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Showing 1-30 of 112 entries
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Collection by 月色真美
8.25 20点更新,删除一个全派系可招募所有传奇领主的mod,这个mod有bug,作者说要先招募比拉克再撤编比拉克就可以招募其他所有传奇领主,但作者忘记了传奇领主不能主动撤编的设定,故现已删除,静待更新,加入一个可以无限制招募精英兵种的mod。 8.26 9点更新,增加几个优化ui的mod,使得界面在本人看来更加舒适,增加一个军事建筑增加驻军的mod以及一个可无数次重置技能点的mod(只可以一次重置的mod现在没有更新,有bug不能用,只能先用这个看看),增加一个混勇红线修复的mod(蠢CA,才几个兵种就
Radious submod
Collection by 泡泡茶壶 合集简介 收集热门R大 submod,搭配《Radious 中文版》使用;大部分都有汉化,发现无汉化的,可以联系我帮忙汉化 发现大部分合集排序很乱,所以做了这个合集方便我查找,如果也能帮助到你们就更好了! For English player: Collect all popular mods that support Radious and sort them out,you should only ch
Solaire's New and Revamped Improved WH3
Collection by Solaire
Quality of life and flavor mods. Works in multi. Will be constantly updated with quality mods and some mods maybe removed for ones with superior function. Keep an eye on it every week or so for possible new additions and removals. The new and improved vers
Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 Ⅰ.新兵种&新角色:从开头→Singe's Unit Marked Chaos Characters Expansion为混沌四神添加新领主,其中色孽的:色孽混沌领主、色孽神尊英雄、色孽混沌术士领主 (阴影系)、色孽混沌术士领主 (色孽系) Trajann's Other Gods Compilation 为纳垢、色孽和奸奇各添加一位传奇
Fuck CA, they can go down the sewer and sucking Winnie Pooh's sausage like all of them now, let them suffocate on their greed !
Collection by Parzival von Tronje
22.02.2023 CA allowed in the Beta more than 170 mods enabled. For the IE release for everyone they brought back da mod limit. For sure because of DLC money, what else can it be, the over all performance is bad as ever, and it will be bad for the rest of th
震旦向mod 70+ 包涵各派系大多女性化兵种
Collection by 有缘千里来搞事
创建2022年12月29日 未更新前可使用 震旦向mod 66 包涵各派系大多女性兵种 如果进入游戏闪退,请暂停所有mod,再进入游戏,成功,请加载mod进入游戏 失败,请验证游戏完整性后重启电脑,再按上面操作进行。
Collection by 远坂凛
TWWH3 New Units
Collection by Lobuno
Mods adding new units to the game, or variants of already present units with new/different/altered stats.
Collection by miopeqe
Collection by 莫强求
Daemons of Slaanesh Collection
Collection by Mortarch Of Blood
Collection of mods for Slaanesh. These have not all been tested so may not work together. You need to test it yourself, but if I come across anything myself I will remove.
Monogods and Daniel
Collection by pyromaniac7777
Various mods for Daniel and the Monogods
Log's Big List of Cool Warhammer 3 Mods (currently crashes if all enabled, pick and choose)
Collection by Log™ from Blammo!
Collection by 噬界
small unit packs!!
Collection by GIBBYDAMAN
mods that add few amount of new units that are not already in a compilation pack pssst Looking for some reshade?
Solaire's Improved Chaos Renewed
Collection by Solaire
Back and better than ever. Use Propjoe Mod Manager. For Dismemberment mod and Motherland compatibility. Dismemberment Main Mod, Submod, Motherland For Red Estalia and Cataph Southern Realms. Compatability Submod, Red Estalia, Cataph Southern Realms and its
TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER 3 Фракции и юниты
Collection by alekseiabrikosov2
Фракции и юниты
Log's Factional Modpacks Series - Warriors of Chaos
Collection by Log™ from Blammo!
Chaos Flavour
Collection by Vl27
Solaire's Multiplayer Battles
Collection by Solaire
Use Prop Joe's mod manager For Dismemberment mod and Motherland compatibility. Dismemberment Main Mod, Submod, Motherland For Red Estalia and Cataph Southern Realms. Compatability Submod, Red Estalia, Cataph Southern Realms and its expansion submod For Dwa
Collection by 朱穗生
Units mods
Collection by dwarfman534
Collection by Velonass
Collection by AI
Roger the Radious
Collection by Flyinx
All the Radious
WH3 Massive Radious Compatible Mod List
Collection by AusDog
Testing lots of mods together that work with Radious. Works as of 1/20/23.
Collection by cloner
Collection by fenhongguo
Collection by TrOpic
Collection by 吉祥物阿卡林
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