Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Collection by 如履薄冰
特别提示: 2022年2月26日更新,现在合集里面基本都是最新可以用的MOD,本MOD合集合适刚玩造景的朋友,如果是新手玩家玩经营的话没必要全部订阅!都是比较基础的,全都很有用,一些不怎么用的上的占用配置的我都没放进来。B站有很多大佬有新的视频,大家可以去看看 订阅MOD和资产之前请退出游戏,等下载完成以后在进入游戏,然后在模组里面把MOD开启才能正常使用噢(本合集所有MOD我全部订阅了,无报错) 游戏报错的朋友请看这个帖子: ----
[Bilibili] 天璇OvO 大都会实况模组
Collection by CalvinYC
我是天璇OvO,B站up主,欢迎关注~ 此合集为大都会实况用到的模组,供大家参考。 不建议新手一键订阅,订阅不会用的模组只会给自己带来烦恼!
15 Essential Cities: Skylines Mods for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS & How to Use Them (2022)
Collection by City Planner Plays
This is the playlist that complements the YT video of the same name. If this is your first time using mods, good luck, enjoy, and I'm sorry about the rabbit hole you're about to be sucked down!
Biffa's USA City Build - MODS (2022)
Collection by Biffa
All the mods for my USA City Build as seen on my YouTube channel! Enjoy :-) Please see the "Biffa's USA City Build - ASSETS (2022)" for most of the assets: TBC
MODs Itapiranga (Atualizado AGOSTO/2022)
Collection by MatBarbosa
Mods utilizado na série Itapiranga do canal no Youtube Barbosa Cities:
Collection by 宿辞
我的电脑配置是:1080 i7 9400 内存32G 在机场DLC更新之后,不得不说这是一次模组的革命。 在这里给大家分析两个点: ①.什么是模组、为何要订阅它? 模组、俗称游戏的扩充,可以突破游戏本身的限制达到更好的游戏体验。如果你希望得到更好的游戏体验,那就看完这些产品的功能介绍吧。 ②.为什么需要不断的更新模组,到底是谁创作的模组 在这里不得不说,天际线玩家里的大神非常多,而模组并非游戏公司所开发,是无数玩家日夜研究的心血。每一个优秀的模组都来自每一位不平凡的玩家。这也是为什么天际线这款游戏可以常玩常
Blunix S3
Collection by Blunix
Lista modów używanych na 3. serii z Cities: Skylines!
City Planner Plays Top 20 Mods 2021 [UPDATED]
Collection by Bananaman412
CPP has since released two updated lists of recommended mods. Not all of those mods are compatible since 1.15.0 (Plazas & Promenades), so be sure to use Compatibility Report and/or look at the comments to check for any needed replacements. 15 Essential Mod
Incompatible mods (Unsubscribe - Plazas & Promenades Patch)
Collection by Sugiura
ALTERNATIVE MODS/TEMP FIXES (CLICK HERE) Mods that are known to cause major issues in the new Plazas & Promenades Patch Use this to unsubscribe to broken mods with one click Changelog #2 Removed: Building Themes, Commuter Destinations, Transfer Manager CE
St. Clair Series Collection
Collection by Czardus
This is a collection of assets and mods in use in Czardus's St. Clair let's play series.
Waffle's Stream City
Collection by Waffle
Moscow - Mods [DEPRECATED]
Collection by Darklightning
IMPORTANT! This mod collection is outdated! Please use my current mod collection instead: Link to related asset collection:
Virgin River One-Click Collection
Collection by DeaconPmp
A collection of assets used in the making of my Virgin River-inspired map. I know this is a large collection for a map, but in many cases such as the USRP highways, BIG American Roads, and Railway2 Network, multiple assets are required to makes them work.
Building an American city in Cities Skylines
Collection by Ichika421
All the custom content you need to build a nice looking and elaborate American city in Cities Skylines. It includes American roads, buildings, power lines, transportation, traffic signal poles, city facilities, etc.
The Nerdinburgh Collection
Collection by ConflictNerd
Gold Coast Collection [Loading Screen MOD still broken]
Collection by Kv Vortex
Collection of assets I'm using for my gold coast map. Collection still has old Loading screen MOD so you will need to unsubscribe and subscribe to the newer one here:
Collection by MultiSasch
Hier für euch, alles was ich im Stream verwende an Mods ;)
Russia for the sad.
Collection by Жой
Rus: Коллекция создана в современных тонах Российского градостроения. Приближенная к реальным видам. Моды не конфликтуют между собой. Для удобства добавлены инструменты для строительства. Спасибо всем авторам, я всего лишь собрал хорошие модификации в одну
New Nate - All Required Mods/Assets
Collection by Chris6d
All required mods and assets for the New Nate city. You can watch a showcase/tour video of the city here, and download the savegame for yourself here!
Praia Visual and Utility Mods
Collection by ilcicci1983
Collection of Visual Mods suggested for Praia Map
Must Have Mods
Collection by braddock
List of mods that I don't see myself playing without it. Check each for it's dependencies but it should all be here. CAUTION Note that Bus-Only Road Enabler (included in Vanilla+ Roads One Click Collection) is incompatible with TM:PE. BEFORE YOU INSTALL AN
Unsubscribe Help 2024
Collection by Christian Boehme
With one click to unsubscribe from a list of broken mods and assets is now possible again with this updated list.
CitiesBySteven Mod/Asset Collection (June 2022)
Collection by CitiesBySteven
Collection of mods and assets used in Cities By Steven's YouTube Let's Play series. Last updated Jun 13, 2022.
天明Tianmi推荐模组资产 基础版
Collection by 天明Tianmi
天明Tianmi推荐模组资产 基础版 十分不建议全部订阅,请大家根据自己的需求进行单独订阅。 下列全部模组的推荐理由以及相关简单用法,参考我在知乎的回答:知乎:《都市:天际线》Steam上有哪些极力推荐的模组? 另推荐天明Tianmi推荐模组资产 补充增强版 补充内容 节选自上面知乎回答 非常有必要对Zoning Adjuster模组展开讨论,首先认识下面这个Network Extensions 2模组,并强烈建议用Zoning Adjuster模组+Network Extensions 2 Roads R
Tchelow's Cities Skylines Mods For Atlantis City
Collection by Tchelow
Welcome to the official collection of mods for my Let's Play Series Atlantis on YouTube. For a list of assets only, please check
(影月谷)全部模组 跟随视频更新
Collection by 宿辞
Cities Skylines Absolute Mods
Collection by VIC CAS
Mods to make good gaming experience for cities skylines, some mods are absolute necessary, idk why the devs did'nt add these options, ikr!
WhiteField's List
Collection by stelsat
* This collection is specialized in Japanese style * * READ THE DESCRIPTION PLEASE* * 이 모음집은 일본풍 도시를 만드는데 특화되어 있습니다 * * 설명을 읽고 사용하세요* A collection of things I have subscribed to(Including Mods too). The list may change with additional subscriptions. Howeve
Cities Skylines | Edycja 2022
Collection by Husiek
Kolekcja wszystkich modów z serii Cities Skylines Edycja 2022
Collection by Canadian Moose Plays
Updated Mods List FOR AIRPORTS DLC // some of the mods can be a bit advanced (Prop Anarchy, PO, Tree Anarchy etc.) I recommend subbing to mods individually instead of subbing all in case you have other mods that I do not have they could conflict. All of th
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