Cities: Skylines
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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Penguin's Transport Realism Project
Коллекция от BloodyPenguin
BloodyPenguin's mods and assets that improve functionality of transport networks Become a patron or donate in PayPal (using a card or your paypal balance)
Metro Overhaul Mod v9.0+ - All required items
Коллекция от BadPeanut
This is the complete collection of all the required items for Metro Overhaul Mod v9.0+. An easy, "one click" subscribe option to make sure you get everything that lets M.O.M work its magic and give you the best new features!
Коллекция от dymanoid
The essential mods for Cities: Skylines.
Samivostok Mods & Asset List
Коллекция от Sam Bur
The mods and assets I use in the Skagun series on youtube. As time goes on I will add more to this collection. Please also have A LOOK AT THE COLLECTIONS I have linked at the bottom of the page. These linked collections are also what i have downloaded. Enj
FLUXtrance's [Avalon] Mod/Asset List (1/2)
Коллекция от Flux
This is a collection of all the mods and assets used to build Avalon, a YouTube project of mine. Check the project out here:
Коллекция от 數共
Chratos - A Ilha
Коллекция от Chratos
Nessa nova série de Cities Skylines iremos fazer algo inédito. Como seria construir uma metrópole no meio do oceano em uma ilha totalmente isolada sem nenhuma conexão rodoviária ou ferroviária com o estrangeiro? Conseguiremos garantir o fluxo de passageiro
Mods de Bill : Industry
Коллекция от Bill Silverlight
Mods de Bill Silverlight pour sa série sur Cities Skylines : Industry
MrMaison's NYC Subway Collection
Коллекция от MrMaison
This is a collection of all my NYC subway/metro assets and related mods. It includes trains and stations. I will be adding props in future updates. This collection will grow over time.
Beam Basis Mods (Grafik & Werkzeuge)
Коллекция от Beam
Keralis Season 3 : Mods
Коллекция от Keralis
Penguin's collaborative projects
Коллекция от BloodyPenguin
Mods/assets that I made in collaboration with other authors (or I helped someone with making) Become a patron or donate in PayPal (using a card or your paypal balance)
MAYA | Mods Collection
Коллекция от Palm'sTime
It's Asia city project inspired by some parts in Kobe, Japan. Made for MAYA series on YouTube! Palm'sTime
Delta do Francratos
Коллекция от Chratos
Mods utilizados na série de Delta do Francratos do canal ChratosGameplay no youtube!
Sichuan Province
Коллекция от Two Dollars Twenty
All the mods and assets I am using in my Cities Skylines series: Sichuan Province. PLEASE NOTES - This collection is constantly updating and changing as this is the collection I use for my series. Cities Skylines: Sichuan Province
FBS Airport Project (Jay's Picks)
Коллекция от bsquiklehausen
An asset amalgamation assembled allowing airport advancements.
Must Have Mods - Transport
Коллекция от Avanya
Note that some mods on this list overlap and may not be compatible - Always read mod descriptions and check compatibility before subscribing! On a regular basis the question pops on reddit or forums related to Cities: Skylines "What's the must have mods at
Коллекция от Chengabcd
比较全面的城市天际线mod合集,囊括音乐滤镜类、环境美化类、财政经济类、信息获取类、区域建筑解锁、整体优化类、放置及编辑工具类以及道路相关类MOD。按照顺序排列不方便大家查找具体模组,于是我将它们按照字母顺序排了序。想找什么MOD就可以按照字母顺序找啦。 前86个是按照字母顺序排序的模组可以全部订阅无冲突,后面的一些mod我没有订阅使用过,不知道和上面的模组兼容性怎么样。 在B站上有我对于这些MOD的整理文章以及部分MOD的具体讲解。 UP名字:Chengabcd
"Lazy Packs of Mods" -- You don't need to worry about incompatible!
Коллекция от M.S.Referee
(English Language)This is my "Final List" of mods collection which I create my mods based on. That means when I'm doing all my mods, I enabled all of them at same time. So this is why I said: "You don't need to worry about incompatible!", because all of th
Коллекция от Cityburg
This collection of mods and assets i use to build my city from medieval ages to modern times
cities 秘境の市長MOD
Коллекция от Yasagure_YUMU
Neguchi Maroyama LP Asset and MOD
Коллекция от Neguchi
Liste des assets et MOD utiliser dans mon LP
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #2
Коллекция от bsquiklehausen
Here is the second official asset and mod collection for Gramercy! Watch here at
Коллекция от waya
Bridge Building station series 橋上駅(橋上入口)シリーズ
Коллекция от konfox0527
府中本町駅、新秋津駅、東所沢駅等のような 入口が橋上にある駅のまとめです。 自由な位置に設置が可能で、高さ10mの高架道路を接続して使用します。 Move It!で動かさないでください。クラッシュする危険性あり。 It is station, entrance on the bridge alike Fuchu-Hommachi, Shin-Akitsu, Higashi-Tokorosawa, station. It can build free position, and connect 2cell r
Railway-as-metro pack
Коллекция от 社恐怪
Fed up with dull vanilla metro? Try railway metro! You can build either elevated station or underground station and connect them with railway, just like metro in the real world. Free your mind! An elevated or ground station is needed to generate trains. Yo
Keralis C.S S4 - Mods
Коллекция от Keralis
Keralis C.S S4 - Mods
Best MODs
Коллекция от Skibitth.YT
This collection contains the best MODs in my opinion.
Metro Overhaul Collection
Коллекция от KAYN$
The Soviet/СССР Collection
Коллекция от girl named my brains out
A collection of Soviet assets and mods. Nothing unrelated here, 100% soviet and russian.
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