Counter-Strike 2
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KZ-Climb Official Workshop Map Collection
Коллекция от GOKZ Map Approval Bot
This is the Official Workshop Collection used by KZTimer and contains every globally approved map. Mapcycle.txt for server owners: , or if this doesnt work, ask around in the csgo kz discord at https://discordap
Kreedz Maps
Коллекция от Zerknickter Pinguin
Kreedz map collection -This collection contains a whole bunch of global and unglobal maps for csgo kz Links Map List Youtube Playlist Kzstats Kz-Forum List order Global maps A B C ... Unglobal maps A B C ...
KZTimer Official Map Collection #4
Коллекция от GOKZ Map Approval Bot
This is the Official Workshop Collection used by KZTimer and contains every globally approved map. Mapcycle.txt for server owners: Guide on how to configure your server for Workshop: http://ww
KZ Maps
Коллекция от .genero
A collection of KZ maps without the straight up awful ones.
CSGO KZ Global Map Collection #5
Коллекция от doorknob enthusiast
At the time of creating this collection, these are all of the global in alphabetical order, and new maps which are released will be placed at the end of the last collection. Main collection
KZ Maps
Коллекция от Boyd
kz maps for private server
KZ map collection for GlobalStrafe
Коллекция от hopscotch
KZ map collection for the GlobalStrafe Kreedz server.
Коллекция от GC.Geison66
all the kz maps i can find on workshop
Коллекция от gosh
My Effort Maps
Коллекция от GameChaos
Maps that have had effort put into them that were made (or partly made) by me.
GOKZ Global Map Collection - Tier 4 [2]
Коллекция от GOKZ Map Approval Bot
Basic Information This is a collection of all the current global GOKZ Tier 4 maps. Tier 4 (Hard) - Intended for experienced players only. Starts really requiring strafes and 'basic' tech. Other Information All currently maintained GOKZ Global Map Collectio
Leetify Movement Practice Maps
Коллекция от Used for the movement practice path on
Коллекция от yorke54-just<3Her
Коллекция от Dan
KZ Maps
Коллекция от PtrC
Hard KZ Maps
Коллекция от doorknob enthusiast
Maps that fall under the 'Hard' tier.
Random off global KZ maps
Коллекция от GR
kz special
Коллекция от 후나미 유이
Коллекция от Acheron's Arc Star
Коллекция от $҉m҉0҉k҉3҉Y҉
Global KZ Maps minus the bad ones #1
Коллекция от rov
KZ Slide Maps
Коллекция от Crusty Body Pillow
WIP collection of KZ slide maps made for my personal server. I may include SKZ maps, slide bonuses, non-slide but surf heavy maps with decent amount of surfs, non-globals, etc. I'll possibly separate them into other collections. For now they're just noted
Коллекция от duomo
Dathost mappilista
Коллекция от Sokea
Reenille jo
Коллекция от francis
KahvitaukoKZ: kz_baxter (Very Easy) kz_minimal_combo (Very Easy) kz_fastmap (Very Easy) kz_cg_coldbhop (Very Easy) kz_chessblock (Very Easy) kz_beginnerblock_go (Very Easy) kz_brightblock (Very Easy) kz_breezeblocks (Very Easy) kz_caulis (Very Easy) kz_red
Jak's Tiers - Tier 4
Коллекция от doorknob enthusiast
Jak's Tiers - Tier 4 These are based on the TP tiers, for KZTimer Link to spreadhseet
allieway kz maps
Коллекция от allieway
maps of kz type
gremprac server maps
Коллекция от GREML11N
gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps gremprac server maps maps used kz/surf
Global maps that havent been added
Коллекция от Blossom
This is a list of maps that have not been added too the server as of yet
Kreedz Maps
Коллекция от Syline
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