Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Collection by creepyeyes
This is a collection of buildings and assets that I find fit into a certain "Post-cyberpunk" aesthetic, which is to say; futuristic, maybe a little brutalist, in a world of over population and mass production, but not inherently dystopic. If it wouldn't se
-CHINA- No´s all in one
Collection by Captain-No
It will be continually expanded ,have a look off and on! All praise goes to the maker of the mods and assets, I have compiled this lists only! But by a thumbs up for those list you help also that these assets do not be lost in the workshop. Most comprehens
华风夏韵Ancient China
Collection by MC100
主要收录一些中国特色古建筑,古风建筑,国风建筑,仿古建筑,折衷主义以及具有华夏风格特色的物品摆件还有地图等等。想要打造古城的可以考虑收录此合集。该合集收录齐全,且不会往合集里加入不符合该主题的资产,请放心浏览。 This collection contains numerous ancient Chinese buildings and Chinese style buildings,maps and other stuffs. If you wanna build up an ancient Chines
中国城市 Chinese city
Collection by midori
中式城市资产合集,一点点完善中。 part 2:
Collection by 南城五里
【抖音,B站,西瓜】视频连载系列:城市天际线第①季 ; 说明:本资产合集均为【无名岛】短视频连载系列存档内所使用的大部份资产;
Collection by Charlotte
本人在使用以及使用过的mod和资产【不要一次性全部订阅】 包含大部分常用工具 因为有汉化和英文版两种如果一次性全部订阅极有可能mod冲突 如果懒得挨个找 先取消所有订阅后再订阅我这个合集的全部。 还有部分mod对DLC有要求 具体是哪几个 得你自己去找 我买的全部dlc 没注意过。 合集内包含调画质的全套工具以及部分古建筑 部分高楼资产 树木 灯光 车辆 高铁 飞机 货轮 等等一系列物品 至于各种功能性mod如何使用 在我的抖音作品内会有各种mod使用教程。 详情 关注抖音 范剑 抖音号:fj1748981
Assets & Props - Only Custom, No Recolors - Master Collection
Collection by Gr8one
****Warning**** This collection is just a master list of the custom assets I have found on the workshop, it is not a best of collection. It exists solely as a means to keep track of all the custom assets released. If you are wondering why there may be 3 di
Isla Ivatan Mods and Assets
Collection by Shredra
Monuments of the world
Collection by The_Ping
All the monuments of the world , in one place
Collection by 东青
此合集目前550+资产,主要包含中国古风建筑,还有一些和中国古风很搭的阁楼建筑。欢迎收藏合集,合集持续更新中!!!! PS:这个合集是目前收录中国古代建筑资产最多的合集。 特别感谢资产作者Emperor Li,红米,TOKACHI269,hikke,TAEMIN B,RyanCat,HooHeeHaa.... 的辛苦付出!
Statues and Fountains
Collection by Skibitth.YT
A collection containing statues and fountains.
Asia Collection
Collection by Benny Beanpicker (NL)
This collection is mainly a chinese , korean and Japanese collection and modern skyliners are not included even when the are from Asia just the classic ones . tags : japan , korean , china , chinese , oriental , korea
Collection by Unari
个人喜好合集Collection of personal favorites
Collection by 开心游玩
个人喜好合集,公园资产类;植物类;装饰类; 道具类。如有你喜欢了,请点赞。收集不全,请谅解。
Collection by liujiaxin285628
Dynastic China - 中國王朝
Collection by m4gic
Made possible through the work by MC100 in assembling the fantastic Collection: 华风夏韵Ancient China: This Collection differs only slightly; and includes just a few more assets while removing a
All things you need to build a Japanese city
Collection by Combostar
What I did I use when constructing my city
Collection by 那年18狙不过壮妈
Two Play mod
Collection by LoTiranno
扬州小婷婷 自用备份 园林建筑及配套资产大全
Collection by 扬州小婷婷
扬州小婷婷 自用备份 园林建筑及配套资产大全! 使用中没有问题,如果有需要,可以一键订阅所有,本合集会持续更新 QQ群717757452欢迎大家进群探讨 如果觉得这个合集还可以,希望帮忙点个赞👍
轩总精品资产分享 - Park + Monument
Collection by Mr. Xuan 精品资产分享 - Park + Monument 请不要一键订阅!! 交流Q群:640841678 请务查看每一个建筑是否有,前置物品 关注我,第一时间获取更新内容 如果觉得还不错,麻烦帮忙点个赞👍 点点收藏⭐ 你的支持就是我继续更新的动力。 Park + Monument Please do not subscribe with just one click!! Please do not subscribe with just one clic
Old Town / Altstadt
Collection by Shenira
Es geht mir um ein abwechslungsreiches, historisches Stadtbild. Die Stadt sollte schön anzusehen und funktionsfähig sein. Unter diesen Aspekten habe ich die Auswahl meiner Objekte getroffen. Schönheit ist natürlich subjektiv, aber mir machen diese Workshop
Feudal Japan - 封建時代の日本
Collection by m4gic
Roof_Korean made a fantastic Collection by the same name: However, that Collection includes many Korean and Chinese assets. This Collection includes some of the assets chosen by R_K and some
Statues & Fountains
Collection by AquilaSol
Japanese Realism
Collection by OM3N1R
1200++ Assets, mods, props, and a few LUTS to create realistic Japanese cities and rural areas
Biffa Plays Cities Skylines with the RUSH HOUR / REAL TIME Mod
Collection by gastrosquirrel
This is a full collection of every activated asset and mod Biffa uses in his new Let's Play. Biffa Plays Indie Games Channel: First episode of his new series:
Feudal Japan
Collection by Copeus Copium
This is a collection with assets that fits within the period of feudal Japan. Some assets are not really Japanese assets alone but are from other Asian countries as there's a lack of destinctively Japanese buildings on the Workshop. There are mods inside t
Collection by 袏堓
各种资产合集此合集含有:种类多样的资产49个其他合集链接 注意: 请参照内存适度订阅 不建议一次全部订阅,请结合内存大小酌情订阅
Sunny Okinawa
Collection by MjolnirRecon
This collection used to be called "Chinatown USA", however it has grown WAY beyond that narrow definition by all reasonable measure. I'm now calling it "Sunny Okinawa" as it has shifted to a more specifically Japanese feel. In truth, this collection can be
Traditional Japan Landscape -日本の伝統的なアイテム-
Collection by againstars
Ninja,Samurai,Mt. Fuji,Geisha-girl,ZEN... Japanese fantastic landscape was included in this collection. If you want to reproduction Japan landscape This collection is helpful it. Buildings,props,tree...and many items included. ] If you found Japanese tradi
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