Create and Share Custom Mods
The best mods for Total War: WARHAMMER III live here. Mods are made by players, for players and are not officially licensed by Games Workshop. Click 'Learn More' below to read our Modder’s Guide.
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Cataph's WH3 base collection: so it begins
收藏者 Cataph
Description updated in September 2023: The stable collection focuses on QOL mods, frameworks and some hard-to-miss stuff. Even if vanilla balance is all over the damn place, I'm as fastidious as always about it and I really want to try stuff first-hand bef
进阶选用MOD合集 B站搜索明曦xmD
收藏者 小铭
Radious submod
收藏者 泡泡茶壶 合集简介 收集热门R大 submod,搭配《Radious 中文版》使用;大部分都有汉化,发现无汉化的,可以联系我帮忙汉化 发现大部分合集排序很乱,所以做了这个合集方便我查找,如果也能帮助到你们就更好了! For English player: Collect all popular mods that support Radious and sort them out,you should only ch
战锤III通用Mod 数据&机制
收藏者 zero-max
本合集内容为影响游戏性的MOD,不影响游戏性的MOD合集可搜索同名合集,或点击在本合集末尾的链接 1. One Button Respec ◆ 一键重置角色技能(用来处理合邦将军乱点技能,1000金币一次,每人只可用一次) 2. Better Camera Mod ◆ 更好的视角(K关闭用户界面以获得更多电影效果、按“N”可在不隐藏单位的情况下进行缩放、按Alt+K键可以获得更逼真的战斗画面) 3. Toggle Chaos Realms ◆ 切换混沌状态(添加一个开关,关闭后乌孙不会咆哮,裂隙也不会打开)
全面战争:战锤3 自制及推荐MOD(含分类合集)
收藏者 Nameless Ghost
该mod是一个集合,随着优秀的作品越来越多,都放在一个集合内可能不是方便查找。 因此,该集合的底部,我将这里面的mod分成几类,大家可以按需收藏或订阅。 注:MOD是按照作者名称自动进行排序的。
[WIP] Kalessin's Fun Kitchen Sink 825: v4.0.7 Update [WIP]
收藏者 Kalessin
A Personal Introduction This is a compilation of mods to enhance the game overall, for vanilla and as lore-wise as possible! This is for overall compatibility, simplicity of subscription, Downloading, Locating them all, and quick usage across multiple mach
机制MOD合集 B站搜索明曦xmD
收藏者 小铭
收藏者 泡泡茶壶
简介 ATC ——桌面数据大修,感谢艾克大佬制作的如此优秀的mod,本合集仅含少量功能性mod,以贴合背景的mod为主 排序 把汉化拖上面,其余默认即可
Immersive Warhammer
收藏者 Avel'
After 2000+ hours of playing Warhammer 2 and 3, I feel that the game has become exactly the ideal that I have been trying to achieve by testing different mods, so I decided to share, maybe someone will like this collection as much as I do. Basically, the c
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