand to spacer comforts. Endorsed by some of the major contributors in the Rimworld modding scene Mlie Ranger
【1.3自用】一晚上排出来的无红字 - WF
Collection by WithoutFold
关于一晚上找出一个集合的这件事 综述:都是一个个各地找来的 没错我就是大家的搬运工 ,大多都是有汉化的了,有空会把注意事项一一罗列出来,也会挑些mod做点小推荐。本集合可能一直会做加法,减法大家自己适当的来哈~第一次使用详见注意事项。 "替换掉就行]: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iN1Xe7JhFBCcaG8B01mCqQ 提取码:RWRW 【第一次务必先纯净进去,添加Mod manager,重启再添加其他所有mod,使用下方的自动排序,之后应该就没问题了。。。直接进当然进不去
1.4 Biotech Megapack (rev21-Feb 15th, '23)
Collection by CurrentlyFapping
Warning: Light NSFW Content! Are you looking for a Rimworld modpack with weight behind it? This is my curated experience from playing over the years which focuses on bug squashing, expanding game content, and avoiding crippling your PC. WARNING !! Humanoid
Collection by awwwwsl
1.4版本更新预告已出,如果想继续玩合集的话,可以查看这个来保留在1.3版本https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8065924169?share=9105&fr=sharewise&see_lz=0&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version= 无法添加合集的MOD: htt
Doc Collection - Medieval
Collection by Dr Zhivago
MOD COLLECTION IS NOT SAVE FRIENDLY This is a large mod collection (307 mods to be exact) for RimWorld v1.2. This mod collection endeavors to work towards a Medieval style play-through. Use one of the medieval storytellers and/or use Faction Control to rem
[1.5] Menagerie Of Mods - [800+ Mods]
Collection by Jordan
If you enjoy this modpack, please give it a thumbs up so others can discover it too! https://i.imgur.com/aNMmEOT.gif Welcome to my personal collection of mods for an intensely modded gaming experience in RimWorld! Whether you're a seasoned modder or a curi
Rimworld Pure Medieval 1.4
Collection by Legion_LXIXI
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxKhIcVH5iwcBfTPzC4hR2w Epic Builds With Chris Presents....... Rimworld Pure Medieval For 1.4 What is it? This is a collection of low impact mods to give you a fully functional, playable, (mostly) bug free Medieval Scenario
Collection by Holarula
I'm sorry that this is a collection for Chinese players and not for English players(etc). But it still work to play,just del the Chinese localization mod. The collection is only for 1.2. 请先看完下方介绍再食用 因为1.3更新所以此1.2合集停止更新,在停止更新前以下内容均为可用状态。 合集属于自用MOD合集 目前我都在使用
Collection by 捞琴手
啊,鸽了这么长时间我又回来了 最近在玩1.4的时候发现大多数中文合集的大佬们做的都是中世纪的合集,而科技合集却相当的少(也可能是我眼拙QAQ) 鱼逝我就突发奇想做了这么个合集,主打的就是科技和机械 包括但不限于自动人形、SRT飞船、科技武器、边缘军工等等mod,主打的就是一个科技路线(所以基本没有玄了巴呼的东西) 本合集仍会继续更新,如果我能让您满意的话希望能给我点个赞(卑微) 如果有任何想让我加入合集的mod、改进建议或是游玩问题欢迎在评论区讨论(我会认真看的!!!) 嘶,还有啥来着……对了 使用方法:自
Collection by swarm维护子个体
新版本通过链接下载 合集介绍: 额,mod有点多,总之就是原版拓展,卫生温控,核能,石油,无线电,飞船,机甲,龙,航天(不是sos2),据点拓展,远行大冒险等等一些比较有名的大型mod,一些种族mod,rjw,一些让小人更真实有趣的mod,还有一大堆优化美化汉化,无ce,使用rimpy排序。 注意!!! 本合集是我一年前的合集不断增减而来的,可能有过时的,多余的,被覆盖的mod,且并未经过完整测试,目前我的档也就过了1年(电都没解锁,呜呜呜)而且有几个mod是刚刚加的,所以你玩的时候可能会遇到我没发现的问题
Collection by VK_Zero
Collection by Equinox
本合集为个人向所整理的大型CE合集,内容:功能机制降血压 美化优化提高体验 大型综合拓展原版 且排序内做过简单分类,导入排序以后自定义此合集效果更佳 含XML文件与存档文件辅助排序 链接没有病毒,请复制到浏览器再打开 夸克网盘:https://pan.quark.cn/s/263224b3da19 提取码:dj1P 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RqLkfsP-P6qDwFN4hmZGQA?pwd=Equi 提取码:Equi 若使用需要指导可加群询问管理 以下为自行斟酌是否移除
主播赵vv 23年11月环世界1.4MOD合集
Collection by zhaovv
主播赵vv 环世界MOD合集 95汉化都订阅了 不是很复杂的合集,只要把汉化放在原版下方排序基本不跳字。
Kl的环世界 1.4模组启动无红字,游玩过程红字无影响
Collection by KlN
除了少数几个mod没找到1.4版本以外,基本全是1.4版本, 启动无红字 。 游玩过程可能会偶尔报红字,目前为止没什么大问题。 替换排序文件: C:\Users\ *你的电脑名* \AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config\ 排序文件下载地址在讨论区, 游玩过程可能有一些不影响游玩的红字。
Rim Wars - The Old Republic
Collection by Astartes
Official mod list for AstartesGaming's Rim Wars - The Old Republic let's play series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yds3NE6pw0&list=PLpqkCjhP2qY3RJ-gOO-g5y5Xp1USF7zAR&index=1 Note: To get the factions identical to what you see in the series, you'll need
Collection by Prophet Of Merci
((((UPDATED 12/6/21)))) Mod collection for version 1.3 of Rimworld THAT ALL WORK TOGETHER!!! Inside you'll find --- Custom Airships and balloons from SRTS Combat Extended Monsters Eldritch Monsters Dragon Monsters Monster Monsters Medieval Tech (with the r
Collection by 灵阁
1.4单机自用mod持续更新,排序文件放在QQ群701729839 目前排序文件只排了合集中300多个mod,其余是我比较感兴趣的mod,想用的话自己排。 Flora reskin这个材质mod有个不影响的红字,不爽的话可以用群文件这个。其余无红字,如果出现大量红字,可能是现有1.4mod与之前的1.3mod文件冲突,解决办法取消创意工坊订阅,清理steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100里的文件,清理存档文件夹上一级config文件夹,之后重新订阅 使用排序:进入游戏,
Pack AresSs Fallout-Rimworld
Collection by Ersas "AresSs" Jansen
Voici un mod pack permettant de jouer a Rimworld avec une ambiance Fallout. J'ai pioché pas mal de mods en laissant de coté certain pour l'équilibre mais vous avez une bonne base ! Cette liste de mod se joue avec les extensions Royalty et Ideology :) Ad Vi
The Merger of Mods [1.3] [ROYALTY + IDEOLOGY]
Collection by Dukkokun
Simple RimWorld collection. You NEED RimPy installed, download the executable here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1847679158 Then, import this list here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvfwxuLz7SeCmbVUI7YTglZvejlRZw?e=WgEIkS Finally: after im
Doc Collection - Industrial+
Collection by Dr Zhivago
MOD COLLECTION IS NOT SAVE FRIENDLY This is a large mod collection (324 mods to be exact) for RimWorld v1.2. This mod collection endeavors to work towards an Industrial to Spacer style play-through. https://i.imgur.com/WegNHyz.png 1) READ the Important sec
Error Free 1.2
Collection by AngleWyrm
Large collection of mods that don't throw an error box at startup. Focused primarily on colony development, Sims In Space style play. Collection updated 2021/3/19 (please update your ModList file) Mod Manager mods list Save the list as C:\Users\\AppData\Lo
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