Mua Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Imperium Complete BỘ (?)

HK$ 386.95

Về bộ này

Imperium Complete is a bundle including Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon and all its 6 expansions. Complete your collection by buying only those DLCs which you don’t own yet and save money with a discount of 29% on the total price!
Play as the mighty Imperium of Man in its struggle against the invading Orks in the second war for Armageddon. Lead the Imperial Guard, the Steel Legion, or three mighty chapters of the Space Marines: Salamanders, Blood Angels and Ultramarines!

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HK$ 386.95
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HK$ 158.05
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Mua Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Imperium Complete BỘ (?)

HK$ 386.95