Triple Threat

Mua Triple Threat BỘ (?)

HK$ 157.25

Về bộ này

Project Warlock is a throwback retro shooter set over five sprawling worlds filled with demons, secrets and tens of weapons and spells to use set to the tune of over a 100 tracks amounting to nearly 5 hours of music. With 15% off if you get Project Warlock II and Impaler as well.

Impaler is a minimalist arena shooter where you summon spikes to slay monsters, build barriers, and reach higher ground. Defeat the Skull King to beat your high scores to unlock new weapons and skills. Each run is a unique challenge! With an extra 15% off in this bundle if you get Project Warlock and Project Warlock II as well!

Project Warlock II is an adrenaline-pumping gore retro funhouse that’s full of guns, magic, demons, vertical arenas, 3D visuals, 2D sprites, and heavy metal music. Now available in Early Access and with an extra 15% off in this bundle if you decide on Impaler and Project Warlock too!

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

HK$ 70.00
Project Warlock
  Hành động, Indie
HK$ 82.00
Project Warlock II
  Hành động, Indie, Truy cập sớm
HK$ 33.00
  Hành động, Indie
HK$ 185.00
Giá bán lẻ các sản phẩm:
Giảm giá theo bộ:
HK$ 157.25
Chi phí phải trả:
HK$ 27.75
Đây là khoản bạn tiết kiệm được khi mua bộ này

Mua Triple Threat BỘ (?)

HK$ 157.25