Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Collection by 如履薄冰
特别提示: 2022年2月26日更新,现在合集里面基本都是最新可以用的MOD,本MOD合集合适刚玩造景的朋友,如果是新手玩家玩经营的话没必要全部订阅!都是比较基础的,全都很有用,一些不怎么用的上的占用配置的我都没放进来。B站有很多大佬有新的视频,大家可以去看看 订阅MOD和资产之前请退出游戏,等下载完成以后在进入游戏,然后在模组里面把MOD开启才能正常使用噢(本合集所有MOD我全部订阅了,无报错) 游戏报错的朋友请看这个帖子: ----
Treasure & Hunt compatible modlist from PazarCity
Collection by StayHungryStayFoolish
Modlist compatible with the Treasure & Hunt 1.17.1-f4 patch released on 21st June 2023! 221 mods work together! Other modlists are partial and not up-to-date. The essential or basic mods could interfere with the ones you could add later ... Please be aware
Collection by dachunbro
Hello铁铁们,我是大椿. 游戏更新后,很多小伙伴的游戏无法正常进入,我排查了一下mod,选择了我常用的推荐给大家。 更新时间:2022.11.7.11:00
Nicolet Bay One-Click Collection
Collection by City Planner Plays
The official mod and asset collection for the series Nicolet Bay. This collection is tested to be working with the Hubs and Transport update. Please note that the Mass Transit DLC is required to load into the map due to the highways used as well as the tol
Ultimate Beginners Guide to Mods in Cities Skylines
Collection by City Planner Plays
This is the official collection of mods referenced in the series The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Mods in Cities Skylines. These mods work well together and, in my opinion, form a solid backbone of a modded playthrough.
Modular distribution center (RICO)
Collection by Avanya
A collection of my modular distribution center complete with all the props needed. This includes your citizens' favorite delivery company CIM offices, 3 CIM vehicles including prop versions as well as real world companies. Without the mod Ploppable RICO th
YUMBL's Mod List
Collection by YUMBL
YUMBL's currently active mods. Subject to constant changes.
Collection by 秋梨糕
合集没有开启一键订阅,可根据自己电脑实际配置选取,内存太小就不建议全部订阅! bilibili@秋梨糕,更多视频内容和游戏实况请关注: 粉丝qq群:710853881(欢迎来打扰qaq)
Miyagi Motors factory complex (RICO)
Collection by Avanya
Ever wanted to build a large industrial complex in your city? Well, here's your chance! I present to you the modular Miyagi Motors factory complex - a collaboration between Darf, AJ3D and myself. More bits to come in the future, so stay tuned! ;) A big tha
Warehouses - Non-polluting RICO industry
Collection by Avanya
A collection of my warehouse buildings, which work with the RICO mod. Without it they are parks, so you can use them for decoration if you don't use RICO. All of these buildings DO NOT pollute, so you can have them anywhere in the city. Disclaimer For full
扬州小婷婷2023 1.3 自用 (推荐32G或以上). 合集持续更新中............!!
Collection by 扬州小婷婷
扬州小婷婷 2023 1.3 自用 合集持续更新中............!!. 注意:本套模组数量比较多,请看好自己的配置够不够,如果不够请订阅新手合集,如果电脑配置很好就一键订阅 本合集中含有娱乐模组Game Anarchy 0.9,开启本模组请关闭游戏自带解锁成就以下无限金币.资源等五个MOD!! 如果想玩本体模式请进游戏地图前内容管理的模组管理关闭 81(关闭81需要重新启动游戏生效)和 Game Anarchy 0.9 QQ群717757452欢迎大家进群探讨 MOD调试+DLC问题!!请加群联系
Collection by 杭电光头学长
都市天际线杭电光头学长模组合集~ 实时更新~永久有效 直播在抖音,记得来看哦
PHTNGaming Mods Collection
Collection by PHTN
My mods collection i used in my Cities Skylines project City of Westdale Checkout my series here:
Collection by 冰冰
新手模组推荐最新 正在正常使用中的模组,暂时没有问题,请按照自己的需求,以及电脑的配置,适量选择订阅, 模组不定时更新后,游戏自带了模组检测功能,本合集内模组若有绿色提示非报错,可正常进游戏使用, 模组功能简介如下, 1. Harmony 2.2-0:绝大部分mod的前置、依赖mod 2. Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.0:新加载器,在加载游戏时检查资产,加快加载速度 3. 81 Tiles 2 TESTING:新81格,解锁25格、81格,自带免水管、电线 4. Game
Collection by 数合天际
本合集包含由数合天际编写的《都市天际线模组推荐指南》中介绍的所有模组。 具体使用方法与模组参数,请移步指南和视频观看。 重要提醒 使用此合集中的模组请务必阅读《都市天际线模组推荐指南》。 本合集已取消“一键订阅全部”功能。 请按照自己的需求,以及电脑的配置,适量选择订阅。 订阅前请先仔细阅读每个模组的详情描述。 任何非全新《都市:天际线》版本订阅非此合集以外的模组后出现的任何问题,我们概不负责。 加载顺序 强烈建议使用Skyve将Harmony代码库的加载顺序固定在首位,这样可以最大限度的避免因为加载顺序导
Biffa's "Start a New City Like a City Planning Pro in Cities Skylines!" (2022)
Collection by Biffa
Biffa's Start a New City Like a City Planning Pro in Cities Skylines! (2022) This collection is accurate as of today, all updates and changes will be provided via a Load Order Tool xml which can be downloaded from my Cities Skylines discord: https://discor
Collection by 叫我百里就好了
千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 千万不要一键全部订阅!! 一定要挑选着用! 弄明白了才用! 建议先看教程! 如果不会用mod!建议先看教程学习怎么使用!然后再订阅~ 部分mod教程 B站有录制过,可以去搜索~ 链接:
Collection by 末夜孤魂
为方便交流,各位市长们组了一个Q群,群号为640841678,欢迎各位加入。 更新日志: 3月30日 新增Theme Mixer 2.5 模组 说明:由于Theme Mixer 2模组作者已弃坑,现由新人将其继承,并将持续增加可用功能。 目前测试正常,需要的可在合集底部自取,谢谢! 3月23日 Surface Painter已更新至新版,页面最下方自取。 3月22日 由于游戏更新,Extra Landscaping Tools已更新至新版,页面最下角自取。 3月20日 Extended Managers L
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