Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Your own custom apocalypse
Discover and download new maps, Add-ons, Mutations and more! Want to try your hand at modding or want to upload your mod to Steam?
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右記アイテムを含む: "HD/HQ Medical Cabinet Texture Remake"
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Nikos Top Picks
コレクション作成者 nikobellic
a list of my favourite addons and some of my own favourite addons just to overhaul the game but still keeping it as original as possible. this collection features: new. improved. tweaked. restored. and fixed content.
NikkManns L4D2 Enhancement Collection
コレクション作成者 NikkMann
Improved L4D2
コレクション作成者 The Combat Medic
A collection of mods (and some campaigns!) that I think help enhance Left 4 Dead 2 without altering its identity. No memey weapon model swaps, anime survivor garbage, or any of that other crap you seen a million times. It's Left 4 Dead 2 as you know and re
Better Left4Dead 2 collection
コレクション作成者 Peter Griffin
Texture, HD, graphics, reanimated, weapon, infected, survivors, sound. Press "Subscribe all" So much better... Текстуры, графон, оружие, зараженные, выжившие. Нажмите "Подписаться на всё", все предметы совместимы.
Realistic Immersive Addons
コレクション作成者 Jere_4ever
This collection has a lot of addons that make left4dead2 look much better graphically. HD Models, Better Shadows and Realistic Weapons. This collection may be subject to change.
コレクション作成者 ♥ Renée ♥
A collection of mods that make the game look better and fixes various bugs while retaining the familiar vanilla style of Left 4 Dead 2.
Improved L4D2
コレクション作成者 Sedna
Hello, this collection focuses mainly on enhancing game immersion. All the mods are compatible and work on official/dedicated servers. Some mods might conflict with the one you already have. This collection is sorted by categories: • Weapons • Survivors •
Текстуры для Left 4 Dead 2
コレクション作成者 IMMORTAL
Качественый и атмосферные текстуры для Left 4 Dead 2
RichardHafer's Vanilla+ Collection
コレクション作成者 RichardHafer♱
This collection of addons is meant to improve the Vanilla experience with addons for the Survivors, Weapons, Infected, Items, and more, while still sticking to the original style and feel of Left 4 Dead 2. No Bullsh1t You can safely click Subscribe all! Ad
Kye's Vanilla+ Collection
コレクション作成者 Kittycat Kye
My personal collection of fixes, tweaks, and improvements that remain mostly faithful to the base game of Left 4 Dead 2. The infected icon is borrowed from Low's Custom Lobby Portraits.
Caterina's Collection
コレクション作成者 OnlyPVPCaterina - 666
A collection of Skins,Weapon skins,Textures,Sound To enhance the game and make it that bit more fun and interesting.
"Left 4 Dead 3"
Im using GTX 760 and have about 100-150 fps max. Mostly its 115 fps. Wich is good unless you are using 144Hz monitor.
L4D2 Juez Edition !!
コレクション作成者 Juez
Compilacion de mods graficos y campañas que me parecen imprescindibles.
Left 4 Dead 2 Remastered
コレクション作成者 Spuzaw
Improves the look of L4D2 without changing too much of the original artstyle.
Modern weapons file REALITY [懒人包]
コレクション作成者 Petrichor =◈︿◈=
·此合集包含所有人物,特感:tank,witch,jocker,基本所有武器(除榴弹),所有物品 tip.此合集没有解锁隐藏武器mod所以隐藏武器没改 ·此合集武器选自战地系列,杀戮空间系列,使命召唤系列等最热门的,手感很棒,材质清晰度高,声音真实 tip.有些武器mod很大(150mb) ·此合集里所有mod无冲突(土质和烟雾显示冲突,mod测试地图和skybox显示冲突实际不影响) ·此合集所有mod均可联机 ·有增强画质mod配置要求稍高,中配可流畅运行
Left 4 Dead 2 HD Textures and Weapon Collection
コレクション作成者 Division
This list of mods will change your whole gameplay, that includes Weapons, sounds, and textures, even your survivor models, some are not replaced, that includes weapons (Note that I'll be updating this collection if I find new things).
Combination of Nice Texture, Model, Map, Audio,etc.
コレクション作成者 飞奔の煎蛋
Just for coop with friends
Ham's L4D2 Collection
コレクション作成者 Ham
Good selection of cool and wacky mods for L4D2. Nothing too drastic or game-changing. All of these mods work with multiplayer and versus. All credits go to the authors. Enjoy
New L4D2 Improved
コレクション作成者 Zav
A new L4D2 improved from mods that increase a better experience for the player.
L4D2-The Definitive Collection 2015
コレクション作成者 Seamlink
Special Features: -ALL WEAPONS REPLACED, All throwable, melee and guns! http://imgur.com/a/6fXcI -This whole collection WORKS IN THE MULTIPLAYER it doesnt have any bugs in first or third person, the original reload animation times have NOT been changed, no
HD Texture Pack [200 Items]
コレクション作成者 INKintheHART
Here is my personal collection of graphics/texture enhancing mods from various different authors. The aim of this collection is to improve the look of Left 4 Dead 2 without compromising the original theme of the game. If you have any suggestions don't be a
求生之路2 HD HQ 1.0高清复刻版
コレクション作成者 cnm
绝对牛b 200多个mod
コレクション作成者 swirlylink
took me years to find mods that fit with the game and have a some what realistic fell to them as well hope you all enjoy :D
Bao's HD Collection
コレクション作成者 Bao
Just a recopilation of great HD mods, thanks to all creators of these mods! Please check their individual workshop pages for more items that you may find interesting!
Left 4 Dead 2 Remastered
コレクション作成者 Claritii
Left 4 Dead 2 HD Authentic to the original game. Important Conflicting Mods (Choose 1) miztaegg's IWI Desert Eagle Chrome (Allows Reanimations) and Desert Eagle Improved (Improved Valve Animations) HD Default Ak47 (4K) (Allows Reanimations) and Avtomat Kal
El Chacina's Graphics Collection Mods
コレクション作成者 Davi
Conjunto de mods de melhorias de gráfico que uso. Já testei, e todos funcionam em conjunto, entretanto, em algumas excepcionalíssimas campanhas customizadas, poderão haver problemas de travamento ou '' crash''. Para melhorar a experiência, eu costumo alter
コレクション作成者 TRANS DAD !
My Ultimate favorite l4d2 mods
コレクション作成者 Ryuga
MOD that change your l4d2 experiecens
High Definition Pack
コレクション作成者 Rabid Squirrel
Have you ever wanted a 4K HD 120 FPS Pile Of Mall Clothes? What about a Super HD remastered RNG Colored Discarded Soda Can? Do you feel sad when you look at a Concrete Barrier and can't see the individual pores of the concrete? Have you ever wanted to just
Left For Dead 2 Enhanced
コレクション作成者 Sho
This collection of mods contains; Reskins, Remodels & Retextures of the most important things in the game, such as; Models, guns, MISC items, Infected, Special Infected, map textures, lighting and the HUD. This collection should make the game look and feel
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