RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 作战强化
收藏者 leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「作战强化」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「作战强化」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 药物; 成瘾品; 仿生体; 新特性; 新技能; 附魔强化; 作战武器; 功能武器; 防御建筑; 战斗机制修改; 防御
收藏者 螺旋胖达
Red Horse 1.2
收藏者 Chicken Plucker
A world behind on technology, gets awakened from its petty problems when they are outmatched by a mechanoid hive invasion. With their homes devastated by years of conflict, their only chance of survival is finding a new world for their people. Welcome to P
Project: Red Horse 1.0
收藏者 Chicken Plucker
A series of mods that expand on warfare and looking tacticool. (or just making your video game waifus) There may be stuff added in now and then that don't involve combat but you can pretend it does. Created by Chicken Plucker and friends. This modlist is n
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1
收藏者 macklord222
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1 IMPORTANT : Must have the Royalty DLC. Because of "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" are required by the Royalty DLC. OPTIONAL : to make this collection without the DLC is by removing "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" CORRECT TO
收藏者 Laogui
Rimworld Combat Extended Pack 1.1
收藏者 Sergeant Omar
收藏者 󠀡󠀡᠌ ⁧⁧ev0n
收藏者 噩梦人机
Tinker's 1.1 modpack
收藏者 Tinker
This is mostly for personal use to figure out what mods I wanna use and which ones I don't as I slowly narrow things down.
Rimworld 1.2 Lore Friendly mod pack by:Richard.Slypher
收藏者 Richard.Baptista
Rimworld 1.2 ModPack Ultimo Update 23/01/2021 Last update 01/23/2021 Lista de Mods para rimworld 1.2 Ordem de Load Rimworld 1.2 Mod list load order Harmony Core Royalty HugsLib JecsTools (Unofficial) Vanilla Expanded Framework Misc. Robots ResearchPal Rims
Collection of shit load of mods (adding more) Rimworld 1.1
收藏者 Ruby
Dont enable the yellow mods they are there just so i can know when they get updated Paste bin of mod load order - (Will try to keep it updated and improve this mod list so its more compatible if anybody wants to help just add me) https://pastebin.com/GsK8D
收藏者 пасхалко
Guns. Lots of Guns.
收藏者 rabisu
A collection of weapons and armor mods. Quality in-game visuals. Not necessarily meant for all pieces to be compatible and not all balanced. Pick and choose based on theme and need for a campaign. *Updated for 1.2*
i have to reinstall my mods to see what's broken
收藏者 us3r
why do I do this for this game I'm just going to play it for 5 minutes after I finish doing all this
Gamer gang rimworld
收藏者 ModestOperator
Basically a collection with some mods that I play. Pretty good mods, they are compatible with each other and they offer quite some stuff to do. (A lot actually) You cannot really get bored, you have a lot of routes you can take and you can even make your s
Zusammenstellung für Cinex
收藏者 raketen-turm
Zusammenstellung für Cinex
Connor's Rimworld collection
收藏者 Kangaroo Salesman
收藏者 Laogui
Zombie Survival MODPACK
收藏者 Thomas Lynch
收藏者 Noob Hoshino
收藏者 loli_nymph
收藏者 南生
收藏者 Blep
Rim Mods
收藏者 AEN $
Morphs Game
收藏者 Morphium
收藏者 MrBigDick
형, 다운받아
收藏者 HewGom
收藏者 Zed
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