RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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收藏者 Eviale
Modded Multiplayer Friendly
收藏者 Alucard
In my close to vanilla modded multiplayer Rimworld collection, I have carefully curated a selection of mods that enhance the gameplay experience while staying true to the core essence of the base game. The primary objective of the collection is to add dept
收藏者 Rainpunk
收藏者 Dougal_XD
(要什么看着加就好,别全订阅) 杂七杂八,有加比较多新东西的都塞这里了,武器,装甲,建筑,派系,突破限制等等。。。 合集主是傻逼又喜欢玩纯原版又喜欢究极正义。。。然后就搞了两个合集,一个通用辅助一个正义大包。哈哈
TripWorld 1.4
收藏者 BaDDos
Ahh shit, here we go again
Just the basics...
收藏者 Azimuth
This is probably a bad idea tbh For 1.4 only. Meant to be installed all at once (unless you're a wuss). Currently not exploding so that's good.
Draconis Auxilia
收藏者 Karchedon
Full Warhammer 40k experience :D Każdy by chciał grać guardsmenami a nikomu się nie chce Rimpy ogarniać :
收藏者 fwoosh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
收藏者 下水道小生命
Loli is gay
收藏者 [Autism] Loli is gay
прикол какой то
Super Modded Rimworld 250+
收藏者 ♔ Smeef ♔
These are the mods I currently use in my playthrough. They all should be compatible with each other but may require you to organize the mod list order to minimize debug errors. I also recommend fiddling with the mod settings so they are to your liking, alt
Carnage Future Mod Collection
收藏者 Walker Reddington
Paczka SpaceBoyZ
收藏者 megax3kzz9
收藏者 <::>
Lazy's Rimworld Modpack
收藏者 LazySnake
Modpack to share with friends
huge compilation of mods (no royalty content)
收藏者 𝐊𝐢𝐡𝐥
just a lot of cool mods some underated some popular idk There might not be any royalty content because i don't own royalty so you'll only find vanilla core and ideology mods
Saint Lamp
收藏者 Saint Lamp
it definitely is a modlist
Zombie Survival MODPACK
收藏者 Thomas Lynch
Knichuts Mandatory Mods
收藏者 GorrilaMode
This is just a collection for mods that i always gotta have.
trmplays June modpack (Beep Series)
收藏者 trmplays
Current modpack I am using for my Beep series
收藏者 neonoxia
Morphs Game
收藏者 Morphium
gamer modpack that makes u sad when u play 2.0
收藏者 Enju Saion-ji
bullshid modpack with op mods that make raiders and u unbalanced. cry a lot use rimpy or ther sorting mod i guess removed yayo combat and alien vs predator removed pawnmorpher and some other unnecesary utility stuff this is probably the final version, exce
收藏者 fwoosh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
v cool and epic mods
Starwars modpack
收藏者 503 Exxon23;
收藏者 Romuless
ploov's Rimworld Mod Collection
收藏者 ploovonik
A collection of every mod that I have ever used in Rimworld
my mods collection rw
收藏者 velack14
IMPORTANT READ TO USE MODS: Go to mod setting and change these mods so they work all together Vanilla Framework expanded: check mark to unlock textures tacticowl mod and big and small for android tiers reforged mod needed
Mythril Moogles
收藏者 Vicios
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