Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
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Showing 31-60 of 13,151 entries
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New York
Collection by Cateinum
Some New York buildings I made, with all required props. I prefer Art-Deco and Beaux-Arts buildings, especially if they're made of brick, but sometimes I can create something postmodern and even brutalistic. I will update this collection as soon as I have
Collection by 小鹿小时候
此mod合集为2023.03.23整理 mod内容为画质调节,道路修建,环境打理,智能经营 由于融入了一些新算法的mod,会导致之前部分热门mod出现不兼容的问题 所以,订阅这个合集之前,务必要取消自己的所有mod! 很重要! 本人实测,增加了优化更好,功能更强大的mod,去掉了自己十几个常用的mod(因为出现了不兼容) 现在合集稳定,无报错,不排除部分mod近期更新出现新的问题,将来有任何变化我会及时更新 由于大家的配置不同,本人常用mod合集内不含CSUR全套,对CSUR有需求的玩家可以订阅合集,CSU
Collection by 笔墨藏龙
合集会不定时测试增加新的MOD。如果对你有所帮助请帮忙点个👍 我已取消了一件订阅按钮,请阅读说明后根据需要选择性订阅 为避免MOD 之间可能存在的冲突,请订阅一个测试后再订阅下一个 (🔴)有此图标需要订阅前置模组,(♻️)我在用 1、move it -上帝之手移动所有♻️ 2、TM:PE V11 -交通管理♻️ 3、Precision Engineering -精密工程♻️ 4、Network Anarchy-道路无碰撞-精细工具♻️ 5、81 Tiles 2 TESTING-解锁81格,全图水电🈴替换整合
Collection by 刀乐
Collection by imperstar
Collection by 丶王四季
模组订阅自己需要的就可以了,不要一键订阅 如果要一键订阅,请务必注意,不要点击“覆盖我的订阅”,这样会把自己原有的所有东西全部覆盖,切记切记
Clearwater County Mod Collection
Collection by City Planner Plays
This is a collection of the primary mods used to create Clearwater County. This list will not change throughout the series.
Pittsburgh 1:1 Mod list
Collection by Gaseous Stranger
Mod list updated for May 2023
New Windsor - Mods Collection
Collection by Pres
New Windsor Mods Collection
MAYA | Mods Collection
Collection by Palm'sTime
This is collection for my modded Japanese-themed project "Maya", inspired by some parts in Kobe, Japan. Made for MAYA series on YouTube! Looking for the map theme and LUT that I used into my project? Map Theme: Laviante 2.0 by Arnold J. Rimmer & notDONEyet
Active Mods In Use
Collection by LemonsterOG
This is a list of the currently active mods in my game. Mods in this list are always working properly together without error and this will always be the list I'm currently using. That said, because it's my active list, it's possible it will change...someti
Collection by Charlotte
这个合集内有很多汉化版mod可能会与你以前订阅的英文版的存在冲突。 所以想要全部订阅的小伙伴需要先去掉你之前订阅的所有功能mod。 订阅后有哪些功能不会使用抖音评论区内告诉我,会考虑专门出一些使用教程。 喜欢的小伙伴点个赞呗 谢谢 此合集由抖音主播 范剑 整理 抖音号:fj17489719 如果这个合集对你有帮助 那我能不能要一个关注。
Collection by 旋转的喷火龙
旋转的喷火龙 的小伙伴们 这是我用的一些模组 不要一键订阅 挑选自己需要的模组进行订阅即可 一些模组所需的前置模组并没有放在合集里面 订阅模组之前点进详情页查看 是否有前置模组需要订阅
PHTNGaming Mods and Assets Collection
Collection by PHTN
My assets and mods used in my first Cities Skylines project City of Westdale Check out full playlist here:
Collection by 南城五里
(1)本合集推荐配置【内存:16g-32g+】电脑内存32G+以上可以【订阅所有】; (2)南城五里(抖音UP)推荐最常用mod合集; (3)请根据电脑配置或需要进行部分订阅!亦或一键【订阅所有】; (3)玩家交流QQ群:1163349434 (答:南城五里)
Must Have Mods - Detailing
Collection by Avanya
Note that some mods on this list overlap and may not be compatible - Always read mod descriptions and check compatibility before subscribing! On a regular basis the question pops on reddit or forums related to Cities: Skylines "What's the must have mods at
Nomasburg Assets
Collection by sanctumgamer2
urban_drew's "back to the USSR"
Collection by urban_drew
Демонстрация содержимого коллекции:
Mods | CitiesSkylinesWorld
Collection by citiesskylinesworld
Updated Feb. 2023 | This is the collection of mods I use in Cities: Skylines. ❗️ Please note that I can not guarantee the timeliness and compatibility of each mod. Updates can change the behavior of the mods. ❗️ In case of doubt, please always read the inf
Newmarket Mods
Collection by YUMBL
Mods used in YUMBLtv's "Newmarket" city build on YouTube.
Collection by 小刘同学
小刘推荐提升游戏乐趣的Mod合集(喜欢可以点赞收藏,谢谢) 必备工具模组 1. ”Harmony 2.2-1“ 前置模组 2. “First Person Camera - Continued v2.3.4” 第一人称视角模组 3. “81 Tiles 2” 解锁81格模组 4. “Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.9” 优化加载界面模组 5. "UnifiedUI (UUI) 2.2" 按钮整合器模组(即将废弃,但仍可使用) 6. “Yet Another Toolbar”
Collection by 冰冰
正常使用中的模组2024年4月,暂时没有问题,请按照自己的需求,以及电脑的配置,适量选择订阅,可以一键订阅所有,但是得先退订之前的所有模组以避免不兼容,新手建议订阅前18个MOD或蓝色的MOD,内存16 G以上可全部订阅,个人建议,仅供参考,模组不定时更新后,游戏自带了模组检测功能,本合集内模组若有绿色提示非报错,可正常进游戏使用 如果觉得该合集还不错,请帮忙点个赞👍点个收藏 模组功能简介如下; 1. Harmony 2.2-0 (Mod Dependency) (1.16.0-f 3 compatible
Collection by YUMBL
Current Mod List for
爱德华游戏解说16G,V:dstjx88 有问题反馈
Collection by 爱德华游戏解说
Top Mods in 2022
Collection by citywokcitywall
Bowser Bay Mods
Collection by James
Mods I'm using in Bowser Bay Assets: Roads:
Collection by Skibitth.YT
All MODs I am using in my Youtube Series. All are working just fine and I have't found any conflicts or errors. I play with these without problems since the beginning.
"Lazy Packs of Mods" -- You don't need to worry about incompatible!
Collection by M.S.Referee
(English Language)This is my "Final List" of mods collection which I create my mods based on. That means when I'm doing all my mods, I enabled all of them at same time. So this is why I said: "You don't need to worry about incompatible!", because all of th
Clearwater County One-Click, Part 1
Collection by City Planner Plays, CWC
Asturis - Mods
Collection by Akruas
Last updated - 29th August 2023 Mods I use in the Asturis Youtube series. Intentionally made as "choose between" collection so the subscribe all button is off. Use this list as a reference only, don't subscribe to mods if you have zero idea what they do an
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