Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Customize your city!
Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Mods: Typically Used
合集创建者 Sp3ctre18
Standard / common collection
Mods: My Top Minimum
合集创建者 Sp3ctre18
Main stuff for any city.
Cities: Skylines - Essentials
合集创建者 BladesAndRazors
QoL Mods von Artimis
合集创建者 Artimis
合集创建者 kt8144
Essential Mods
合集创建者 Track07.cda
合集创建者 Kuma
All my favorite mods.
Cities Skylines Essentials (private)
合集创建者 Pepga
I used them since I started modded gameplay and honestly I cannot play without them.
Basis Mods
合集创建者 Dave89
Mods: For Asset Editing
合集创建者 Sp3ctre18
Stripped down mod list so I know to only enable these for asset editing.
Hau's Mods and Props Collection
合集创建者 hauchyi
This collection has all the props and mods that I used.
合集创建者 baz.arthur
Essential MODs (imho), updated January 2019.
dRuPpI's Mod List
合集创建者 dRuPpI
this is a list is for my self, to mange my personal Mod Collection, since CS still has no option to create & setup Mod / Asset presets per Savefile ....only Global Attention!!! as I use this list to keep track of Mods, this means not all Mods on this List
All I Need To Kill This Game
合集创建者 azimoert
Just my collection of items. Don't wanna miss items in future.
合集创建者 ommireid
Cities Mods
合集创建者 gicago
These are the mods that I think are useful for Cities Skylines. I use most of them, depending on compatibility with the game and other mods. Most of the mods listed here work together but there could be updates and changes to the game (or mods) that makes
itsimon Mods Collection
合集创建者 itsimon
All my mods, which are supported together with the current version and I would miss in game if not activated.
合集创建者 Graf Zotti ™
合集创建者 HamsterVolant
Liste des mods souscrits
Basic mods
合集创建者 Pezehgehmer
This collection contains the Mod's i use for all my cities.
合集创建者 琅琊鬼
The Bare Minimum Essential Mods
合集创建者 S Dot
No bloat, just what you need to have fun.
Mods Wot I Use
合集创建者 TheLastGoliath
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