Modify the Galaxy
Modify your Stellaris experience by checking out the many mods created and shared by the community, including tweaks to almost any aspect of the game.
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Perfect Stellaris 3.6 Updated 26 February --Working-- (3.7 not working)
Collection de Forever
Hello, my name is Julian and I often create mod lists for games that I enjoy, and Stellaris is one of them. Having worked on this for more than 40 days (and counting), I have reached the perfect balance between mods/complexity and realism. https://i.imgur.
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Compatibility Patches
Collection de Orrie
Keeping the compatibility patches in one separated collection.
COMPLEX 250+ Mods List! (3.7 incl. load order)
Collection de FETTRANZEN
This collection aims to expand and enhance the game in any way as far as possible while not changing the gameplay too far. I'm grateful for any feedback on further improving the list. If you have other nice mods to enhance it please tell me. Thank you! I w
Confekt Fren Edition 3.9
Collection de Confekt
irony mod manager load order, can be copypasted into the collection of mods side as text with a right click and "import mod order from clipboard" ! The Merger of Rules 3.9 ((( NSC3 - Season 1 ))) Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.9) Expanded Colours Arc
Andrro's Ultimate Stellaris Experience
Collection de Soda Khan
My humble collection for the ultimate (and slightly overpowered) Stellaris gameplay includes UI mods and performance improvement mods from Kasako, along with commonly used mods such as the Universal Resource Patch and the Merger of Rules. The collection fe
32 Ultimate Mod
Collection de Amadi211
32 Wstępnie wyselekcjonowane mody dla mnie i mojej paczki znajomych, coś wartego polecenia!
Collection de BotSanmow
只测试于3.9.3,并且mod也是于这个时期下载,新更新后不知道是否仍然支持3.10 Tested only on 3.9.3, and mods were also downloaded during this period. I'm not sure if it still supports 3.10 after the new update 可以一键订阅,记得排序 You can subscribe with one click, remember to sort 下面排序是可以用的,但是文字可能出错
Collection de 柏林城下
学习交流用群 群友联机自用
Collection de 水银Mekuri
在此处描述您的合集及其有趣之处。 朋友玩的 我挑了些兼容性还不错的
Collection de Mercury!
排序采用IMM排序,官方那个启动器太垃圾已经放弃了 1zScRltiijF5jr1kBAalf0g?pwd=leg7 自用合集,只能保证没有排序引起的错误,贴合原版扩展,在保证稳定性的前提下对游戏的方方面面都做了扩展,涵盖特质飞升起源科技事件等等等等,因此后期的缓慢无可避免,难以接受的话除了UI和框架类mod其余的都可以随意删改,请确保自己删改的时候将目标mod 的附属mod一并开启或关闭,以免发生闪退等问题。 在此给出通用mod排序规则,想自己做合集又苦于不知道排序规则的可以以此为参考起手,如非mod特殊
Collection de SalwedΔ
Collection de ChagatuAlin
基于原版环境基础,包含了更多内容的基本模组合集扩展。 部分东西需要在游戏中的设置进行禁用与调整。 加载顺序需要配置文件 Based on vanilla game, included more content that not change too many parts. Some stuff need to be ban or adjust in option menu. Loading order require json files.
modpack 4/6/2024
Collection de soldierx32
With the bros (lite)
Collection de Space.
A modpack based around Gigastructures and Ancient Cache of Technologies, not balanced to be extremely competitive between ai and players, just a fun time playing with my brothers If you for whatever reason want to play this modpack message me on steam or d
Collection de 3ltan
Collection de 早早DOTA2
Darkness9724's Stellaris collection
Collection de Darkness9724
The mod load order is the same as in the collection. Support for Stellaris 3.12 To get this collection working with the 3.12 update, you should disable the following mods: Plentiful Traditions 3.x and it's submods The Zenith of Fallen Empires Acquisition o
[3.6] [中文] 自用原版遊戲風格擴展:RSS/SS與其他模組相容性之中文整合 update-230118
Collection de mbf
筆記 3.6 230118 自用清單 主要是以在原版基礎玩法風格上增加遊戲性與補充內容,旨在體驗遊戲完整遊戲週期,並拓展終末危機過後的內容 前中期玩家較為強大,後期以個人實力(我就爛)來講相對平衡 本收藏都是以個人玩法為主,某些Mod並沒有包含全部內容,所以還是點進去Mod看看介紹為佳 不過因為相容性/修補補丁和中文補丁都已加入進此收藏內,因此基本上一鍵訂閱也OK 如果有裝Lustful Void和相關模組,建議放在Gigastrutural的下面,並且LV的RSS/SS補丁需放到RSS/SS和本體模組的下
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