Create and Share Custom Mods
The best mods for Total War: WARHAMMER III live here. Mods are made by players, for players and are not officially licensed by Games Workshop. Click 'Learn More' below to read our Modder’s Guide.
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Sisältävät luomuksen: "Tabletop Caps: Thrones of Decay"
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Cataph's WH3 base collection: so it begins
Kokoelman tekijä Cataph
Description updated in September 2023: The stable collection focuses on QOL mods, frameworks and some hard-to-miss stuff. Even if vanilla balance is all over the damn place, I'm as fastidious as always about it and I really want to try stuff first-hand bef
进阶选用MOD合集 B站搜索明曦xmD
Kokoelman tekijä 小铭
Radious submod
Kokoelman tekijä 泡泡茶壶 合集简介 收集热门R大 submod,搭配《Radious 中文版》使用;大部分都有汉化,发现无汉化的,可以联系我帮忙汉化 发现大部分合集排序很乱,所以做了这个合集方便我查找,如果也能帮助到你们就更好了! For English player: Collect all popular mods that support Radious and sort them out,you should only ch
战锤III通用Mod 数据&机制
Kokoelman tekijä zero-max
本合集内容为影响游戏性的MOD,不影响游戏性的MOD合集可搜索同名合集,或点击在本合集末尾的链接 1. One Button Respec ◆ 一键重置角色技能(用来处理合邦将军乱点技能,1000金币一次,每人只可用一次) 2. Better Camera Mod ◆ 更好的视角(K关闭用户界面以获得更多电影效果、按“N”可在不隐藏单位的情况下进行缩放、按Alt+K键可以获得更逼真的战斗画面) 3. Toggle Chaos Realms ◆ 切换混沌状态(添加一个开关,关闭后乌孙不会咆哮,裂隙也不会打开)
全面战争:战锤3 自制及推荐MOD(含分类合集)
Kokoelman tekijä Nameless Ghost
该mod是一个集合,随着优秀的作品越来越多,都放在一个集合内可能不是方便查找。 因此,该集合的底部,我将这里面的mod分成几类,大家可以按需收藏或订阅。 注:MOD是按照作者名称自动进行排序的。
[WIP] Kalessin's Fun Kitchen Sink 825: v4.0.7 Update [WIP]
Kokoelman tekijä Kalessin
A Personal Introduction This is a compilation of mods to enhance the game overall, for vanilla and as lore-wise as possible! This is for overall compatibility, simplicity of subscription, Downloading, Locating them all, and quick usage across multiple mach
机制MOD合集 B站搜索明曦xmD
Kokoelman tekijä 小铭
Kokoelman tekijä 泡泡茶壶
简介 ATC ——桌面数据大修,感谢艾克大佬制作的如此优秀的mod,本合集仅含少量功能性mod,以贴合背景的mod为主 排序 把汉化拖上面,其余默认即可
Immersive Warhammer
Kokoelman tekijä Avel'
After 2000+ hours of playing Warhammer 2 and 3, I feel that the game has become exactly the ideal that I have been trying to achieve by testing different mods, so I decided to share, maybe someone will like this collection as much as I do. Basically, the c
Matthew's Immortal Empires: Lite Mod Collection (5.1.1)
Kokoelman tekijä Matthew39
ANOTHER COLLECTION? IN THIS ECONOMY? Yes, but hear me out. Given how big my previous two IE collections have grown and how tiring keeping track of all the mods and their compatibility between them became (this is just an excuse for me being extra lazy), I'
全面战争:战锤3 新机制/新功能MOD
Kokoelman tekijä Nameless Ghost
该合集包含在原版基础上新增的一些新功能或新机制,如关闭混沌魔域剧本、背景介绍事件、一键洗点、装备购买、人口机制、建筑排序等等,如有汉化我也会进行收录。 注:MOD是按照作者名称自动进行排序的。
TDDN: Marcher Lords Campaign Challenge
Kokoelman tekijä The Duke
The mod collection for the Marcher Lords Campaign Challenge
Naevens Tabletop Caps Collection
Kokoelman tekijä Naeven
Best mods to Dark Elves
Kokoelman tekijä r.eeelllll
My favorite race are dark elves. I'm creating my collection list for personal use, but I'd like to share it for anyone who might be interested. If you know any good mods for dark elves, please let me know because I would love to know
Best Multiplayer Modpack PVP
Kokoelman tekijä Krzeminski
This is the best multiplayer modpack
Kokoelman tekijä DaKatarn
"Welcome traveler, yes I recognize that look. You think you've seen everything like a disillusioned adventurer? Do you want a challenge to match your ambition? You want to feel the satisfaction of overcoming a real challenge? You want to feel worthy of bei
Radious Simple Brain
Kokoelman tekijä Nate Piercii
BIG MOD PACK operational (before the chaos dwarves) radious + mixu
Kokoelman tekijä RPOneParz1vaL
Campaign difficulty (For me) Marienburg = HARD
Mods Captain-Fracas
Kokoelman tekijä Captain-Fracas
Mods Campagne COOP Historique
Kokoelman tekijä templarblak
Zorbaz's Favorite Mods
Kokoelman tekijä _Zorbaz
This is a collection of all the best mods I like to use.
My Mods
Kokoelman tekijä Ki Adi Hoontang
Kokoelman tekijä 鼠人軍閥zs
描述 1 汉化(最上,最后加载) 2 美化 3功能性 4兵种 5传奇领主MOD 6大型独立MOD比如SFO 7各种框架支持(最下,先加载)
Age of Reckoning - a Dawi collection
Kokoelman tekijä Rauri
Multiplayer SFO Beta
Kokoelman tekijä Styles
SFO Beta mods
Bardin solo mods
Kokoelman tekijä Bardin
Lots of Gameplay changes - Not MultiPlayer compatible
Wurhmammer 3
Kokoelman tekijä Bönstugan
Personal wurmhammer 3 collection
Vanilla SUC Play this
Kokoelman tekijä Krzeminski
Kokoelman tekijä Risum
Skeennel Campaign / Battle / UI mods
Kokoelman tekijä totallwarwarhammer5
Много надстроек агрессивного и более умного ИИ, увеличение карты, минорные улучшения качества жизни. ВАРБАНДЫ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ!
Sivua kohden: 9 18 30 
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