

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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The NECEROS Collection
Collection by NECEROS
It's all of my mods. Some are cool, some are stinky. Now they can stink for youuu
[1.2] Throughout the Ages! | Vanilla-like | 500+ Mods | Lots of quality of life and hidden gems!
Collection by Frank
Much like my first modpack, I'll be keeping this mostly vanilla friendly; but more centered around how you progress through the game. Progression is tied to your tech level, enemies and what becomes available to you scales throughout the game as you play;
Collection by sayaya
[1.2] Vanilla-like collection | 500+ mods! - Lots of hidden gems & quality of life mods
Collection by Frank
No longer keeping this updated, check new collections! Load order included! No overpowered weapons or armor, no robots, no crazy magic, and no space oriented mods. There's a lot of little quality of life mods & hidden gems; trying to keep the game somewhat
Collection by 风神宫主
正义警告! 本合集由斗鱼主播风命逐流创建,斗鱼直播房间号9731104。 本合集内容未经过严格筛选,均为直播时使用的合集,存在部分会跳红字与黄字的冲突点,勿怪。 合集主要内容为: 1:实用MOD。如自动开关,囚犯赎金,墙体替换,精心准备等各类常用实用MOD。 2:武器MOD。大量平衡与不平衡的武器,包括原版与非原版风格。 3:派系MOD:各种不同风格的派系,包括可获得额外科技装备的派系或可选剧本开局的种族派系等。注意,派系MOD为跳红字最多的MOD种类,使用前请谨慎选择。 4:正义MOD:如碳烤鱿鱼丝的三个
Collection by YiRen
这是我直播所使用的mod排序之一 我会在游戏结档之后就会提供一套那个档的mod排序 如果有兴趣可以来斗鱼看我直播哦!(房间号7453300) 这个档一共有17个种族!尽情收集吧! 这是这个档的故事设定: 异人同伴们驾驶着星际战列舰,准备去前往宇宙中心地带的闪耀星区准备做票大的。 可是在超星系航道的途中被突如其来的的星际黑色高级运载卡车撞到,而导致我们从航道中掉落出来,且因为卡车的冲击到了飞船的反应堆,飞船也变得十分不稳定,随时都可能会因为反应堆而爆炸。 幸运的是我掉落的星系内有一颗可以孕育生命的星球。 我们
Collection by YiRen
主打的就是为了颜值与正义mod,这个mod也比较偏向休闲种田的玩家,也很适合原版玩家,节奏不会太快 这套mod合集也是我直播所使用的一套排序,感兴趣的可以来斗鱼看我直播,房间号7453300,也欢迎来我qq群聊天651537224 我会在每次结档后提供mod排序
Collection by YiRen
这是我直播所使用的mod排序之一 我会在游戏结档之后就会提供一套那个档的mod排序 如果有兴趣可以来斗鱼看我直播哦!(房间号7453300) 这套排序主要玩的就是遗忘科技所导致的使用科技都需要蓝图才可以解锁,所以难度会相应的高一点,但我相信会给你带来不少乐趣! ——2021/1/26/11:35:20
Rimworld 1.2 Lore Friendly mod pack by:Richard.Slypher
Collection by Richard.Baptista
Rimworld 1.2 ModPack Ultimo Update 23/01/2021 Last update 01/23/2021 Lista de Mods para rimworld 1.2 Ordem de Load Rimworld 1.2 Mod list load order Harmony Core Royalty HugsLib JecsTools (Unofficial) Vanilla Expanded Framework Misc. Robots ResearchPal Rims
Connor's Rimworld collection
Collection by Kangaroo Salesman
Collection by 南生
Collection by 不可回收瓶子
Tbacteria‘s collection
Collection by Tbacteria
Collection by Taroe Rebecca
Collection by ARblasting
Rimworld 1.3
Collection by Lime
My collection
Yet Another Shit Collection
Collection by A_Brandon_Encounter
Borjomi Style
Collection by Borjomi
ArchoTech Androids
Collection by RehnoltTheBolt
1.2 old collection
Collection by [82AD] era
rimTRPGworld 最新
Collection by BantouChaya
最新版 なぜかコレクションに登録できなかったmod
Memes are dead
Collection by A_Brandon_Encounter
Chill modlist
Collection by mojucy
Ultimate modlist 1.2 Revamped with no conflicts
Collection by mojucy
You know the drill Install -Harmony -Huglibs -modmanager Restart the game Activate all other mods, sort them with auto sort tool, and there will be no errors as of 4/6/21. Harmony does NOT have an update, ignore that message if it pops up. Then allow the g
Seleccion del detective paloma
Collection by Prodigy
solo weones
Collection by Uncle Coord
Lay the foundation
Collection by Heizze
Collection by AboveDaemons
Collection by Geschirr
Essentials Mods by Deiu Rimworld
Collection by Deiu
Essentials Modes by Deiu Rimworld
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