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SFO Landmarks and Legends 4.1 Updated
Collection by Think Critically
Updated for 4.1 Tested February 7th, 2024 I enjoy playing with many legendary characters, landmarks and 2x skill points, but I try to avoid roster bloat. This collection is primarily for my own convenience so that I can track my mod loadout. It will be kep
混沌勇士 & 混沌恶魔
Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 混沌恶魔Daemons of Chaos Godslayer Overhaul by Mortrau 恶魔亲王全方位大修 Daniel Painter - Paint your Daemon Prince 为恶魔亲王涂色(人物页面框左上角按钮) Gathering of Daemon Princes- End Times Escalati
全面战争:战锤3 自制及推荐MOD(含分类合集)
Collection by Nameless Ghost
该mod是一个集合,随着优秀的作品越来越多,都放在一个集合内可能不是方便查找。 因此,该集合的底部,我将这里面的mod分成几类,大家可以按需收藏或订阅。 注:MOD是按照作者名称自动进行排序的。
Solaire's New and Revamped Improved WH3
Collection by Solaire
Quality of life and flavor mods. Works in multi. Will be constantly updated with quality mods and some mods maybe removed for ones with superior function. Keep an eye on it every week or so for possible new additions and removals. The new and improved vers
Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 Ⅰ.新兵种&新角色:从开头→Singe's Unit Marked Chaos Characters Expansion为混沌四神添加新领主,其中色孽的:色孽混沌领主、色孽神尊英雄、色孽混沌术士领主 (阴影系)、色孽混沌术士领主 (色孽系) Trajann's Other Gods Compilation 为纳垢、色孽和奸奇各添加一位传奇
Luigi's Vanhammer 3 - Vanilla 5.1 Ultimate | 350+ Mods for IEE
Collection by Luigi
Welcome to Van-Hammer for 5.1! This is my personal mod collection that I've been using. The aim and goal is to overhaul the entire vanilla experience while trying to maintain some lore accuracy, but overall making all factions powerful and fun and to make
ULTIMATE SFO + Modpack by Marcus Aurelius
Collection by Marcus Aurelius
In this collection i try to put mods that i think should be integrated into main game adding also quality of life mods, reskin and lots of Lorefriendly/Balanced/Interesting mods. Everything is design around SFO which rebalance the game a lot. For load orde
Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 Ⅰ.新兵种&新角色:从开头→Singe's Unit Mortal Warriors of Nurgle 14个新兵种:瘟疫骑士、瘟疫持戟者、瘟疫收割者、瘟疫勇士、神选瘟疫食人魔瘟疫食人魔、疫腐众王、饿鸦兄弟会、伊壁鸠鲁书记官、纳垢守护者、收割者、恶毒化身、不死者和呕吐者(后面6个是精英兵) Trajann's Other Gods Co
[WIP] Kalessin's Fun Kitchen Sink 825: v4.0.7 Update [WIP]
Collection by Kalessin
A Personal Introduction This is a compilation of mods to enhance the game overall, for vanilla and as lore-wise as possible! This is for overall compatibility, simplicity of subscription, Downloading, Locating them all, and quick usage across multiple mach
Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 Ⅰ.新兵种&新角色:从开头→Singe's Unit Trajann's Khorne Mods Compilation恐虐兵种大合集包含了:5个新领主,4个新事务官,70个新兵种。(将其他种族的大部分兵种经过恐虐化处理,全新的模型,符合恐虐种族风格比如:恐虐版佣士禁卫,恐虐版凤凰守卫;遗憾的是大部分兵牌只是原版其他种族兵牌变了个色,非常
Quality of Life/Immersive Immortal Empires
Collection by Myxameno
Please note that currently the following mods in this collection are not updated for Immortal Empires, but still working fine. I will update the list as required. - Army Carousel - Memreader - Mod Configuration Tool
SFO 5.1 working collection
Collection by Sorrow
My personal collection I keep track of. All of the listed mods work together on 5.1 with all DLCs and no crashes on startup. I only had 1 crash so far in multiple campaigns, reloaded the save where i crashed and kept playing with no issues moving onward. S
SFO Massive Mod Collection - Working 4.1.2
Collection by Rageboh Nurh
After much testing and frustration after all of the hotfixes that change table names for no reason, our mighty modders that keep updating their wonderful expansions and edits to the world have continued to make progress towards total compatibility. This li
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于SFO版超凡帝国扩展的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集目前可以一键订阅,仅有个别mod需要注意兼容性问题,具体请看注意事项 SFO内置mod,不要重复订阅 <Better Camera Mod> <Unique Faction UI> <Settlement Capture Pictures> <Building Progression Icons III> <Enhanced Experience Icons> <Hecleas
恶魔亲王 Daemon Prince
Collection by Nameless Ghost
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于原版超凡帝国的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集中大部分mod可以互相兼容同时运行,小部分mod不兼容或未更新,具体请看注意事项 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO MOD排序 排序按照合集中的排序即可,大致排序逻辑为 最上面: Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版 各种类型为compila
战锤III通用Mod 艺术&设计
Collection by zero-max
本合集内容为不影响游戏性的MOD,影响游戏性的MOD合集可搜索同名合集,或点击在本合集末尾的链接 1. Settlement Capture Pictures ◆ 在攻下城市的选择界面添加艺术图。占领、洗劫、毁灭每个派系都不同 2. Legendary Lore ◆ 添加一些事件(就只是单纯的事件,没有buff,主要是背景故事) 3. Alternative Unit Cards ◆ 重置兵牌(感觉色彩变得更了鲜艳) 4. Building Progression Icons III ◆ 伴随着城市建筑升级
Total War: WARHAMMER III Immersion & QoL & Additional Units
Collection by Kyrox
Kyrox's Total War: WARHAMMER III Immersion & QoL & Additional Unit mods. This collection mainly consists of QoL improvements to the game, accompanied by many popular re-skins, and unit mods. Please look over the mods carefully. Depending on your preference
Visual Improvements and Changes
Collection by David
Everything visual, -Reskins -Extra Unit Variances -UI changes -Visual map changes -Lighting -etc.
全面战争:战锤3 UI及模型优化MOD
Collection by Nameless Ghost
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于超凡帝国扩展的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集中的mod可以一键订阅,也可以按自己喜好和需求选择订阅,具体请看注意事项 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO MOD排序 排序按照合集中的排序即可,大致排序逻辑为 最上面: Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版 各种类型为compilation
Chaos Simps
Collection by pyromaniac7777
Mods for the Champions of Chaos and Warriors of Chaos
The Muscle Mommie Khorne Girl Collection *Updated for 2.1.1*
Collection by Zeth.exe
WELCOME TO ESTALIA GENTLEMAN! IE is finally here, and so too the mega mod pack, as is tradition. This is a collection that I like to use. Meant to create a more epic, diverse, and expansive IE experience. More skills, more lords, bigger rosters, more 𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓾
Daemons of Slaanesh Collection
Collection by Mortarch Of Blood
Collection of mods for Slaanesh. These have not all been tested so may not work together. You need to test it yourself, but if I come across anything myself I will remove.
(Outated) Ultimate Vanilla + EXTENDED Modpack - By Marcus Aurelius
Collection by Marcus Aurelius
Im probably gonna swap for SFO when it will be out and with the unlimited mod limit it feel like my vanilla modpack has too much expended > So i will put my extended moded version here and Clean my vanilla ultimate + to make it more like a base and pick wh
Collection de Malganyr
Collection by Malganyr
Une collection de mods que j'utilise (Malganyr) soit pour une question de gameplay, soit pour rester plus proche de l'univers et de l'histoire de Warhammer Fantasy. La plupart sont des mods graphiques afin de changer l'apparence de certaines unités, certai
Cenobium Collection
Collection by opuntia
A collection of Mods that work well together. Enjoy
Daemons of Khorne Collection
Collection by Mortarch Of Blood
Daemons of Khorne Collection
Vanilla+ | [4.0] Modlist
Collection by SF4
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀      Last Updated: 11/09 Notes: - You can add this mod if you like too. Immortal Empires Expanded - If you use this mod, don't forget to activate this mod too, for compatibility reasons with the modlist. Convoys of the New World Expanded L
Faction+ | [4.0] Modlist
Collection by SF4
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀      Last Updated: 14/10 If you want more faction: Legions of Nagash Gnoblar Hordes - The Unwashed Masses SCM Marienburg Cataph's High Elf Sea Patrol Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs Mixu's Mousillon If you want more lords/heroes: Mix
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