GameTrust Bundle

Закупуване на GameTrust Bundle КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Относно този комплект

"Song of the Deep, Has-Been Heroes, and The Invisible Hours.Song of the Deep, Has-Been Heroes, and The Invisible Hours.

Song of the Deep: From the creators of Ratchet & Clank, Song of the Deep is a metroidvania-style action-adventure game following a young girl’s quest into the unknown to find her missing father. It combines underwater discovery, skill, and suspense with a powerful story.

Has-Been Heroes: Has-Been Heroes is a challenging, lane-based roguelike game of strategy and action, featuring a band of heroes on a quest to escort the King's twin princesses to school!

The Invisible Hours: The Invisible Hours is a complex murder mystery in VR, in which players freely explore an intricate web of interwoven stories within a sprawling mansion.
This is not a game. This is not a movie. This is a piece of immersive theatre with many tangled threads.

Артикули, включени в този комплект

HK$ 99.00
Song of the Deep
HK$ 119.00
Has-Been Heroes
  Екшъни, Независими, Ролеви, Стратегии
HK$ 178.00
The Invisible Hours
Поддръжка на ВР  Приключенски, Неангажиращи
HK$ 396.00
Цена на продуктите поотделно:
Отстъпка за комплекта:
HK$ 198.00
Цената Ви:
HK$ 198.00
Ето какво спестявате при закупуването на този комплект

Закупуване на GameTrust Bundle КОМПЛЕКТ (?)