RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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包含物品:“Beam me up, Scotty - a lazy retexture”
正在显示第 31 - 55 项,共 55 项条目
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合集创建者 Archotech
合集创建者 龙之影
合集创建者 Dune Reference
A collection of mods to work in tandem with the RimCivTechTree mod that refactors these mods technologies into its own tree. This is my personal setup, which will change. Also to be used as an example of how to setup your own tech tree.
Current 1.4 Mods
合集创建者 ForwardHost
合集创建者 梧桐
NevikTheStoryteller's Rimworld 1.4 Mod Repository
合集创建者 Apple Juice for the Merry
IDK 2.0
合集创建者 my name is kimi
Space Shenanigans -Optional
合集创建者 Salt Free Pikmin
Save Our Ship 2 and mods that work well with it to allow for krazy Rimworld adventures in space These mods are good, but I recommend checking them out before deciding whether to add them or not. See the Space Shenanigans -Essential collection. Some mods ma
合集创建者 Noodles 2.0
All my subscribed mods 2
合集创建者 ForwardHost
oh hell nah i gotta fix my rimworld!
合集创建者 Vorax la Terrible
Textures mods. Safe to add & remove anytime
合集创建者 Kleon
Interessting 1.3
合集创建者 Dakon
v2 of the "Try out at some point" mod list Random mods that look promising but aren't fit for the current scenario. Intended for myself to keep my mod lists organized
mods to stay subscribed too
合集创建者 Prometheus
Recently subscribbled items
合集创建者 ForwardHost
saving all these mods before i unsub all
合集创建者 Valley Druid
saving all my mods before unsubbing all for 1.3
Kanids Preferred
合集创建者 kanid99
This collection will change from time to time and will be made up of the set of mods Im currently using in my playthru. My typical playthru is slightly OP, I like robots, droids and replimats. Im playing in v1.2 and the core of (almost) all of my play-thru
Rimworld Mods
合集创建者 The Porkchop Express
List of mods
My essentials
合集创建者 Trim SD
This is just a few mods that I have found myself unable to do without for any given playthrough. Most of the time this is done in extreme conditions by the conditions of the game. (of course there are more, but these are the bare essentials)
MegaModpack Rimworld 1.2 Nanka
合集创建者 ❖リンクの+あります
Reasonable Multiplayer Collection IV
合集创建者 7777 Tʜɛ Ӻ๑๛∂ß¡tξr
Fingers Crossed
Good mods PT.2 cuz apparently i need two collections
合集创建者 Eggnog
pt 2 of mods i like these are not compatible mods
Rimworld Vanilla
合集创建者 Graczaj
ReTexturing collection
合集创建者 [Dragunov37]
A collection of various texture-enhancing mods in RimWorld
Jon's Rimworld Modlist
合集创建者 Jon
Just my own personal collection of mods for Rimworld that more or less seems to work together. Possibly additions to come. Expect some issues with this, as always is the norm for massive Rimworld Modlists, and CE ontop of that. So far I find it is playable
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