Amaze! + Light it Up

Mua Amaze! + Light it Up BỘ (?)

HK$ 66.00
HK$ 17.82

Về bộ này

Paint puzzles, light up action!

Color and paint your way through the puzzles in Amaze! Think carefully about your moves as you have to fill every square in each puzzle. Compete with a friend to be the first to complete each puzzle, but be careful, if you cant fill every space, you're stuck in that maze!

In Light It Up Test your agility and reflexes as you hop from shape to shape through 150 levels of platforming action! Collect stars to unlock more levels, hone your skills through each level to ge the best possible performance and light up every shape!

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Light-It Up
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Giảm giá theo bộ:
HK$ 17.82
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HK$ 1.98
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Mua Amaze! + Light it Up BỘ (?)

HK$ 66.00
HK$ 17.82