

Starbound Workshop
Is something missing from your Starbound Universe? Maybe you'll find it here amongst the wonderful user created mods, or maybe you'll make it yourself!
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Sisältävät luomuksen: "[OFFICIAL] FU BYOS Modded Race Patch"
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Näytetään 19–27 / 16,812
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The Foolish Modpack
Kokoelman tekijä TheFoolishWitch
Just a collection of mods i personally love to spice up my starbound gameplay, this used to be used for a server a long time ago
Futara's Official Server Pack
Kokoelman tekijä Soma
GiC-Dev's SB Modlist
Kokoelman tekijä Pop-Top Atlas
For rapid distribution and proof of compatibility.
Additional Angel Content
Kokoelman tekijä Oмεяυıп
Want to see all the mods related to Angels? This easy collection shows you all Angel-related mods, whether by the author Oмεяυıп or by the community! You're going to want to pick-and-choose in this scenario, because some mods may interfere with each other.
[RUS] Сборочка на 200+ модов. (v. 1.2)
Kokoelman tekijä Meow~?
Частично русифицированная сборОчка. Тестировалась на Nvidia 1070ti + i5-13600k с включенными шейдерами. Стабильные 60 фпс с редкими просадками до 50 во время стычек. Пожалуйста оценивайте и оставляйте коментарии, если сталкиваетесь с проблемами или если ес
Starbound Valley
Kokoelman tekijä Plee
The Starbound Valley 1.4 Server! 180+ MODS! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ CUTEBOUND! (◕‿◕✿) & TONS OF COOL RACES! RPG GROWTH! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง & NEW WEAPONS & GADGETS! THOUSANDS OF NEW ITEMS, COSTUMES, & DECORATIONS! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Come play with us at:
Just Frackin' Work!
Kokoelman tekijä Anomalous Beanbag
Just Frackin' Work! .. is a mod collection built around Frackin' Universe and it's recommended mods as listed on the Frackin' Wiki. Nothing more, nothing less. Purpose Starbound is old, abandoned and so is a good chunk of the workshop. This has created an
Is All This Really Necessary?
Kokoelman tekijä Aneemonas
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This modpack is a beta version I'm still working on this modpack. The plans is to add thousands new mods and balance each of them. All you need to do is pr
It's our time! (Biggest Starbound Collection, I think)
Kokoelman tekijä HLFlare
Well, Click (Subscribe all). Have fun, might wig out but it works. If any suggestions for changes and to help upkeep this wonderful mod collection and their mods to work together then let's do it. :D Thank you all of the creators and reuploaders and such!
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