Dota 2
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Create and submit new items (such as armor, weapons, clothing, Couriers, and more) for consideration to be incorporated into the actual game. Or help identify the best by rating up your favorites.
Dota 2 的 Steam 创意工坊

Steam 创意工坊大大简化了您表达自己想法的流程。在这里您可以上传自己制作的 3D 模型,一旦被批准,他们将会真的在游戏中出现!如果想要在创意工坊发布一个项目,请先点击右侧的官方文档链接进行了解,然后点击游戏主界面的“Steam 创意工坊”(或“Steam Workshop”)按钮即可提交您的请求。

Steam 创意工坊会让您在探索、分享您的游戏或软件时更加得心应手。每一款作品,在相应的创意工坊中支持的内容可能会有所不同。所以最好查看官方文档来了解物品创建与分享的更多细节。

当您在 自定义游戏与机器人脚本 页面下发现想要加入您的游戏的内容时,请点击“订阅”按钮。在大多数情况下该内容将在您下次启动游戏时自动生效。但是一些产品需要您前往游戏或软件内的指定区域以激活这些新内容。

《Dota 2》具备下列 Steam 创意工坊功能:
此创意工坊中 自定义游戏与机器人脚本 选项卡下发布的物品已准备就绪,可立即使用。在物品的详情页面中点击“订阅”按钮,该物品即可在您启动 Dota 2 时可用。
此创意工坊中 项目 选项卡下发布的物品并不会立即在 Dota 2 中可用。相反,开发者希望社区为自己最想在 Dota 2 中购买或解锁的物品点赞。最终,开发者会挑选出物品并添加至 Dota 2。
经过批准的创意工坊物品将会在游戏内商店出售,或者在 Dota 2 内解锁。
Blender is the free/open source 3D creation software for everyone, providing individuals and small teams a complete pipeline for 3D graphics, modeling, animation and games.
Handplane has been replaced by a full baking tool and supports normal map outputs for: Source, Unreal, Unity, and other game engines.
Various tools by Cannon Fodder, including:
  • 3dsmax import and export plugins for Source engine models
  • MDL Decompiler, a decompiler for Source engine models
  • Studiocompiler, a GUI front-end for creating Source engine models and textures
xNormal is a tool to bake texture maps ( like normal / ambient occlusion / cavity maps, etc.. ). It also includes a 3D previewer and Photoshop / 3dsmax / Maya plug-ins.
At Marmoset we strive to make better, prettier, locally-grown pixels for real-time applications worldwide. Makers of Marmoset Toolbag: the essential real-time artist's toolkit, now with Dota 2 shader support for your art contest and Steam Workshop needs.
SoMuchMonsters builds tools that help artists do more of what’s fun: art! From automating baking setups in ZBrush to auto-matching the Substance Painter viewport to DOTA’s in game shader, it’s about spending less time on the technical stuff, and more time making great art.
Facepunch is a thriving community of artists, modders and game developers with a history of ripping games apart and finding out how they work.
Since 1998 Polycount has been offering video game artists a place to learn, critique, and challenge themselves. If you check the credits to your favorite game, there is a good chance a Polycounter had a hand in it.