RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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Mods de BobLennon "This is MINE !"
Коллекция от Mister_Wolfgang
Fichier à placer dans - Sous Windows : C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config/ - Sous Linux : /home/<yourname>/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/prefs/ - Sous Mac : ./Users/<yourname>/Library/Application
My Current ModList
Коллекция от Mlie
The mods Im currently using in my current playthrough, in load-order.
DyneDenethor's 1.1 Working Mod List
Коллекция от Dyne Denethor
All of the mods I've collected for Rimworld 1.1, red error free, and in the mod load order that I used to get no red errors. I load a new colony after finding an error free place with each mod, to make sure that there are no generation errors. PLEASE READ
trmplays' mods (Updated 8/13/2022)
Коллекция от trmplays
UPDATED August 13 2022 CURRENT SETTINGS IM USING (Under Mod Settings): RimWorld of Magic -> Click Default -> Active Aggressive AI Casting and AI Hard Mode To use my exact modlist and load order load my save file which you can download here: https://drive.g
Коллекция от 百里墨
【1.3自用】一晚上排出来的无红字 - WF
Коллекция от WithoutFold
关于一晚上找出一个集合的这件事 综述:都是一个个各地找来的 没错我就是大家的搬运工 ,大多都是有汉化的了,有空会把注意事项一一罗列出来,也会挑些mod做点小推荐。本集合可能一直会做加法,减法大家自己适当的来哈~第一次使用详见注意事项。 "替换掉就行]: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iN1Xe7JhFBCcaG8B01mCqQ 提取码:RWRW 【第一次务必先纯净进去,添加Mod manager,重启再添加其他所有mod,使用下方的自动排序,之后应该就没问题了。。。直接进当然进不去
trmplays' 1.2 MODPACK
Коллекция от trmplays
Mods I am using that currently work with 1.2
Коллекция от 小米米沙
Коллекция от Holarula
I'm sorry that this is a collection for Chinese players and not for English players(etc). But it still work to play,just del the Chinese localization mod. The collection is only for 1.1. 因为1.2更新所以此1.1合集停止更新,在停止更新前以下内容均为可用状态。 (顺便1.2和1.1的多数MOD基本是兼容的,不必在意黄字提醒
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